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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Just realized that since next week is Wall-Centric, Kit Harrington will be top-billed, and we'll have only single-digits in the billed main cast.


Yeah, just Jon Snow, Sam, Ygritte, Tormund, and maybe


Stannis and Davos.

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Well, except for Kit, all of those others are only ever listed as guest actors at the end. Not in the opening credits. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe John Bradley West (Sam.) Unless Rose Leslie is too. Can't remember.Then Mance again finally. And that's not a spoiler, we all know he's with his army.EDIT: Oh, and pet peeve... It's Harington with one R. :lol:

Edited by House Cozmees of Everdeen
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Yeah they've did a horrible job with Jon Snow. I have just found him boring and he is close to Bran territory where I don't care about him at all. Hopefully the next episode changes that.


The show has struggled to find the right balance with Jon Snow. In the book, Jon Snow is essentially second-in-command at Castle Black with the blacksmith Donal Noye (who is cut from the show) in charge. Aliser Thorne and Janos Slynt show up later (in the books Ygritte and the Thenns attack separately first, then later Mance's army shows up and it's a protracted siege for a couple chapters spread over time). In the show they're having the attacks all be at once and have Aliser and Slynt in command (when they don't show up a good ways into the siege with some reinforcements from other Night's Watch castles).



I think part of the change is to prevent people from complaining about Jon getting too much too fast.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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The show has struggled to find the right balance with Jon Snow. In the book, Jon Snow is essentially second-in-command at Castle Black with the blacksmith Donal Noye (who is cut from the show) in charge. Aliser Thorne and Janos Slynt show up later (in the books Ygritte and the Thenns attack separately first, then later Mance's army shows up and it's a protracted siege for a couple chapters spread over time). In the show they're having the attacks all be at once and have Aliser and Slynt in command (when they don't show up a good ways into the siege with some reinforcements from other Night's Watch castles). I think part of the change is to prevent people from complaining about Jon getting too much too fast.

So Jon is too far ahead compared to the the other characters?
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So Jon is too far ahead compared to the the other characters?


No he's right in line, if a little behind, it's that they changed the circumstances so that he's lower down on the totem pole and less respected.

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Well, except for Kit, all of those others are only ever listed as guest actors at the end. Not in the opening credits. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe John Bradley West (Sam.) Unless Rose Leslie is too. Can't remember.Then Mance again finally. And that's not a spoiler, we all know he's with his army.EDIT: Oh, and pet peeve... It's Harington with one R. :lol:


All of them are, even Tormund. Yeah, doesn't make sense to me either unless he survives and is a major character in future seasons.

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that must be so much fun to watch a show with a group of friends in that kind of atmosphere ! it looked cool 


that's like the 3rd video i've watched and i promised you each time i hide the small screen showing the episode , i cannot watch , i just cant hearing is traumatizing enough lol


another great character gone too soon , who you just know you'd have chance to root for a good while on another show !

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we've had this discussion before but this(it won't let me post the image)





combined with the maggy casting makes me think that we will get a flashback to young cersei


The prevailing theory I have seen is that


The cold open of Season 5 will be Young Cersei and her friend meeting Maggy and getting the prophecies. Then Cersei wakes up from that dream and is told by someone that Tywin is dead. She hysterically asks where Tyrion is. Cue Opening Credits

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To be honest The Red Viper not winning is just trolling on George R Martins Part lol...


However because I know what happens next, I can stand it.


The show sort of has the reverse way of thinking then society has.

People generally think if you do good things, good things happen to you and if you do bad things bad things will happen to you,.

GOT works in inverse. 

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The prevailing theory I have seen is that


The cold open of Season 5 will be Young Cersei and her friend meeting Maggy and getting the prophecies. Then Cersei wakes up from that dream and is told by someone that Tywin is dead. She hysterically asks where Tyrion is. Cue Opening Credits

sounds like a plan , can't remember what that was about lol , summer rereading stat lol

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