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4 day weekend estimates (Feb 15-18) pg 13

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True. Usually films like this fail to have an attachment with the audience that's why expansions don't happen.

And Jlaw, between talk shows,photo shoots, press, red carpets, award ceremonies and SNL tried to kill herself promoting the movie.


She was sick for a month, 100 + fever at the Globes.


Harvey said he waited to have her available to promote the movie before the big expansion.

That was the plan all along.

Edited by The Futurist
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And Jlaw, between talk shows,photo shoots, press, red carpets, award ceremonies and SNL tried to kill herself promoting the movie.


She was sick for a month, 100 + fever at the Globes.


Harvey said he waited to have her available to promote the movie before the big expansion.

That was the plan all along.


She loves her craft.

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The next Die Hard is going to have John McClane fighting the Yakuza with his great grand kids.


Aren`t Russinas ( DH5 villains) obsolete villans in movies already and attempts to pass the torch from famous character to offspring never work (Indy 4, UW4, Blade Trinity, this)?

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I wouldn't say it had rocky start. Weinsteins knew what they were doing and waited for the right time for it to go ultra wide.

Plus the movie made 40m+ with less than 800 theaters before the big expansion.


The movie, from the begining had incredible word of mouth and great drops.


Harvey tests his films so he knew it was a crowd leaser, more than what he ususally produces.

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