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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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The best Loras scene was in Season 2 and was edited out:



Having said that, the Tyrells are such 2D ciphers in the books. The show has done a marvellous job fleshing out Margaery and Olenna. Mace is nothing to write home about in the books so it doesn't make a difference to me how he's portrayed on the show. Loras could do with a little more badassery but it's ok. He has his moments like in the tourney, Blackwater and the zingy comeback he delivered to Jaime in "The Lion and the Rose". It's not like his character has a satisfactory resolution in the books. Unspoiled me is sure the show will probably be an improvement there.


This is great. Natlie Dormer is just great.

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watching game of thrones season 5 finally , i feel like its ok to catch up now that we're catching up in real time with leaked episodes !


also watched episode 9 and 10 of season 4 to refresh my memory , its after midnight i should go to sleep but nope !

its funny how i got a tad emotional watching the last episode though , arya , the hound and brienne of tarth fight , tyrion bloody exit from king's landing etccc
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lol Drogon be like just came to holla mom! ok ok you saw me ! don't touch me i'm a big boy now ! ciao be seeing ya !


DID you see the size of him whaaaat !!!! :blink:


hmmm sam pulled a smooth one on john !! see people reading isn't an iddle occupation for idle minds!!!


ok episode 3 now , episode 4 plays this sunday right ?

Edited by Mistress of RDJ TONY STARK
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You do realize that something doesn't have to "happen" in every episode, right? There also needs to be characterization.

Also, I think plenty happened. There were lots of goodies in the exposition & dialogue as well.

Edited by House Cozmees of Everdeen
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Littlefinger continues to be Exposition Master. His plan is also far simpler than in the book, but also way riskier and full of holes.


Melisandre is dropping all pretense of subtlety with Jon Snow from the book. And it's weird she is going with Stannis since that's the complete opposite of the book.


The black robes and ominous sinister chanting music is by no means an indication on whether the High Sparrow and his minions are bad people, no sir, not a hint at all. Tommen meanwhile has absolutely no clue on what to do, which happens when the only three people in his family who are qualified teachers are A) Dead, B] A Fugitive on the run, or C) Insulted and gone off to sulk at Casterly Rock.


Elliara luckily has pulled back from the snarllng B-movie villain of Episode 2, but we'll see how her character 180 from the books goes with her Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. Jaime and Bronn's Excellent Adventure is off to a good start.


You know, for such allegedly skilled fighters, those Unsullied really went down easy against a mostly untrained mob wearing little to no armor. And dat cliffhanger. From the Episode 5 promo we know at least one of the two will not make it (a body lying in state).

Edited by Numbers of Westeros
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And I do like how they continue to make Mace Tyrell the biggest buffoon oaf who ever buffooned oafed. His book counterpart is more competent, but he also has some even bigger buffoon oaf ideas.

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I forgot, this might be the first time we actually got a really good Stannis scene ever.



But it's balanced out by one of the best fighters in Westeros being arrested by a goon squad with almost no trouble.

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Hey numbers (or any other book readers), what do you think about this possibility:

I believe they're dropping all these R+L=J hints at once for a reason. They have yet to mention Azor Ahai on the show. I'm thinking that MAYBE Melisandre will ask R'hollor to show her the "one true king" (which is the only thing she calls Stannis) and R'hollor will show her "only Snow." Then she figures it out. THEN, before she can tell Jon, the Ides of Marsh happens. Which then leads to her aiding however she can because she knows the truth about Jon?


Edited by House Cozmees of Everdeen
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