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Film Club- Revamped! Suggest films

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So, I'm gonna try this again since we didn't have much success on BOM before the move. This works like a book club. We select a film, watch it, discuss. You participate when you can, etc etc. Let me know if you're interested, and suggest films. It would be really fun if we can keep it going.

Just thinking, not sure how you are going to do this, but hopefully this won't be a continuing thread.I think you should get a sub forum for the film club - number this #1 - leave it here in speakeasy until the next one starts, #2, and then move this into the sub forum - so that people can also come back and review and still discuss each film over time.
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Discussion points for (500) Days of Summer:

What did you think of the technical aspects?:







What did you think of the relationship as a whole? Was Tom just being used (even though he was warned) by Summer? Do you think he deserved what he got for wanting more?

What do you think this says about office relationships? Do all end up this way, or do some really work?

What did you think about the jumbled story line? Did it enhance the story, or kind of confuse you?

What would you grade the film?

I don't understand - are we suppose to answer the spoiler questions - and why are they hidden?
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It's entertaining for the most part- JGL is wonderful, as always- but it's a crushingly sexist movie. Summer isn't a character (this isn't Zooey's fault, but the comparison between her character here and in New Girl is a conversation worth having). Try describing her without Levitt's POV. We never get any sense of her inter life, nor are any of her motivations throughout the film (kisses him, doesn't believe in love, dumps him) realizing of who this person is. So I never understood or cared when she dumped Adam. They're right in saying this isn't a love story, but it's also not the story of a relationship. More like it's about a guy who lusts after this object of a girl.Overall it's an okay movie, but a very, very shallow one. Imagine how much more interesting the stakes would be if Summer was a real, fleshed out person. Much like Webb's ASM, it looks really nice and does some nice things, but below the surface says some kind of awful things.I know a lot of you guys liked it so I'm curious to hear feedback.

Edited by Gopher
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It's entertaining for the most part- JGL is wonderful, as always- but it's a crushingly sexist movie. Summer isn't a character (this isn't Zooey's fault, but the comparison between her character here and in New Girl is a conversation worth having). Try describing her without Levitt's POV. We never get any sense of her inter life, nor are any of her motivations throughout the film (kisses him, doesn't believe in love, dumps him) realizing of who this person is. So I never understood or cared when she dumped Adam. They're right in saying this isn't a love story, but it's also not the story of a relationship. More like it's about a guy who lusts after this object of a girl.

Overall it's an okay movie, but a very, very shallow one. Imagine how much more interesting the stakes would be if Summer was a real, fleshed out person. Much like Webb's ASM, it looks really nice and does some nice things, but below the surface says some kind of awful things.

I know a lot of you guys liked it so I'm curious to hear feedback.

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Gopher, I disagree. Summer is a real character. We don't get to see her motives and intern life, because we see things from Adam's POV. But I can tell you that the film is very realistic when it comes to relationships and it is loved by people who experienced the same situation, mainly because they can relate to the story, which gives certain emotional engagement. There are plenty characters like Summer out there in the real world, majority are males to be honest, that's why this concept was very refreshing along with the storytelling narrative. The script is sharp and funny, the directing is solid with some clever ideas, the expectation/reality split screen sequence is brilliant with the perfect song choice. The casting is great, both lead characters are adorable. It is a really nice a feel-good movie. It does say some awful things below the surface, but that's the point, you don't have to have to make a clear judgement. What makes it very special for me is the soundtrack, one of the best movie track list of recent years.Script: 10/9Directing: 10/8Acting: 10/9Cinematography: 10/8Music: 10/10

Edited by The Dark Alfred
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Going off of memory, Summer is essentially a deconstruction of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl archetype that pervaded many rom-coms for the past 15 years or so. On the surface Summer presents many of the same attributes of the MPDG but unlike the cliche rom-com where the guy through pluck and determination wins the girl over, all he does with those actions is drive her away, just as she said he would. Plus the MPDG character traits are exposed to be flaws and potential traps that are superfically alluring but in the end not conducive towards real relationships and romance.

