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Oblivion (2013)


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OK... Another thread ruined by fishnets. Oh the surprise... Might just put her on ignore list. FUCK THAT.

Back to what this thread is really about.


From the moment it started, and we arrived at the scene where Jack Harper said "We did the only thing we could. Nukes" and it showed the pentagon with a large hole in it, the crater where the bomb landed, i was hooked into this movie. My imagination wandered off to how it could've been in the past, how the city got attacked and how they dropped the bombs... Anyways, with that in mind, the movie was pretty much perfect. The description was good and it allowed the viewer to imagine how everything happened.

The thing that I loved the most was the score and the visuals. The score is definitively one of the greatest ones i ever heard, and the visuals and cinematography are simply too awesome to describe in just a few words, so instead of going to write a book about it, I'll go to the next part.


The acting. Both Cruise and Andrea were solid in this movie. It's not awards material, but it's pretty much above every other movie that isn't an Oscar Contender.


The story was good, even though people say it was simple and it borrowed elements from other movies. The thing is that every movie, even the most original one, will have something similar to a previous movie. There isn't a infinite amount of movie story ideas, but just a infinite amount of ways to combine elements and create a new story.


Also I have to say that there were a few parts of the story that could've been explained better. While people complain that Nolan literally tells the viewer everything, like he's a retard (Inception), Kosinski doesn't bother at all. One review said that Directors are way to familiar with their script, and they automatically understand everything, so they forget that they need to explain it to the viewer too, which is the truth regarding this movie.

The ending was great, but I feel like the composer should've focused more on making you feel something deeper than you actually did. I teared up a bit, but with a decent score I would've been bawling. That moment when it's revealed that Freeman was actually in that capsule... EPIC.


"Fuck you, Sally"



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The first hour was AMAZING! I was sold, on the edge of my seat, then the pacing starts getting out of whack. The twists start coming the movie falls. I like the plot, I even liked most the twists and though the pay out was good (minus the kids at the end). but the execution was just not right, this has some of the worst pacing ever seen. This movie is 2 hours but it easily feels 2.5 or longer. 


Overall I enjoyed it and the visuals, acting and cinematography were fantastic. Even with these I have to say I am slight disappointed. 



seriously this movie is 2 hours long?

It feels more like half of that

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We-ell, no.


I saw it EIGHT times.


Do you work? Do you sleep? Do you have a social presence in your community? Do you watch anything else in or out of the theaters besides a few certain movies? Did you catch anything in the sixth viewing that you missed in the fifth? 


Sorry, Sash, I just have a lot of questions. 

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Do you work? Do you sleep? Do you have a social presence in your community? Do you watch anything else in or out of the theaters besides a few certain movies? Did you catch anything in the sixth viewing that you missed in the fifth? 


Sorry, Sash, I just have a lot of questions. 


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I gotta say, the more I reflect on this film the more I love it. Yes, it is reminiscent of many other sci-fi films but it's also original and incredibly well-crafted. The concept is really awesome. The idea of this alien technology going from world to world to harvest energy and doing this by means of cloning... I just wish we had the Tom Cruise clone war scene lol. But seriously, this was classic sci-fi and an absolutely stunning experience!

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Do you work? Do you sleep? Do you have a social presence in your community? Do you watch anything else in or out of the theaters besides a few certain movies? Did you catch anything in the sixth viewing that you missed in the fifth? 


Sorry, Sash, I just have a lot of questions. 


1. Do you work?


No. :) Hopefully I won't have to.


2. Do you sleep?


Not quite, but I have to.


3. Do you have a social presence in your community?


No, I just moved to a new country. But even in my old country I mainly fornicated, not many more social activities I feel like investing into.


4. Do you watch anything else in or out of the theaters besides a few certain movies?


I watch absolutely EVERYTHING in my 17 screen multiplex. That accounts for roughly SIX NEW MOVIES each week. And the good ones I see much more than once, so 2 movies a day on average. :)


5. Did you catch anything in the sixth viewing that you missed in the fifth?


Actually, yes. With good and meaningful movies like Oblivion, there are details to catch long after the first seeing.

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Here's what I've seen on the big screen more than once in the 3 short months since I moved:



9: The Hobbit 1,8: The Croods, Oblivion,7: Oz the Great and Powerful,6: Django Unchained, Wreck-it Ralph, Clоud Atlas,5: The Life of Pi, Hansel and Gretel, Finding Nemo,4: Moulin Rouge!, Jack the Giant Slayer, G.I. Joe 2,3: Les Miserables, Monsters Inc., Trance, Spring Breakers,2: Seven Psychopaths, Rise of the Guardians, Gangster Squad, Movie 43, Mama, Argo, Side Effects, The Host,


Some didn't quite deserve it, but whatever... Most were awesome.

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You spent a collective 26 hours watching The Hobbit in a movie theater? Just An Unexpected Journey? 


The only explanation I could come up for seeing 2+ movies a day was that you work at the 17-screen theater. But since that doesn't seem to be the case... you're really something, Shayhiri. 

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Thank you.


I'm actually probably the first cinema emigrant in the history of the world. I left my old country behind and moved west so that I could be seeing as many cinema movies as possible.


Living the dream. B)


And as for The Hobbit, I could have seen it much more, but I missed its first FOUR weeks showing while travelling*, so I didn't have enough time. I expect to see Smaug FIFTEEN times though, that's why my list in the previous goes up to 15. *smirk*


* There's only two things I like as much as or more than cinema:

1. Debauchery with fine females.

2. Travelling around the world (love Asia) with the intent of seeing it all.

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