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Iron Man 3 (2013)  

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Extremis is going to used in later movies right.Guy pierces character sucked as a villain. I still do not get how he died in the film.

I think it's kinda hinted at the end that Tony took Extremis for himself. It will be his version of Extremis though, so it should be safer, and more advanced. The comics version of Tony's Extremis works like computer-brain, allowing him to control the suits via his brain, it also works as a healing factor as shown in the movie, and allowing him to process information at unusually high speed.

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I think it's kinda hinted at the end that Tony took Extremis for himself. It will be his version of Extremis though, so it should be safer, and more advanced. The comics version of Tony's Extremis works like computer-brain, allowing him to control the suits via his brain, it also works as a healing factor as shown in the movie, and allowing him to process information at unusually high speed.

I thought thonas uses it.
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Is it? Seems like he just wanted his heart back.

I think it's hinted. He said he will work on Extremis so that he can fix Pepper. I don't remember the exact words, but he said something along the lines of "why don't I fix myself too" Maybe it's just to get the shrapnel out, but what about the gaping hole? 


It's just my speculation of course, I think so because Extremis is known as a healing factor which should help him, also, a person like Tony Stark, it's hard to imagine him not being selfish and take on one of the most advanced technology for himself after he figured out how to perfect it.

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It was a good movie yes, if you pretend that it was a buddy comedy film and not an Iron Man film. As an Iron Man film it was a big dissapointment. I have nothing to get over, and yes we may as well move on.

As a MOVIE I liked it quite a bit. It was a bunch of things- a buddy comedy, a Bond riff, a detective story and, yes, an Iron Man movie- and I thought it worked as any and all of them. It's not a perfect film but it's a movie I enjoyed unconditionally.
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C... ? I guess?


I can't really go into specific details because there's not much to discuss. These movies are skin deep, same boring formula over and over, I enjoy it for the moment but there's nothing new going on here. Let's not kid ourselves that this somehow is a landmark for the genre. I'm just gonna re-post what I said last night in the numbers thread because that's how I feel about this and all these movies as a whole:


It blows my mind that these pancake fluff marvel movies now own the #1 and #2 OW records. There's nothing offensive about them. They're just so.... there. They slice perfectly to the American demographic, a complete corporate product from A to Z. I didn't dislike either movie. They're fun, über-pop, working best as comedies and culture snapshots and I've submitted myself to the "event" but I don't have a craving for seconds. Seen one seen them all. Yet I have to see them. It's a crazy paradox.




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Its simple ^^^


What else so far this year has been anywhere near appealing to audiences.....



After Iron Man 3 yes, but in the last few months? Not much.



That is why Superhero films always come out every First weekend of May to capitalize at the appetite by the general audiences for a big blockbuster film to kick start the summer.



I do agree as a comic book film Iron Man 3 did nothing for the genre, but as an entertaining film its pretty good in that department.



About TA... Lol you nolanites can't simply believe the fact a fun light hearted film can be well liked... Everything has to be dark and tedious and cynical.

It appears you do not understand people like both when they are both well done!

Edited by Lordmandeep
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C... ? I guess?


I can't really go into specific details because there's not much to discuss. These movies are skin deep, same boring formula over and over, I enjoy it for the moment but there's nothing new going on here. Let's not kid ourselves that this somehow is a landmark for the genre. I'm just gonna re-post what I said last night in the numbers thread because that's how I feel about this and all these movies as a whole:


It blows my mind that these pancake fluff marvel movies now own the #1 and #2 OW records. There's nothing offensive about them. They're just so.... there. They slice perfectly to the American demographic, a complete corporate product from A to Z. I didn't dislike either movie. They're fun, über-pop, working best as comedies and culture snapshots and I've submitted myself to the "event" but I don't have a craving for seconds. Seen one seen them all. Yet I have to see them. It's a crazy paradox.


God bless you. My feelings exactly.

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About TA... Lol you nolanites can't simply believe the fact a fun light hearted film can be well liked... Everything has to be dark and tedious and cynical.

It appears you do not understand people like both when they are both well done!


I understand perfectly why they resonate. I said as much. They're genetically engineered to be well-liked by the general audience. And IMO TA succeeds far better than IM3 did. Putting all those larger than life characters together is very appealing.


Also brooding, xanax-needing Tony Stark didn't work. It's out of character and RDJ over-played it. At least they tried with Stark, though. Do we even need to mention Rebecca Hall's "character"? I'm going to stop before I go down the rabbit hole because like I said before, these movies aren't meant to be analyzed.

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I agree they provided a good laugh and a fun time to me...


Also I think movies are also being made for overseas audiences as well, who more care about the scale being bigger then a movie with a perfect storyline.

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Hmm, I thought Avengers and IM3 worked because they tried to break the mold and subert formula and expectations. Maybe I just saw a different film. And yes, Rebecca Hall is lovely and not given enough to do here.

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Hmm, I thought Avengers and IM3 worked because they tried to break the mold and subert formula and expectations. Maybe I just saw a different film.And yes, Rebecca Hall is lovely and not given enough to do here.

That was Rebecca Hall's stunted double. Rebecca Hall was never in this movie. 

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