Edited by 4815162342
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Obviously they were going for MPDG (her favorite color is blue! Ringo is her favorite Beatle because no one likes him!) but the message of mislaid infatuation is undercut by the lack of any 'person' in Summer to assess. There was nothing believable for JGL to fall in love with in the first place. Just stop jerking this character around give her something to do. That's what Ruby Sparks did and the dramatic weight in that movie was much more palpable. And if 500DOS is deconstructing rom-coms then maybe the quippy best friend and the child who is wise beyond her years weren't really the ways to go.

But I can tell you that the film is very realistic when it comes to relationships and it is loved by people who experienced the same situation, mainly because they can relate to the story, which gives certain emotional engagement.

The guys I know who have seen it loved it but the girls I know who have seen it abhor it. This may not be reflective of anything larger but I completely understand why this is.
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I really enjoyed it as a quirky, fun film and the soundtrack was perfect.JGL is also solid in it, as he is in most of his films.The ending was good too, probably the hardest part of the film for directors.8/10

Edited by JCS
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Watched it last night and loved it. The split-screen and other stuff they did with the cinematography was fantastic, and the script is really sharp. The highlight of the movie is the dance number followed by Tom depressed at the office, such great mood whiplash. Summer is a very real character; I know quite a few people who are like her. The two leads do an admirable job, and I usually can't stand Zooey Deschanel's acting. Overall, a great movie. I'll answer the discussion questions later today but for now:Script: 9/10Directing: 8.5/10Acting: 9/10Cinematography: 10/10Music: 9/10

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I really enjoyed it as a quirky, fun film and the soundtrack was perfect.JGL is also solid in it, as he is in most of his films.The ending was good too, probably the hardest part of the film for directors.8/10

To me, it wasn't exactly a fun film, and in some cases it seemed like torture, with how the girl was acting.Wanted to ask everyone about the ending. In how the whole movie was made, to have such a Hollywood ending where they both find happiness. Him with a beautiful Minka Kelly. Edited by The Movie Man
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To me, it wasn't exactly a fun film, and in some cases it seemed like torture, with how the girl was acting.Wanted to ask everyone about the ending. In how the whole movie was made, to have such a Hollywood ending where they both find happiness. Him with a beautiful Minka Kelly.

Well it is a rom-com technically and I found it fun and enjoyable to watch.Though yes, it did act like a Drama film too.
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Discussion points for (500) Days of Summer:

What did you think of the technical aspects?:







What did you think of the relationship as a whole? Was Tom just being used (even though he was warned) by Summer? Do you think he deserved what he got for wanting more?

What do you think this says about office relationships? Do all end up this way, or do some really work?

What did you think about the jumbled story line? Did it enhance the story, or kind of confuse you?

What would you grade the film?

I thought it was directed very well. I mean there were certain scenes like

Tom singing scene

that are just perfectly done. The pace doesn't leave any scene wanting more or less.

Acting is great by JGL. His arc is very strong. I don't think Zooey got enough to work with as her character is very one dimensional.,

The script, while good in Tom's story, doesn't really flesh out Summer enough to make it a very strong film. The Summer in the film falls into the manic pixie dream girl trap. We only see her as Tom sees her. We don't know very much about her. We don't know what her goals are or what her life story is. Just that she doesn't believe in love.

The soundtrack is great. I own it.

Like I stated before the relationship is not a full one, it is only Tom's POV. So while in the past, I might have felt yeah, that chick's bad because she dumped him, I feel differently now. I think Tom got what he deserved. He tried to force his POV on Summer and she wasn't having none of it.

I don't think it says very much about office relationships because she was only a temp. Maybe if she was a full time worker there it may say something stronger but I don't think it does.

I didn't not find storyline jumbled at all. Pretty easy to follow when every scene has the day in front of it.

I still like the film but feel that out of this genre Ruby Sparks is better.


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Casablanca or 500 Days of Summer?

Typed this too fast - 500 - I just watched the movie, I say is a drama over a rom-com.and vote for the next pick is Casablanca - that I agree is a classic, and there are so many scenes that will blow people away.
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Typed this too fast - 500 - I just watched the movie, I say is a drama over a rom-com.and vote for the next pick is Casablanca - that I agree is a classic, and there are so many scenes that will blow people away.

Oh right, 500 DoS is a bit of both to be fair. Romance and drama and a dash of comedy.Hasn't Apocalypse Now won the vote?
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