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why does sookie always hellbent on saying no to bill, it never ends well , she might as well go along with his plan 


ah well we'll see maybe she was right? its a lot of crazyness for one girl even if she's a half-fairy 


what's up with jason , i think he's changing into a panther? maybe i can't remember all that happpened last season 


i keep thinking that ben character is the crazy super powerful vamp who's got a contract on sookie head, he's shifty like that 

i don't believe him when he says he couldnt find the fairy hideout , its him and somehow he can fake being a fairy  which is a ot to take in 


ok taking a pause for my fitness workout then episode 4

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well colour me surprise bill is douchebag ben maker lolllll , that scene was priceless sookie thinking its always about her


i swear deep down she's just hurting if bill says  you're undead to me she'll jump in his arms quicker than you can say halellujah

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lol episode 5 


reverend newlin wife sarah to jason after finding out he dated jessica

"my body is a fucking temple and you have defiled it with your vampire-loving pecker" :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: 


this show has some great liners


wtf at the credit song of this episode , too much !


this vamp camp is serious shizz

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blech sookie whyyyy why play the role you think everyone thinks you are?


that girl is messed up , i'm nostalgic for season 1 romance and innocence sighh what are you going to do 


but on the vamp side go bill and eric doing their thing !


i'm kinda expecting in horror for bill to get kill , i don't want him to die but i don't see how he's going to escape lilith blood reincarnation jazz  ,that lady is one original shifty vampire , plus i get this vibe that everyone is misunderstanding the message as a parallel for people misinterpreting the bible nowadays or smtg like it 



i just find it very disturbing seeing all those vamps so helpless  minus eric who clearly had a plan and was just bidding his time


can't believe they're spiking trueblood bottles , what an evil plan from the late equally shifty governor

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episode 7 next ...



edit : wow people are dying seriously 

tery bellefleur in previous episode i cried , he was such a sweet guy and poor arlene who has the worst luck possible

and now poor eric sister died from hepatitis V yikes what a cruel way to kill a person , geez what's wrong with a stake to the heart good old fashion way 


i know the vamps aren't the nicest people around , and eric can be a dick but still , shit is hitting the beep fan 

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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done with episode 8, a bit of stalling around happening 


all episode just to get them in that room 


same for sookie to make up her mind ony for us to find out eric beat them to the punch (pun intended)


guess sookie is tired of fighting destiny , hey if  a guy says he loves you and has been waiting for you over 6000  yrs ehhh what's a girl to do right pffff

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episode 9 dont understand why eric and bill are at odds (then again have they ever not been at odds) more than usual 


they both want to save them out of that room


cannot believe how crazy sarah newlin went on that trueblood businesswoman that was soooo wacky it was like twilight zone!


i'm really going to miss terry bellefeur, nice funeral ! more stalling going on but i guess its ok as they're using it to remember terry moments back to civilization


 i just don't get why some scenes are so burlesque, like the vamp being happy they survived sunlight acting all 60's hippies

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its very late but i don't care , i'm glad this is the last episode of the season 


i try to be very opened when watching trueblood , try not to be shocked, sometimes i feel like shaking my head at the surreal scenes going on 


this is one weird ass episode! bill saves sookie life and not so much a thank you and she's shacking up with alcide!!


what about eric is he dead? i dare not believe it 


so season 7 is going to be HIV vampires  vs the world ...and to think its a human who unleashed unto the world 

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this is sooo true!

I dont get this decision!!!!!


Yeah, Jessica and Jason have sizzling chemistry but c'mon, Jessica and Hoyt were star-crossed lovers. Why couldn't he have forgiven her and taken her back? :( Did the actor want to leave or something? Not only did it destroy an amazing relationship but it also left no room for fun scenes between the couple and Hoyt's crazy mom! HUGE loss for the show, IMO.

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Yeah, Jessica and Jason have sizzling chemistry but c'mon, Jessica and Hoyt were star-crossed lovers. Why couldn't he have forgiven her and taken her back? Did the actor want to leave or something? Not only did it destroy an amazing relationship but it also left no room for fun scenes between the couple and Hoyt's crazy mom! HUGE loss for the show, IMO.

idk about the actors decisions I havent followed any news beyond just watching the show but Im still mad!!  :angry:

I actually didnt see that much chem betw Jas/Jess  :ph34r: Maybe I'm blind :D

haha lol crazy mom was EVERYTHING! :lol:



but I'm pissed as an Eric/Sookie shipper more  :( I dont get the producers' Bill love. I like him alright not a hater at all but ugh Bill/Sookie relationship is soo yesterday to me...

Edited by Tauriel
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If Tara has really met the true death. By killing her off screen that's a big FU to all the Tara "fans".


Or more importantly it's an FU to all of us that wanted her dead a long time ago and we didn't get to cheer when it happened :P


But yeah usually when you don't see the death, it means they are still around.  I am guessing she pops up later in the season

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