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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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13 minutes ago, Bruce said:

shit,in Chinese BOT called TNABO,the Dr.Strange 2 box office thread had been banned with no reason........now seems our government start to banned all DS2 stuff and news on internet.....

This things never happend before even during Shang-Chi and Enternal period,This probably the sign that our government has started to deal with Marvel problem publicly.

Disney should issue a statement about this. An apology is must needed for any future negotiation (atleast for the future of its Universe)

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52 minutes ago, Leviathan said:

I'm expecting a serious pledge and apologize from Marvel/Disney (similar to Nike's case) to CCP in the next days.

It's not happening and never will.


Feige gave up on China after those cringy interviews trying to make Shang Chi happen lead to nothing

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2 minutes ago, Illuminegion Confirmed said:

LMAO :hahaha::hahaha::hahaha:


I mean it’s not like we expected this to release anyway. China had a good ride for Infinity saga, but government is too crazy now and we don’t really need the market so whatever.

I’m really confused by these “reactions” like we wasn’t expecting a release anyway so why now all the doom and gloom outrage? lol

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4 minutes ago, Issac Newton said:

Disney should issue a statement about this. An apology is must needed for any future negotiation (atleast for the future of its Universe)


Please keep updating the real news from Weibo/China @Issac Newton @Bruce @Olive
I think they will make a statement too. If a gigantic brand such as Nike can do it then Marvel has no point in not doing it. Ego won't give people food and money after all.

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38 minutes ago, Leviathan said:


First and foremost I don't mean to disrespect you but I believe Disney has a similar interest to mine, they care about the numbers and films' box office performances. And not to mention they're just cold blood capital companies, humans rights mean nothing to them. 

Human's right mean nothing to CCP either so.

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3 minutes ago, Illuminegion Confirmed said:

LMAO :hahaha::hahaha::hahaha:


I mean it’s not like we expected this to release anyway. China had a good ride for Infinity saga, but government is too crazy now and we don’t really need the market so whatever.

Yeah people here will act like this didn't get a release solely because of this petty stuff. 


When the reality is that China wouldn't release it. Probably not ban it but would never give a date. 


The fact that Disney still tries to after them rejecting and banning movies left and right... If I were Kevin Feige I would make a public statement, put a China flag next to me, and take a piss on it 😂😂😂🇨🇳🇨🇳 (jk) 

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3 minutes ago, Issac Newton said:

Disney should issue a statement about this. An apology is must needed for any future negotiation (atleast for the future of its Universe)

Yeah, even as an American, I tend to think they should apologize. With Chloe Zhao, it didn't make sense to apologize since a) her comments weren't unearthed until Eternals was in post-production b) apologizing for her presence would alienate so much of the Hollywood creative community. There's also a difference apologizing for a person attached to a movie and apologizing for something that snuck into the movie itself. The inclusion of the newspaper stand in Multiverse of Madness is most likely a production error and a mistake; while somewhat unbelievable that they didn't catch it, there's at least some room to maneuver in an apologize (and yeah, Chinese audiences would be able to read that text really easily… I'm not a native speaker and the text is clearly in frame/large enough/long enough that I could read it).


Business-wise, Disney/Marvel still have enough mainland connections that they'll want to get ahead of this (or at least, I would hope so). Even if the movies don't release in theaters, there's plenty of Marvel merchandise and clothing for sale in the mainland, as well as some presence at Shanghai Disneyland (although I'd expect the Marvel presence at the park to get scaled down if Marvel/the government can't patch things up soon). Might even be worth trying to reach out to Iger; current Disney administration is clearly not skilled with the Chinese.


Multiverse of Madness is thoroughly doomed, and this slip-up is bad enough that I've lost all hope for Love and Thunder (Wakanda Forever might be slightly more plausible but even then… my expectations are low). I still don't think Marvel is permanently gone from China, but… this is bad.

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It's not like Marvel needs China anyway. Just a shame that fans won't be able to watch the movie in theaters.


No need to apologize. It is not like this movie was gonna get a green light even before this happened. No need to kowtow to this overly sensitive government and its fragile citizens. 



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13 minutes ago, porginchina said:

Yeah, even as an American, I tend to think they should apologize. With Chloe Zhao, it didn't make sense to apologize since a) her comments weren't unearthed until Eternals was in post-production b) apologizing for her presence would alienate so much of the Hollywood creative community. There's also a difference apologizing for a person attached to a movie and apologizing for something that snuck into the movie itself. The inclusion of the newspaper stand in Multiverse of Madness is most likely a production error and a mistake; while somewhat unbelievable that they didn't catch it, there's at least some room to maneuver in an apologize (and yeah, Chinese audiences would be able to read that text really easily… I'm not a native speaker and the text is clearly in frame/large enough/long enough that I could read it).


