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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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Well I never expected $200m+ for the TDKR. I thought par for a normal weekend would be about $185-195m. As others have said the midnights are the only unaffected number we can look at. Once the daily actuals are released we can compare the internal percentages and multipliers to other films. There's little doubt in my mind that the various ratios would be closer to TDK then to a Twilight movie. e.g.Midnights:opening dayOpening day:opening weekendDaily drops. We'll get a better indication on Monday.

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This is the week I had expected BRAVE would hold well. And then came this lunatic.

This first numbers actually had Brave holding well, with a 35% drop. But now... I don't even want to look anymore. Edited by CJohn
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Did he just name Wimpy Kid as TDKR most direct upcoming competition?Although come to think of it, when you look at Bane in the movie, he may have a point.

Dumb comment is dumb. :rolleyes:
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Did he just name Wimpy Kid as TDKR most direct upcoming competition?Although come to think of it, when you look at Bane in the movie, he may have a point.

In terms of the family demographic. I don't think the family appeal is as great as some people think, but the numbers will tell the story. TBL and TE2 will be the other broader competitors. Edited by nAlkaline
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This is completely random but I'm saddened "Aurora" has now become shorthand for something so ugly instead of this:

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What facts? There have been no facts other then what I have posted here. Notfabio works for a major theater chain. Do you? You don't like Batman or Nolan? Good for you. But don't try and spin a tragedy into your own agenda.

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What facts? There have been no facts other then what I have posted here. Notfabio works for a major theater chain. Do you? You don't like Batman or Nolan? Good for you. But don't try and spin a tragedy into your own agenda.

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What facts? There have been no facts other then what I have posted here. Notfabio works for a major theater chain. Do you? You don't like Batman or Nolan? Good for you. But don't try and spin a tragedy into your own agenda.

I've never tried to spin the tragedy, I think it had a smaller effect than all the people that were predicting ridiculous numbers like 190-210m are claiming it did. Those numbers were NEVER in play anyways. Get off your high horse and stop trying to say I'm exploiting some tragic mass murder. Jesus you guys are priceless. Take off your Batman mask and atleast try to look at the circumstances of this OW objectively compared to TDK. Edited by Shpongle
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I've never tried to spin the tragedy, I think it had a smaller effect than all the people that were predicting ridiculous numbers like 190-210m are claiming it did. Those numbers were NEVER in play anyways. Get off your high horse and stop trying to say I'm exploiting some tragic mass murder. Jesus you guys are priceless. Take off your Batman mask and atleast try to look at the circumstances of this OW objectively.

Guess what? We will never know. And you can clearly see the effect in other movies of the top 10. This was heading to a 180-190M. The effect is huge and we have several witnesses confirming that.
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a few of my friends cancelled their plans to see it this weekend. Looking at it from the general public's pov, I probably wouldn't want to pay for something that I couldn't completely enjoy. I don't care how irrational you think that sounds. Not everyone cares that much about batman. For the casual viewers... the movie reminds them of the shooting, and I don't think there's anything wrong with them skipping it. It sucks for the cast & crew (and ppl who follow the box office) but what can you do.

Edited by senmitsuji
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I'm loving the way Shpongle and his playground buddies are painting people who say the shooting was the primary cause for the movie's disappointment as idiot Batman pajamas-wearing Nolanite fantrolls when at this point it's really anyone who's capable of an iota of rational thinking.

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I've never tried to spin the tragedy, I think it had a smaller effect than all the people that were predicting ridiculous numbers like 190-210m are claiming it did. Those numbers were NEVER in play anyways. Get off your high horse and stop trying to say I'm exploiting some tragic mass murder. Jesus you guys are priceless. Take off your Batman mask and atleast try to look at the circumstances of this OW objectively compared to TDK.

:rolleyes: I've already posted information regarding pre-release expectations. You chose to ignore it because of your agenda. I am not posting it again.
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