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Wadey Wilsoney

And it was going so well...

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No mention of Hancock yet? The second half is so lousy compared to the first that it's almost like it's two films spliced into one.


And speaking of films running out of steam early, Contagion's later parts bored me to tears.

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I kinda have to give props to KNOWING -- it was batshit insane, but it stayed true to its batshit insane premise and had the balls to follow it through to the conclusion.

Agreed. It's one of my top 100 films of all time.
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TPM - it really doesn`t start that bad even with Jar Jar but boy oh boy when we meet Annie and all the super racer Jesus shit starts hitting the fan.


The Village - I hate movies that build up some big mystery only to reveal eh that stupid shit this stupid shit revealed.


I wouldn`t put Prometheus on the list cause it hit Stupidsville the moment Bane desintegrated himself into atoms that spawned hairy humans and animals. And than it topped itself in stupidity department.,


TDKR - from John Blake`s sixth orphan sense telling him that Bruce is the Big B (nevermind that both disappeared from the public eye at the same time and that B was driving and using some expensive gadgets that only a billionaire could afford) the movie disolved into dumb shit.


Karate Kid - it made sense until the movie hit military booth camp mascaraded as a karate school and paint the fence "training" that makes one a champ in 3 weeks flat. It went to shit ever since.


Matrix Reloaded - one word... Zion. The rave, the sex, the cheesy outfit, the horrid supporting characters, yeeeesh.

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Well, BB`s second half (aka Batman half)  is positively weaker than the first half (aka Bruce half). The really overly complicated plot to bring down Goitham, the shitty action. However, I wouldn`t say that the movie goes off the rails. That`s what TDKR does. BB`s ending is still powerful and Scarecrow is awsome.

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I don't mind the second half of BB getting all comic-booky with the plotting because...guess what, it's a comic book film and Batman's villains usually have some cockamamie scheme to mess with Gotham. It fit with the tone of the film perfectly. Unlike TDK and TDKR it knew it was comic book at heart whereas TDK tried to become a version of Heat and TDKR tried to become a war movie.

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I don't mind the second half of BB getting all comic-booky with the plotting because...guess what, it's a comic book film and Batman's villains usually have some cockamamie scheme to mess with Gotham. It fit with the tone of the film perfectly. Unlike TDK and TDKR it knew it was comic book at heart whereas TDK tried to become a version of Heat and TDKR tried to become a war movie.

You GTFO too! :P
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I know i'll get some stick for this, but I think Looper falls apart once JGL hits the farm. It was going great before that, but it just stops dead and becomes tedious.


This. I don`t know why you would get some stick for saying what many are saying. The movie buys a farm when it hits the farm. Pretty much like Walking Dead season 2. Farm = death by boredom.

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I don`t know why WotW gets so much love around here but this movie is the definition of Stupidsville after first 20 minutes. The idea that aliens had 3000 years old technology waiting underground (why the fuck would you use something so outdated) to attack humans when they are at the height of their weapon power trumps Lindelof pretentious bullshit, but it`s everything after the set-up - the penis/vagina humans-collecting tube, Tim Robbins, stupid Chitwin turning up alive although his squad perished in a fireball, Shitto`s completely intact street with fuckin manicured lawn. Just die.

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I understand what Boyle and Garland were trying to do but we really didn't get a good explanation for how Pinbacker lived for so long on his own. I think the film would have been lots better if they spent a little more time on Icarus I just digging through the remnants of the ship and the messages/clues left behind by the crew, and then had a more meditative third act as one of the remaining members of the Icarus II slowly starts to fall into the same madness that befell Icarus I's crew before that member eventually tries to sabotage the whole mission.

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