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  1. 1. Grade Prometheus

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Transformers 3 is a miracle film lol.And btw, the giant dead bodies that they found is what freaked those 2 guys out so they were expecting that when Janek told them the probe was picking up a lifeform. When they found that it was a little worm, thats when one of them started laughing and that it was harmless. Keep up the epic fails baumer.

Personally my standards for behavior from hand picked scientists on a trillion dollar expedition are a bit higher. And when the one guy gets stoned in his suit I knew Weyland's money was extremely well spent!But then again Shaw seemed well trained in multiple areas of study just to further the plot so maybe Weyland spent the money he saved on the geologist on her.
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Personally my standards for behavior from hand picked scientists on a trillion dollar expedition are a bit higher. And when the one guy gets stoned in his suit I knew Weyland's money was extremely well spent!But then again Shaw seemed well trained in multiple areas of study just to further the plot so maybe Weyland spent the money he saved on the geologist on her.

Personally. Thats the key word there.
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Adm, are you suggesting highly professional people don't smoke a bowl every now and then? Really, of all things that's probably one of the more believable.In terms of their behavior, yes, it was a bit silly. And as Shpongle said, they were leery of the large dead bodies... but since the hardcore action happened 2000 years earlier, I don't think they were immediately expecting to be attacked, least of all by smallish worm things.

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Adm, are you suggesting highly professional people don't smoke a bowl every now and then? Really, of all things that's probably one of the more believable.In terms of their behavior, yes, it was a bit silly. And as Shpongle said, they were leery of the large dead bodies... but since the hardcore action happened 2000 years earlier, I don't think they were immediately expecting to be attacked, least of all by smallish worm things.

Well if you believe Dazed and Confused Martha Washington had a bowl waiting for George every day when he came home...I just think it was an odd time and place to not have your wits about you.Smoking weed is generally not a story element in most serious Sci-fi. Edited by Adm56
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This makes me like the movie even more. It really is genius in that sense because its so true after reading these forums for the last few days. It basically has internet arguing over their own opinions and conclusions, not facts.

I felt the movie was at it's strongest when they make you draw your own conclusions. I just wanted way more of that. They did a great job at the beginning just unabashedly tossing things out there without much exposition in very much a 2001 style, but by the end they're spelling things out to us a little much for my tastes. Part of what worked so well with Alien and had me interested in exploring the backstory in Prometheus was that, in Alien, Scott effectively said "Fuck you, I'm not explaining anything" and that's that. Which is awesome. It's what gave us 33 years of theorizing and making up our own versions of how things came to be. Who's the Space Jockey? What kind of ship is that? Why are all these eggs here? Where did the xenos come from? "Fuck you. Doesn't matter." Somehow that all happened and now these poor people are going to just try to stay alive. And I love that. :)
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I read an opinion on another forum which had an extremely bleak view (but that isn't contracted by any facts and fits both storylines): that the Engineer ship that crashed on LV-426 was Shaw's and David's ship, and that the dead Space Jockey in it is Shaw... which means she gets impregnated at some point in future Prometheus stories.

Fun thought and I'm sure something suitably bleak will eventually happen to them, but unless she somehow grows 4 feet taller, she's not the Space Jockey from Alien.
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Well if you believe Dazed and Confused Martha Washington had a bowl waiting for George every day when he came home...I just think it was an odd time and place to not have your wits about you.Smoking weed is generally not a story element in most serious Sci-fi.

Putting aside the stereotypes, a TON of people smoke up, in all professions: lawyers (prosecutors and defense attorneys) smoke, firefighters smoke, policemen smoke, scientists smoke, CEOs smoke.......etc.As to what they were thinking: at that point they were just relaxing. They were in contact with the ship, they knew what the situation was, they were safe, all they needed to do was wait out the night. Annoying, and maybe a bit creepy, but nothing really that bad.
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I felt the movie was at it's strongest when they make you draw your own conclusions. I just wanted way more of that. They did a great job at the beginning just unabashedly tossing things out there without much exposition in very much a 2001 style, but by the end they're spelling things out to us a little much for my tastes.Part of what worked so well with Alien and had me interested in exploring the backstory in Prometheus was that, in Alien, Scott effectively said "Fuck you, I'm not explaining anything" and that's that. Which is awesome. It's what gave us 33 years of theorizing and making up our own versions of how things came to be.Who's the Space Jockey? What kind of ship is that? Why are all these eggs here? Where did the xenos come from? "Fuck you. Doesn't matter." Somehow that all happened and now these poor people are going to just try to stay alive. And I love that. :)

Yeah, that's true. But the interesting thing is, he's answered some of those questions (sometimes a bit vaguely), but he's also been deliberately ambiguous with a lot of the new elements he introduces this time around. We know that the Engineers seeded Earth for human evolution, but who was the single Engineer? Was he a sacrifice? A renegade? An outcast? For that matter, although the Engineers guided our evolution, why do they now choose to make us extinct? Out of arbitrary callousness (they're done playing around with us, we aren't interesting enough, etc)? Out of defense? Are there two factions, one uplifting us, one destroying us?The Engineers clearly had a whole arsenal of bio-weapons. (That big face-hugger Cthulhu thing at the end was clearly designed for a really big mammal.) Was what they did to earth how they went about business in general? Or were we a special case?
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Interesting choice of words. I deal with it (ambiguity) a lot at work. Which is probably why I enjoy being told a story while others may enjoy the 'fill in the blanks on your own' moments more.

Well, of course, we all have different aspects we may prefer. But I disagree that being told a story means a great deal of specificity... and I disagree that PROMETHEUS did not tell a story, or a plot.
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But the difference here is that I don't like the film for what I perceive to be some very poor choice in logic. That's how I feel. I don't tell people they are stupid or idiotic or a douchebag for not feeling the same as me. I don't know why Shpongle has to do it.

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The one thing I really liked about it is that it makes you think. It's not spoon feeding you every little bit of info.I truly hope Scott gets to make the sequels he's talked about because I'm very interested in seeing his answers for the questions that have been raised here.The more and more I think about it, the more I'm coming to really appreciate this movie.

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Until the new BLADE RUNNER movie, I don't think he has. But I think at this point he wants to play with what's fun to him. He's only got, what, a decade of directing left, maybe?I could easily see him doing a PROMETHEUS sequel. But we all know the real way to do it is for Cameron to direct PROM 2 and Fincher to direct PROM 3. Right? :D

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