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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Jesus H Christ, it's a TV show about dragons and knights, not the fucking Constitution. Stop taking it so seriously and just enjoy it for what it is.

I'm sure you say that about every movie/book/work of fiction ust because you don't care doesn't mean no one else does

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And before anyone accuses me of telling others what should be important to them, I'm not. But television by its very nature is just entertainment. Its not a necessity. Its not an obligation. Its something you do for fun. If you aren't having fun, then watch something else. There's alot of other options. Don't beat yourself up about a scripted tv show. You have no stake in it. You're just doing it for fun. Its not supposed to be torture. And if it is, then just turn it off.

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Clay - this show was great for long and just begined to going dumber and dumber at some moment I can't exactly pinpoint. But there is still some love for this show in me, and maybe hope for good things, as they were before. And a little... lets call it loyality. Loyality to stay with it as long as I could. Also I like many characters, world building, visual style... And there is also a factor of not wanting to leave things unfinished. Any things, but i nthis case - don't abbandon show at the end of season.
Many, many things are going in my subconsciousness about this show, that prevents me from simply 'turn it off'.

Edited by Charism
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Wait more episodes leaked? I wanna know what happens! (spoiler tag it obviously)

Nah, just some dude with access to episode posted few screencaps and camrips of few major 'OMG' scenes from this episode and now everybody knows. You wanna be spoiled about what is in that scenes? (I don't know if were supposed to talk about it, cause it's bootleg/leak material...)

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Have you ever thought that maybe the two people who work directly with GRRM and have dedicated their entire lives to this show might have a better understanding than what YOU think the show should be like?

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Have you ever thought that maybe the two people who work directly with GRRM and have dedicated their entire lives to this show might have a better understanding than what YOU think the show should be like?

They don't work directly with him and the people who do elio and linda, his editior and everyone else are complaining loudly on his behalf because he can't

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can you tell me how

Well you can either use the spoiler option in your text bar, type it in manually, or you could send me a PM just to make sure.

For future reference. To type in a spoiler tag you simply start it with this [ spoiler ]........(these periods aren't part of it, just make believe text).....when you close the tag, it's just doing the same thing except adding a / right before the word spoiler, so it'll look like this [/ spoiler ]. I put spaces in between so that it doesn't actually form the spoiler tag and you can be able to see it.

This is how it would look if done right:


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Nah, just some dude with access to episode posted few screencaps and camrips of few major 'OMG' scenes from this episode and now everybody knows. You wanna be spoiled about what is in that scenes? (I don't know if were supposed to talk about it, cause it's bootleg/leak material...)

You can't post any links, pics, vids of any kind of bootleg. However nothing can stop you from telling me it in your words only. So let's say you watched a bootleg video and someone died, you can't post the vid, pic, or whatever but you could tell me who died, just spoiler tag it or PM someone.

I'm not a game of thrones fan, but I watch them because my family watches it, so it's fun to know something they don't because they get so mad after an episode.

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Ok, for example, as a book fan, I have no idea why people hate that kid Olly. Instead of certain events occuring using unknown and relatively irrelevant characters that GRRM fails to build, we get a character that is relatable and unique. There's zero reason to hate him other than just to hate the showrunners IMO.

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