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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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GG setup the entire first trilogy and Osborn is still an integral part of the new series.Venom's impact in the films? Nothing. In fact it was mostly negative. He just looked like an evil version of Spider-Man, I doubt the public took him seriously at all.

GG, Doc Ock and even Dr. Connors are far more important to Parker compared to Venom.The reason I wanted Venom to work is because I want Spider-Venom/Carnage in a movie. I always loved 90's Spiderman cartoon with Spider-Venom/Carnage taking on all of the Spidermans. I would pass out literally, if we ever get that movie. :stretcher:
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I completely agree. The birth of Sandman is the definite highlight of that movie, it's a shame it never really came together. I remember Raimi and Maguire saying how much they wanted Sandman in the third one during the SM2 press junket, doubt Webb will be given that sort of freedom.

Honestly, I'm preparing to hear an announcement that Webb won't be coming back. If we live in a world where Gary Ross can't come back for a Hunger Games sequel but Webb does for a TASM sequel, something isn't quite right.

I knew there was a reason I liked you. :wub:

Like me? You ARE me, as I recall.#InsideJokeFromTheKalDays :P
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BTW, I can't remember AA -- what was the reference you made after seeing the film (but before I did)? It had something to do with a fight, but I don't remember what the question was exactly...

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Best story/villain = VenomToo bad Raimi fucked it up..

Raimi fucked up just about everything with that 3rd movie.Fucked up Venom, fucked up Gwen Stacy, fucked up Harry Osborn, fucked up Sandman, fucked up Uncle Ben's death. I'm not sure there's anything he got right now that I think about it.
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I hate Venom and I hate the symbiote. People's complaints with him in SM3 - "He's not big enough", "He didn't saw we" and of course "He didn't have a big tongue". That's what Venom is, a cool looking character with a contrived story and a baffling legion of fanboys.

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Just for another perspective, back in 2002 I couldn't believe that GG was the main villain. Having grew up on TAS I always thought Hobgoblin came first, so it's hard to say who people think is his main villain. It's not as 100% as Joker or Loki or whoever.

To me it's always been GG/Doc Ock then everyone else. You can put Venom and Hobby up there, but they are not completely original(Hobgoblin is a GG clone and Venom just took Spider-Man's black costume-and Venom was not conceived for years after the costume was introduced) and have had little impact on Spidey's world other than basically being annoyances.There are other villains that have had larger impacts on Spidey's world , The Jackal/Carrion cloned him and Gwen Stacy(among others), Kraven the Hunter buried him alive for six days(he's still dealing with that trauma), a C grade character Sin Eater killed a Police Captain that he found out post mortem had loved him. Just to name a few.
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GG, Doc Ock and even Dr. Connors are far more important to Parker compared to Venom.The reason I wanted Venom to work is because I want Spider-Venom/Carnage in a movie. I always loved 90's Spiderman cartoon with Spider-Venom/Carnage taking on all of the Spidermans. I would pass out literally, if we ever get that movie. :stretcher:

I despise that ADD cartoon. The 60's, 80's(Not Amazing Friends, his solo one) and the MTV one are the only animated versions I like.
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BTW, I can't remember AA -- what was the reference you made after seeing the film (but before I did)? It had something to do with a fight, but I don't remember what the question was exactly...

No the film itself. That it felt too long and too short at the same time.
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I remember a few years ago getting together all the episodes of BTAS and STAS. I watched Batman first and couldn't believe it, my favourite show as a kid was even better to me 12 years later. I was so excited to watch Spider-Man and it kind of killed me to realise that cartoon is utter crap.

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I despise that ADD cartoon. The 60's, 80's(Not Amazing Friends, his solo one) and the MTV one are the only animated versions I like.

90's had the best cartoons period. Gargoyles, X-Men, Batman, Batman Beyond, Spiderman, Superman, Duck tales, Aladdin, Pinky and the Brain, and I could literally go on. Kids now days have absolutely no clue as to what is a good cartoon show.
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Sandman was one of the redeeming parts of SM3 for me -- up until the final act, anyway. Thought Church did everything he could with him, and he's way more cinematic (in a fantastical interpretation such as Raimi's films) than the Goblins. But he wouldn't work in this new universe, I don't think. They need someone more grounded in reality and of actual substance to Peter's character, which is where I think Green Goblin would play really well.

If Sony wouldn't have strong armed Venom into that third act a huge part of the problem with SM3 could have been solved right there. The whole main villian focus of the movie being on Sandman could have made that movie so much better.
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If Sony wouldn't have strong armed Venom into that third act a huge part of the problem with SM3 could have been solved right there. The whole main villian focus of the movie being on Sandman could have made that movie so much better.

I agree to a point but I didn't like how Raimi changed Uncle Ben's death. That death is the defining moment for PP/SM and he should've stayed true to the comics.
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If Sony wouldn't have strong armed Venom into that third act a huge part of the problem with SM3 could have been solved right there. The whole main villian focus of the movie being on Sandman could have made that movie so much better.

Rami could have still made the best possible film he could with Venom instead of messing it up
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90's had the best cartoons period. Gargoyles, X-Men, Batman, Batman Beyond, Spiderman, Superman, Duck tales, Aladdin, Pinky and the Brain, and I could literally go on. Kids now days have absolutely no clue as to what is a good cartoon show.

Agreed, the 80's had good ones too, but was really more of a guilty pleasure decade.
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  • Founder / Operator

No the film itself. That it felt too long and too short at the same time.

Ah, gotcha. Yes, I was left seriously wanting with that final

scene between Peter and Gwen, as well as the mid-credit tease

. Not as wanting as I was with the end of the 2002 film, but, still -- a very solid finale.

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Rami could have still made the best possible film he could with Venom instead of messing it up

Oh sure. Let's throw a great big monkey wrench into what you're working on and see how well you do. It's not that easy when the studio is messing with you. Do you think Nolan could make TDK under that kind of studio strongarming crap? In case you're wondering the answer is NO.
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