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I'm first  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


That's nice, gotta enjoy it for now I guess  ^_^


You're new here. Let me tell you something about Boxoffice.com. Nobody likes a smart ass, alright?


How about some humility, for Pete's sake?! This is like when Julius Benedict started showboating first time he got behind the wheel of a car...

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You really shouldn't have, we already have 2 films that made it, and I expect that by the end of the summer that number will be in double digits. It was the easiest question of all the preseason questions.



I know. I know.  :ouch:


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You're new here. Let me tell you something about Boxoffice.com. Nobody likes a smart ass, alright?How about some humility, for Pete's sake?! This is like when Julius Benedict started showboating first time he got behind the wheel of a car...

There is NOTHING wrong with his post, did you even read it? He doesn't even expect to be in 1st for long and is enjoying it while he can. Don't be jealous of his accomplishments so far, that's way more off putting then what he said, so back off.Sam he doesn't speak for BOF, your post was perfectly acceptable and I congratulate you on your strong start... for now ;) (hey you said it not me :P)
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You're new here. Let me tell you something about Boxoffice.com. Nobody likes a smart ass, alright?


How about some humility, for Pete's sake?! This is like when Julius Benedict started showboating first time he got behind the wheel of a car...

All I gotta say is that these smiley icons sure are misleading. Well, for you at least  :P




There is NOTHING wrong with his post, did you even read it? He doesn't even expect to be in 1st for long and is enjoying it while he can. Don't be jealous of his accomplishments so far, that's way more off putting then what he said, so back off.Sam he doesn't speak for BOF, your post was perfectly acceptable and I congratulate you on your strong start... for now ;) (hey you said it not me :P)

Thanks  :) I'm lucky so far with the bonuses and pre-season international questions. Pretty sure I'll do much worse later on cause I'm still new to these predicting stuff. And I already regret a lot of my choices for the pre-season questions  :lol:

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All I gotta say is that these smiley icons sure are misleading. Well, for you at least :PThanks :) I'm lucky so far with the bonuses and pre-season international questions. Pretty sure I'll do much worse later on cause I'm still new to these predicting stuff. And I already regret a lot of my choices for the pre-season questions :lol:

Sometimes we forget that a new predictor to box office can have the leg up, because he doesn't have many biases that accumulate over the years. New people can easily do well in this game and I think that's a major part of why they do. They also want to prove themselves so they do a lot of research and effort into their answers.
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There is NOTHING wrong with his post, did you even read it? He doesn't even expect to be in 1st for long and is enjoying it while he can. Don't be jealous of his accomplishments so far, that's way more off putting then what he said, so back off.Sam he doesn't speak for BOF, your post was perfectly acceptable and I congratulate you on your strong start... for now ;) (hey you said it not me :P)


Stingray was just joking around. For the 99% of people who didn't get the joke, here's the clip he was referring to:


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Also as for my standing I'm pretty damn happy with that. I don't know what I was thinking saying no to the 250m WW weekend (probably on crack I guess). Just gotta chip away week after week. Oh and to everyone playing this game stick with it and you can definitely win. Even a 500,000 point gap can be overcome over the course of the summer. I also guarantee with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 players this will not be the final order at the end of the game after all questions are scored.

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Sometimes we forget that a new predictor to box office can have the leg up, because he doesn't have many biases that accumulate over the years. New people can easily do well in this game and I think that's a major part of why they do. They also want to prove themselves so they do a lot of research and effort into their answers.

Well, that sure as fuck doesn't make me feel better. :lol:
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