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Frankly, I don't see how the last two movies equal so much larger a dip than Rat and Wall-E back to back <_<

you are right Pixar was exactly in the same situation in 2008

Rattatouille was the lowest adjusted Pixar

Wall-E the second lowest

UP and TS3 were good

than Cars2 and Brave defined new lowest

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As I said before, Pixar's box office glory day will come back with MU and The Good Dinosour

Just thinking about how big a well done dinosaur film can be, drives me crazy

Jurassic Park , there comes the sequel you deserve

Edited by Bryan
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per se it is still an A-list animated movie DOM but pixar is starting to lose the international audiences (look Japan)

pixar has lost the status of unquestioned No 1

It was never really unquestionably number 1 from an OS perspective. Domestically, yes, but other studios can claim a stronger OS presence than Pixar.

Edited by Letsuseournoggin
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It was never really unquestionably number 1 from an OS perspective. Domestically, yes, but other studios can claim a stronger OS presence than Pixar.

Pixars position as number 1 was always based on it's ability to launch succesfull original movies - it's had 6 original movies pass $500m WW - far more than Dreamworks (2), Illumination (1) or Blue Sky (erm..0).

The trouble for Pixar is trying to compete in a Summer market dominated by animated sequels. Something like Brave would probably have fared much better with the same sort of Autumn/Winter release that Up got in Europe. But then you win some and lose some - next year Dreamworks have Turbo going up against MU and DM2 and that'll end up faring even worse than Brave has. :wacko:

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Sounds like she's got beef!!

Somewhat, I guess. At least she seems happy with how the film turned out and had her own group of people in Pixar supporting her. The way she talks about what happened, it sounds like it could make for an interesting dramatic film, especially with how she says she was still key to steering the film in the direction she wanted after getting booted off. I hope she does more great things with Lucasfilm.

Edited by tribefan695
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Frankly, I don't see how the last two movies equal so much larger a dip than Rat and Wall-E back to back <_<

The difference is that Rat and Wall-E got great reviews, so they didn't hurt the Pixar brand as much as Cars 2. Brave was a step up, but some of the bad will generated by C2 probably hurt its box office.

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Tangled beats Brave in all OS markets (even in Japan)

Tangled was superior in every way except for the name of the company releasing it.

The difference is that Rat and Wall-E got great reviews, so they didn't hurt the Pixar brand as much as Cars 2. Brave was a step up, but some of the bad will generated by C2 probably hurt its box office.

Cars 2 hurt it? How so? It opened perfectly in line with what Pixar movies open to. It fell in line right between Wall-E and the first Cars. This was never a 300M grosser. Those movies are rare. Only FN did it as an original (correct me if I'm wrong) and the closest thing since was Up. After that, Monsters Inc and TI as far as Pixar films go. You really thought Brave deserved to be bigger than those movies? Those are 2 of the best animated movies all time. Brave was just another good movie.

I don't want to rain on Brave too much -- but come on. There's Toy Story, Finding Nemo and UP -- and then all the rest of the Pixar movies -- and then Bugs Life and Cars 2.

Edited by Misadventures2x3
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