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Weekend Estimates Hobbit 36.7 pg 33

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On the contrary the entire result of The Hobbit has tremendous importance for the following reasons:1) Smaug is killed. With Smaug dead Sauron is unable to recruit the ultimate military game-changer who could and would have devastated many lands and armies. A dragon in terms of Tolkien's writings can turn the tide of any battle and influence wars.

No. It is said that only destroying the ring could assure victory so dragon would cause devastation until ring is destroyed. Also, his killing robbed Pelenor Fileds of even bigger majesty that includes dragon napalm-bombing the Alliance and roasting Eowimp. Fuck you Bilbo!

2) Dol Guldur is temporarily cleansed. Sauron is forced to withdraw to Mordor to finish collecting his strength and wipes out his allies in Mirkwood, setting back his plans by over 60 years before he is ready to challenge Gondor. Also, this gives Lorien and Thranduil's kingdom time to further prepare and when the Dol Guldur assaults happen in the War of the Ring, the Elves are able to resist and then counterattack.

There`s no counterattack by Mirkwood Elves in LOTR and Mirkwood Elves save Legolas play ZERO role in WotR. Also, it`s totally unimportant whether Sauron launches his attacks from Barad Dur or Dol Guldur, his fleeing from Mirkwood is a piss poor excuse for a movie. Who but rabid Tolkienites care where he is? All that matters is whether he`s destroyed or not, not where he builds his mansion.

2A) Also, the 60+ year delay allows Gandalf to finally realize that Bilbo has the One Ring! He doesn't confirm it until after Bilbo's 111th birthday party so if Sauron had made his move when Gandalf and others did not know of the Ring's placement, the entire quest for Mount Doom likely would never have happened (plus Sauron may have been able to outpace the good guys and send out the Nazgul to ensnare Bilbo before Gandalf could realize it).

Dwarves save Gimli don`t play any role, Men of Dale don`t play any role, Mirkwood Elves play no role. All those fuckin nations are fuckin USELESS and unmentioned in LOTR so who cares to see their story when there is no payoff in the only one that matters?
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Oh really? You who gave up on your club with the Oh-it`s-gonna-hit-$700 mio oh-ti`s-gonna-drop-12%-to$32 mio treachery and deceipt, you can`t forgive me who wasn`t even trying to undermine your club? The nerve! Besides, I`ve made it up to you big time because I`ve been cheering TH droppage despite the risk of raised warning alert. I already have one for PJ bashing so I had to dance on tiptoes a bit and be objective about damn Saturday jumps. But I don`t want this shit to pass BD2 let alone my baby FOTR. Now how are you going to make it up to me?

First, I have not given up on my club, not for a single second. My range is 950-1025m atm.... still well below ROTK.Secondly I am predicting 32m next weekend and 700m OS so that if (when) it doesn't hit those numbers, I can claim it had poor legs and brand it a flop and make another infuriating TH2 club for the loonies.I am not happy that my true face got revealed to everyone but you left me no choice! Happy now?
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It would not surprise me in the slightest if WB back-peddles on a third Hobbit film.

They can`t because that would leave them with an over 5 hour long movie.

As for next weekend, Les Mis and Django are going to be #1 and #2.

I hope you`re right. I hope they are #1 and #2 from Xmas Day onwards.
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First, I have not given up on my club, not for a single second. My range is 950-1025m atm.... still well below ROTK.Secondly I am predicting 32m next weekend and 700m OS so that if (when) it doesn't hit those numbers, I can claim it had poor legs and brand it a flop and make another infuriating TH2 club for the loonies.I am not happy that my true face got revealed to everyone but you left me no choice! Happy now?

Ok when you put it that way but what we really need is Shayhiri supporting TH. I know he was a big cheerleader but where is he now?Anywya, I want TH to miss $1 billion. It would be super embarrassing given 3D plus they can`t brag that it`s the second franchise with 2 $1billion movies. Edited by fishnets
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No. It is said that only destroying the ring could assure victory so dragon would cause devastation until ring is destroyed. Also, his killing robbed Pelenor Fileds of even bigger majesty that includes dragon napalm-bombing the Alliance and roasting Eowimp. Fuck you Bilbo!

