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The Revenant | Dec 25 Limited, Jan 8 2016 wide | Opening in select IMAX theaters Jan 14th.

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Yeah Leonardo looks like a complete idiot with that beard. I feel bad for him


As someone who struggles to grow anything beyond designer stubble, you really have to know when to say 'no. This isn't working. I can't do this.' One day DiCaprio may have that moment of clarity.

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As someone who struggles to grow anything beyond designer stubble, you really have to know when to say 'no. This isn't working. I can't do this.' One day DiCaprio may have that moment of clarity.


He kept that beard for the movie, they are still shooting the very last scenes.

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As crappy as this shoot is, there's a big difference between it and MIDNIGHT RIDER.

Allegiant Part 1 apparently tried to kill the child actors on set: http://www.onscreenfilm.com/news/divergent-sequel-filming-halted-by-child-endangerment/

On the set of the upcoming Allegiant, the children were forced to duck and weave through a crowd of over a hundred untrained adult extras swinging heavy metal weaponry including scythes, steel pipes, hammers, machetes, axes, saw blades, and clubs.

Thankfully, no one was seriously injured on the first day of filming the scene, and a whistleblower has put a stop to the chaotic production continuing.

The concerned individual is said to have been an extra during filming, who says they personally knew Sarah Jones, the camera assistant who was killed by a train during unsafe working conditions on the set of Midnight Rider last year, felt “concerned” at the practices happening on the set of the Divergent franchise’s production.

“I had to do a double take when the prop master passed out the weapons to the extras,” the witness said, writing to the film’s safety consultant, “I went around and handled the weapons for myself and saw that they were steel and aluminium, with bladed edges, and some were quite sharp.”

Further reports made clear that it wasn’t simply the weapons that were unsafe, but the conditions with which the extras were expected to film in were allegedly unacceptable as well.

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Allegiant Part 1 apparently tried to kill the child actors on set: http://www.onscreenfilm.com/news/divergent-sequel-filming-halted-by-child-endangerment/



Oh, for fucks sake that insane.  How did it even get that far?


At least one person was paying attention.  Some, be it on big studio movies or fly by the seat of your pants small indies seem to have learned nothing from Midnight Rider or The Twilight Zone.

Edited by TalismanRing
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This may sound bad but the Sarah Jones incident seems to have had a very positive and constructive impact on parts of the film industry as there is a greater awareness of safety concerns. 

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Jesus hadn't heard about Midnight Rider.

Terrible story, my heart goes out to Sarah Jones and her family. What the hell was that film crew thinking?

 Damn, dude, they really keep you locked away from production, don't they? :lol: 

Allegiant Part 1 apparently tried to kill the child actors on set: http://www.onscreenfilm.com/news/divergent-sequel-filming-halted-by-child-endangerment/

 What the hell? That's a giant lawsuit about to happen. How on earth did that sort of shit get overlooked? Jesus Christ, it's not some speevy microbudget indie. 

Oh, for fucks sake that insane.  How did it even get that far?


At least one person was paying attention.  Some, be it on big studio movies or fly by the seat of your pants small indies seem to have learned nothing from Midnight Rider or The Twilight Zone.

Yeah, geez, no kidding.

This may sound bad but the Sarah Jones incident seems to have had a very positive and constructive impact on parts of the film industry as there is a greater awareness of safety concerns.

There has been some greater awareness, and the unions have gotten a bit more involved, but production in general needs to be far more protective of its workers. Haskell Wexler, the great DP, has been pushing for shorter days for at least a decade, but so far there's been little movement in that direction. A real shame.

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Death and injuries happen, but most of the time it's truly a freak incident, not negligence.

Yeah, no doubt. "You have 60 seconds to get off the tracks!" Is certainly not a freak occurrence. That was just stupid. Negligent. Wrong.

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I am starting to wonder about the kid who was forced to get his balls frozen on the set of The Revenant suffering for the "Art of Inarritu", Will Poulter is 22 ... it fits.

Edited by The Futurist
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