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Weekend estimates thread TA 103,052,274!!

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Ha ha, i'll be here don't worry about that.

I never said that you wouldn't, mate. And that's exactly what I'm afraid of. Funny that you'd think that I would think that you would disappear if THE AVENGERS gets to break TITANIC and AVATAR records.One question though, if hipothetically THE AVENGERS breaks those records, would THE AVENGERS become a better movie in your eyes and all of sudden detract of your enjoyment of TITANIC and AVATAR?I ask that because I really don't care if THE AVENGERS breaks TITANIC and AVATAR records, I just think there is a real possibility. And I fail to understand why that would be a problem to you,but to each his own.:D Edited by iJackSparrow
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Well, why The Hulk is loved in TA ?Very simple.For the first time in the movies, Banner is not the victim of The Hulk.He takes control of it and uses it to do something cool and heroic.THe line from Banner is just 100 % Joss Whedon style : "Well, you see the secret is that I am always angry" and then he uses his anger to turn into The Hulk, intentionnaly.This scene is just gold and Ruffalo is just perfect in it.

Edited by The Futurist
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I never said that you wouldn't, mate. And that's exactly what I'm afraid of. Funny that you'd think that I would think that you would disappear if THE AVENGERS gets to break TITANIC and AVATAR records.

One question though, if hipothetically THE AVENGERS breaks those records, would THE AVENGERS become a better movie in your eyes and all of sudden detract of your enjoyment of TITANIC and AVATAR?

I ask that because I really don't care if THE AVENGERS breaks TITANIC and AVATAR records, I just think there is a real possibility. And I fail to understand why that would be a problem to you,but to each his own. :D

No it wouldn't and no there isn't.
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lol as I predicted, Sat night business is up from Friday night business.Many theater that did not sellout last night are today.Anyways my Theater has 5 sellouts for tonight an additional show was 99% full so we can say 6.Likely another 2-3 will sellout today I think

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Well, why The Hulk is loved in TA ?Very simple.For the first time in the movies, Banner is not the victim of The Hulk.He takes control of it and uses it to do something cool and heroic.THe line from Banner is just 100 % Joss Whedon style : "Well, you see the secret is that I am always angry" and then he uses his anger to turn into The Hulk, intentionnaly.This scene is just gold and Ruffalo is just perfect in it.

I totally agree. The 'woe is me / I have no other purpose other than looking for a cure' Bruce Banner is SOOOOOOO boring at this point. Bruce Banner AND the Hulk were useful in TA.
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I can't stand XFC. I have a ton of issues with the film but near the top would be:McAvoy and his 'finger to the temple / now I'm constipated' look. Some how previous actors playing Charles Xavier (they know who they are!) managed to convey use of his mental powers without resorting to something so absurd.The casting of Kevin Bacon. Shaw is a physically imposing character in the comics. Kevin Bacon is a shrimp. He looked like a child in Magneto's helmet.Banshee and the chick that flys and spits blobs of acid are d-listers and their powers look horrible on the big screen.Fassbender was wasted in that film. Only good thing was Rose Byrne running around in her underwear.

Ha ha!Agree about the *points finger to temple and squishes face* thing. That bothered me too.I thought Kevin Bacon was fine. I was actually watching the X-Men animated series last night--- The Phoenix Saga to be exact-- and Shaw was featured in the episodes but he was very different than the film's Shaw. He was dressed in Colonial garb for some reason and I think he was a telepath as well...Yeah, Fireball girl was useless, but I thought Banshee was pretty cool. Who cares anyway? There's always secondary characters.As for Fassbender being wasted, well, I think you're insane :P
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I don't care for FC outside of the romance.

Beast was okay in the film until he actually becomes the Beast. The make-up was horrible. Beast looked x10 better in Last Stand.And of course Jennifer Lawrence is easy on the eyes.
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Beast was okay in the film until he actually becomes the Beast. The make-up was horrible. Beast looked x10 better in Last Stand.And of course Jennifer Lawrence is easy on the eyes.

Jennifer could read outloud some HTML code and make it sound interesting, profund and meaningful
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As for Fassbender being wasted, well, I think you're insane :P

I'm just saying he deserved to be in a better film. :)First Class actually made me LIKE Last Stand (by comparison). Something I'll never forgive it for.
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:lol: :lol: :lol:It is definitely not subtle. Has anyone asked the filmmakers/actors about that?

Pointless because they will deny deny deny. It's right there for anyone watching but many moviegoers would rather remain oblivious
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Well, why The Hulk is loved in TA ?Very simple.For the first time in the movies, Banner is not the victim of The Hulk.He takes control of it and uses it to do something cool and heroic.THe line from Banner is just 100 % Joss Whedon style : "Well, you see the secret is that I am always angry" and then he uses his anger to turn into The Hulk, intentionnaly.This scene is just gold and Ruffalo is just perfect in it.

Why can he control it out there, though, and not in the plane when he was trying to kill BW? That part didn't make sense to me.
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Why can he control it out there, though, and not in the plane when he was trying to kill BW? That part didn't make sense to me.

Because Loki's staff was messing with his mind, so he wasn't in full control of his emotions. And Hulk is a manifestation of one of his emotions (anger), so he needs to channel it rather than let it channel him in order to have some control
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