Smaug is not tied to the One Ring. When the One Ring is destroyed Smaug would be unaffected save in that he would no longer hold any alleigiance to Sauron and is back to being a free agent ready to continue BBQing Middle Earth.

There`s no counterattack by Mirkwood Elves in LOTR and Mirkwood Elves save Legolas play ZERO role in WotR. Also, it`s totally unimportant whether Sauron launches his attacks from Barad Dur or Dol Guldur, his fleeing from Mirkwood is a piss poor excuse for a movie. Who but rabid Tolkienites care where he is? All that matters is whether he`s destroyed or not, not where he builds his mansion.Dwarves save Gimli don`t play any role, Men of Dale don`t play any role, Mirkwood Elves play no role. All those fuckin nations are fuckin USELESS and unmentioned in LOTR so who cares to see their story when there is no payoff in the only one that matters?

Your reading comprehension here was completely off-base. I said that the biggest asset of the Erebor Dwarves and Men of Dale is that they force Sauron to REDUCE his forces assaulting Gondor since his northern flank is now exposed. What is more: 10,000 or 15,000? The latter number. Gondor barely survived prior to Rohan arriving and with increased forces Sauron would have taken Gondor before Theoden rode to the rescue, perhaps even substantially earlier to the point that he would have moved on to assault Rohan itself.And I don't care about the fact that we don't see Mirkwood, Lorien, Dale, Erebor, etc onscreen in the LOTR films, it doesn't change the fact that they're there and they're being hit by Sauron's forces just as much as Gondor is. Their entire purpose is that they force Sauron to fight on a continent-wide front and they resist, meaning he can't focus everything on a single punch. Without them being there, Frodo and company would have ridden home to find the Northwest in ashes.And you don't even bother addressing the effect of the delay on the Ring realization itself, because you don't have any argument to even attempt a rebuttal.
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It would not surprise me in the slightest if WB back-peddles on a third Hobbit film.

I don't see how they can at this point without completely overstuffing a second film that will be completely at odds with how the first plays out.

Nor do I see why they would. They won't make more money by trying to put everything into just one more film. And it'd be creatively ridiculous to try and stuff what's left into one movie.

So...why would they back-peddle now?

Now they might try and get the subsequent sequels to be a little shorter, and leave more for the EE, but that's all I could see happening. no way in hell they cancel the third film, it would do them no benefit.

This trilogy crap was something they cooked up only in the last six months. And now that its backfired who is to say they wouldn't do an about face and nuke it?

There are so many bad reasons not to do this, and basically no good reasons. You guys are acting like this film is bombing and doing John Carter business. Have some perspective. Edited by kowhite
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Ok when you put it that way but what we really need is Shayhiri supporting TH. I know he was a big cheerleader but where is he now?Anywya, I want TH to miss $1 billion. It would be super embarrassing given 3D plus they can`t brag that it`s the second franchise with 2 $1billion movies.

Shayhiri saw the weekend number and locked himself in his room. He was so sad that he burnt the copies of 100 bestseller books he has written which were in his room, deleted everything on 5 very anticipated books he was working on, and resigned from his seven-figure-salary job. He spends all his day sobbing in his pillow..... nobody has seen or heard from him since.
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Smaug is not tied to the One Ring. When the One Ring is destroyed Smaug would be unaffected save in that he would no longer hold any alleigiance to Sauron and is back to being a free agent ready to continue BBQing Middle Earth.Your reading comprehension here was completely off-base. I said that the biggest asset of the Erebor Dwarves and Men of Dale is that they force Sauron to REDUCE his forces assaulting Gondor since his northern flank is now exposed. What is more: 10,000 or 15,000? The latter number. Gondor barely survived prior to Rohan arriving and with increased forces Sauron would have taken Gondor before Theoden rode to the rescue, perhaps even substantially earlier to the point that he would have moved on to assault Rohan itself.And I don't care about the fact that we don't see Mirkwood, Lorien, Dale, Erebor, etc onscreen in the LOTR films, it doesn't change the fact that they're there and they're being hit by Sauron's forces just as much as Gondor is. Their entire purpose is that they force Sauron to fight on a continent-wide front and they resist, meaning he can't focus everything on a single punch. Without them being there, Frodo and company would have ridden home to find the Northwest in ashes.And you don't even bother addressing the effect of the delay on the Ring realization itself, because you don't have any argument to even attempt a rebuttal.