Business-wise, Disney/Marvel still have enough mainland connections that they'll want to get ahead of this (or at least, I would hope so). Even if the movies don't release in theaters, there's plenty of Marvel merchandise and clothing for sale in the mainland, as well as some presence at Shanghai Disneyland (although I'd expect the Marvel presence at the park to get scaled down if Marvel/the government can't patch things up soon). Might even be worth trying to reach out to Iger; current Disney administration is clearly not skilled with the Chinese.


Multiverse of Madness is thoroughly doomed, and this slip-up is bad enough that I've lost all hope for Love and Thunder (Wakanda Forever might be slightly more plausible but even then… my expectations are low). I still don't think Marvel is permanently gone from China, but… this is bad.



I did think MoM might get released because CFA tends to overlook the lesbian aspect, Singapore cut the lesbian SW kiss but China didn't, which speaks aloud volumes that it's not solely China that is anti-LGBTQ and saying F-China every day won't change anything, but well I got surprised because it got banned by another more stupid random *** reason.

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3 minutes ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

And with this, now rest of studios hopeful for China release start looking after their movies to see any controversial signs to edit or remove from their movies.

Honestly, it must stressful editing movies for these morons. You just don't know  what will get your movie banned

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Just now, Leviathan said:



I did think MoM might get released because CFA tends to overlook the lesbian aspect, Singapore cut the lesbian SW kiss but China didn't, which speaks aloud volumes that it's not solely China that is anti-LGBTQ and saying F-China every day won't change anything, but well I got surprised because it got banned by another more stupid random *** reason.

Yeah, 100%. Even with Fantastic Beasts trimming six seconds, the state-sponsored tabloid Global Times posted an article quoting Chinese netizens being sad about not hearing the removed dialogue. China's not nearly as strict with LGBTQ content as countries like Singapore, Russia, Saudi.


With that said, how in the hell did Disney/Marvel miss that placement?? When you're budgeting for movies with the expectation that you'll earn money from China, due your damn due diligence. This is super black-and-white. Don't promote Falun Gong in your movie. Just don't.

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Wow lol..who the hell cares anyway ,not need to apologise to a goverment that its sensitive about everything....at the same time MCU doeasnt need china whatsoever especially when you consider the fact that disney gets only 25% of the total gross.


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2 minutes ago, john2000 said:

Wow lol..who the hell cares anyway ,not need to apologise to a goverment that its sensitive about everything....at the same time MCU doeasnt need china whatsoever especially when you consider the fact that disney gets only 25% of the total gross.


One note with China is that marketing costs in China are way, way lower than most other territories, so the 25% of the ticket sales can constitute comparable revenue off of similar grosses in other territories. It's still significant money, in other words.

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13 minutes ago, porginchina said:

Yeah, 100%. Even with Fantastic Beasts trimming six seconds, the state-sponsored tabloid Global Times posted an article quoting Chinese netizens being sad about not hearing the removed dialogue. China's not nearly as strict with LGBTQ content as countries like Singapore, Russia, Saudi.


With that said, how in the hell did Disney/Marvel miss that placement?? When you're budgeting for movies with the expectation that you'll earn money from China, due your damn due diligence. This is super black-and-white. Don't promote Falun Gong in your movie. Just don't.



Exactly, some are just very racist and very hateful/biased towards Chinese/China. At least in this forum section, there are some Asian and Chinese members who also understand the situation better. TBH I think Disney was just being stupid and uneducated with these things, they made Mulan and you know how disastrous it was, it's very likely that their film editor teams don't even know how to count numbers in Chinese. Understanding the meaning of Chinese advertisements on the street might be too hard for them.

On the bright side at least on Reddit, the Marvel fandom is divided now and they also don't want Marvel to lose the potential China market to DC either like us.

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4 minutes ago, porginchina said:

One note with China is that marketing costs in China are way, way lower than most other territories, so the 25% of the ticket sales can constitute comparable revenue off of similar grosses in other territories. It's still significant money, in other words.

It depends on the gross of the movie and most mcu movies make 200 mill at most

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3 minutes ago, Leviathan said:

Understanding the meaning of Chinese advertisements on the street might be too hard for them.

When you're spending $200 million-plus on a movie, it really shouldn't cost that much money to hire a Chinese speaker to consult and make sure you haven't missed anything painfully obvious that'll cause anger in Beijing and jeopardize some of your company's most important business interests. Disney has plenty of employees in the mainland, as well as HK/Taiwan (not to mention employees who come from Chinese families).


Hopefully this situation is resolved somewhat peaceably. But there are things that Beijing is really clear you can't touch in a movie if you want to play in China, and, well…

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