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Ezen Baklattan

CAYOM VI - Discussion Thread

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Sure. What's Harald's Dream about?


The movie is about a composer who wants to follow his dream: becoming one of the best composers in history.


I can't say more 'cause I would be spoiling it.

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Sure, I appreciate the help. I plan on finishing the first draft today (that meaning tonight in US time (that means the writing is pretty bad and non detailed.). Going to rewrite it tomorrow morning (which would mean 10PM or so US time), and then I'll send it to you if you want.


Forget what I wrote there. I fell down like a rock yesterday and slept for 12 god damn hours. Going to try today

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I agree with waiting until actual Oscars are done, but still doing a preliminary ballot. If we could do FYC ads, I'd definitely do a big one for Chuck Norris and Liam Neeson vs. Giant Spiders; Adapted Screenplay nomination is a longshot, but with Tarantino behind it, and the love here for it, it could possibly happen. :P

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Wouldn't Chuck Norris be an original screenplay?


No because it's based on pre-existing material (the Giant Spiders franchise and the fictional versions of the actors from the CN&LN series).


From the explanation of the AS Oscar: All sequels are automatically considered adaptations by this standard (since the sequel must be based on the original story).

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So we're using the academy definition, I've always really hated that definition. Toy Story 3, Adapted Screenplay my arse. 


But it makes the most sense. Any sequel automatically adapts from the pool of pre-existing fictional characterss and settings established by earlier films.

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But it makes the most sense. Any sequel automatically adapts from the pool of pre-existing fictional characterss and settings established by earlier films.


I can see the case for it if they switched screenwriters, but I think that if one person wrote the first one, and then they wrote the sequel it's still very much their own original creation and should therefore be considered original. But, it's one of those things I know I'm in the minority for. 

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I can see the case for it if they switched screenwriters, but I think that if one person wrote the first one, and then they wrote the sequel it's still very much their own original creation and should therefore be considered original. But, it's one of those things I know I'm in the minority for. 


I understand the reasoning. For example when my second and third films about the rise of the Roman Empire come out I intend to campaign for original screenplay since even though they are sequels technically, every character and event in the film that is being depicted is real and the films are not based on any artificial creation in any way.

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An interesting anecdote from today.


I was at a quiz bowl tournament today, and there was a question on musicals. Which musical contains the following songs? The first two were some Spanish songs that I couldn't recognize, but the third song was The Impossible Dream. It was Man of La Mancha! I impressed my team by getting this question right, and I may not have done so if you didn't make that film!


Thanks, Blankments!

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I've stopped focusing on Heavy Rain for now, and plan on finishing Harald's Dream first. I have to finish Heavy Rain in weekends, when I have some actual free time to do it... I get put off just by seeing how much I have to edit when I scroll down... It's 2/3 done, but the last 1/3 is the longest (videos on youtube reach up to 35minutes), so I'm pretty certain It's going to end up being longer than Avarice.


It stands at 12.1k words right now... This is going to be a pain in the ass for the reviewers next year.

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I try to keep my movies below 10K words, because anything longer than 10-12K for me is a chore to read (unless it's really good. There are a few exceptions to the 10-12K rule, but not too many :lol:)and I don't want my movies to be a chore to read. 

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