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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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I'm a fan of the show who decided to go back and read what the show had covered by the end of season 4 (so I read up to the end of A Storm of Swords). All this to say I have some familiarity with the novels, but I also haven't read the fourth and fifth books.


I have one question for people who have read A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons. ASOS was long enough and had enough crucial plot material to adapt into two seasons of the TV series. Are AFFC and ADWD just as plot-heavy as ASOS, (which means the TV producers are shortening and streamlining them considerably), or are they much more sparse, padded with extraneous details (which means adapting two books into one season of the TV show is a viable option)?

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I'm a fan of the show who decided to go back and read what the show had covered by the end of season 4 (so I read up to the end of A Storm of Swords). All this to say I have some familiarity with the novels, but I also haven't read the fourth and fifth books.


I have one question for people who have read A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons. ASOS was long enough and had enough crucial plot material to adapt into two seasons of the TV series. Are AFFC and ADWD just as plot-heavy as ASOS, (which means the TV producers are shortening and streamlining them considerably), or are they much more sparse, padded with extraneous details (which means adapting two books into one season of the TV show is a viable option)?


The producers are streamlining considerably. Two notable plotlines that began in those novels have essentially been written out of the show, and the show is also taking narrative shortcuts to simplify things such as the Sparrows and Meereen so far. They're also changing entire plotlines from the novels wholesale. I wouldn't say it's 2 full seasons worth, more like a season-and-a-half, because there are lots and lots of details you could excise or elide briefly without removing narrative chunks alongside.



Now some of it is them just trying to make things condensed and simpler for the TV medium, some is them knowing future details and cutting out some things that may not have a big impact later on, and a decent amount is them just doing things their own way because they like it more.

Edited by Numbers of Westeros
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The producers are streamlining considerably. Two notable plotlines that began in those novels have essentially been written out of the show, and the show is also taking narrative shortcuts to simplify things such as the Sparrows and Meereen so far. They're also changing entire plotlines from the novels wholesale. I wouldn't say it's 2 full seasons worth, more like a season-and-a-half, because there are lots and lots of details you could excise or elide briefly without removing narrative chunks alongside.



Now some of it is them just trying to make things condensed and simpler for the TV medium, some is them knowing future details and cutting out some things that may not have a big impact later on, and a decent amount is them just doing things their own way because they like it more.

Was Meereen under siege at this stage by the other slaver cities?

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Was Meereen under siege at this stage by the other slaver cities?


I think at this stage


The Yunkish, the New Ghis Legions, and a bunch of mercs had just sacked Astapor and were marching on Meereen to lay siege.



Episode 5 thoughts:

Well there was one pretty interesting change from the books there in Jorah getting infected. That happens to a different character in the books who likely will not be on this show at this rate. Poor Sir Friendzone.

The other odd change is Melisandre, Davos, Shireen, and Selyse joining Stannis' army. In the books Davos is sent to rally Northern lords and the other three all stay at the wall.

Ramsay can't help himself from letting his inner psycho leak through. The scene with just him and Roose was good, but they walked right up to Roose's ultimate putdown of Ramsay from the books (the one time he is truly intimidated) but decided against it.

Man, everyone's putting Jon on their shitlist, even Edd. Don't fuck with Dolorous Edd, dear show, he's supposed to be the graveyard humor guy in the Night's Watch, not some broody guy with simmering anger.

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They are hinting to kill off stannis this season which if it occurs will be end to my viewing of the show. There making daenerys appear more mad than the books, acting like her father probably so that Tyrion when he arrives can advise her better. Lack of plot progression nothing really happened and they really are making olly into a chekov's gun the subtlety of the wall story line has been abandoned. Valyria was cool but it made no sense to sale their and who is sending those letters to maester Aemon.  Everything else was kinda pointless

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Meh. That's a great thing if you ask me. Makes Dany less of a Mary Sue. 

That's true I like the crazy Dany but can't stand that the killed Barristan but still show us that inane Grey Worm Missandei romance that and Olly are achieving almost jar jar binks level of annoyance for me

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yeah its been ho-hum by GoT standards !


i hope the straying from the book & cutting of plots has a point down the river but  for me letdown was tyrion seeing the dragon , that poster had me thinking something more dramatic like drogon rising from under the water right in front of the book and recognizing mormont !


run jorah your queen needs you she is surrounded by strangers ! i feel like they should be focusing more on dorne , plus i really thought we'd see bran this episode ! 

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