It`s still not the story worth telling in 3 movies, none of it. All of them lack the excitement of LOTR and characters save Bilbo and book Thorin are completely uninteresting. Bard must be the most boring hero ever. He shoots the dragon, wants treasure for his people, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It`s a fine story when read before LOTR but not when it you read/watch it after it.
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And to think that Jackson might actually use the next 2 films to turn Bard into an interesting character!!! How dare he use the opportunity!!! We must stick to the short and generally undescriptive prose of the novel when it barely talks about characters instead of allowing the tightly confined material to breathe!!!

Edited by 4815162342
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Shayhiri saw the weekend number and locked himself in his room. He was so sad that he burnt the copies of 100 bestseller books he has written which were in his room, deleted everything on 5 very anticipated books he was working on, and resigned from his seven-figure-salary job. He spends all his day sobbing in his pillow..... nobody has seen or heard from him since.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Poor Shay. I miss him so much. I knew TH wouldn`t do as well as LOTR critically and otherwise because he was cheering it. Thank you, Shay! Thank you!
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And to think that Jackson might actually use the 3 films to turn Bard into an interesting character!!! How dare he use the opportunity!!! We must stick to the short and generally undescriptive prose of the novel when it barely talks about characters!!!

Well, he stretched a dinner at Bilbo`s into 45 minutes of nothing and created ZERO interesting characters. So first movie created none. There are 2 more left, the second introducing a bunch of characters including the said boring Bard (he has been given a young son - I don`t find that interesting), Legolas (he`s given daddy issues which means Borelando will be asked to do what he can`t - act!) , his daddy (he has an argument with his son, wow,so freakin intezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz), Tauriel the middle aged Katniss knock-off in a corset with hots for dwarf Kili (this is a bad fanfic, no way around it), beorn (this one is interesting only because he`s played by a convinced junkie) and Smaug (the only character out of new ones that matter). No, I don`t expect PJ to do anything interesting with any of them.
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Poor Shay. I miss him so much. I knew TH wouldn`t do as well as LOTR critically and otherwise because he was cheering it. Thank you, Shay! Thank you!

I am curious to see his response when he resurfaces. Pushing the boundaries of spin, it should be.
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This trilogy crap was something they cooked up only in the last six months. And now that its backfired who is to say they wouldn't do an about face and nuke it?

$900m are saying that. Studios have made sequels for much less reasons.Btw, it wasn't a studio attempting to rake in more cash, it was the filmmakers wanting to tell more of the story. Edited by Elessar
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And to think that Jackson might actually use the next 2 films to turn Bard into an interesting character!!! How dare he use the opportunity!!! We must stick to the short and generally undescriptive prose of the novel when it barely talks about characters instead of allowing the tightly confined material to breathe!!!

Hear, hear!
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It wasn't a studio attempting to rake in more cash, it was the filmmakers wanting to tell more of the story.

Oh, please, even you don`t believe in the "tell more story" excuse! PJ is a master of cash grabbin just like Lucas and more and more people, save jaded fanboys from TORN, see that. 3 movies out of one small book, EEs on top of already bloated TEs, he`s repeating himself but unlike LOTR this thing doesn`t have the same support to pull off all those ploys equally successfully.PJ needed to stretch TH because only ME made him relevant since KK and TLB sure as hell didn`t do the trick. No "tell the story" but all save face. Edited by fishnets
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Well, he stretched a dinner at Bilbo`s into 45 minutes of nothing and created ZERO interesting characters. So first movie created none.

And you haven't even seen the first film so this opinion is even shittier than Radagast's beard.
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