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Everything posted by The47th

  1. First of all, this was very hard to do. My list mixes objective qualities with personal feelings, so don't mind if the order seems a little...controversial. 1 Six Feet Under 2 Battlestar Galactica - modern 3 Mad Men 4 The Simpsons 5 The Sopranos 6 Gilmore Girls 7 Star Trek The Next Generation 8 The X-Files 9 Futurama 10 Star Trek Deep Space Nine 11 Married With Children 12 Star Trek The Original Series 13 Family Guy 14 The Comeback 15 Arrested Development 16 30 Rock 17 Seinfeld 18 Parenthood 19 The Office US 20 Coupling (2000 UK show) 21 The West Wing 22 Damages 23 Downton Abbey 24 Orange Is The New Black ---- This is where the campiness begins ---- 25 Friends 26 How I Met Your Mother 27 Stargate SG1 28 Malcolm in the Middle 29 Courage the Cowardly Dog 30 That 70s Show 31 Lost 32 Grey's Anatomy 33 Desperate Housewives 34 Brothers and Sisters 35 Veronica Mars 36 House 37 Alias 38 Ugly Betty 39 Once Upon a Time 40 Alf
  2. 2014 has been a special year, and even if it will be hard to repeat, it seems like this new wave of big productions by Mediaset and Atresmedia will continue for a good while. By the way, nice to see that Mortadelo & Filemón entered higher than Penguins. M&F are beloved characters, but you never know if the new generations will get into the 'classics.'
  3. I think Rise and Dawn were so unexpected big hits that they are very open-minded about their long term plans for the franchise. Like the Resident Evil series, which was seen as a trilogy in the beginning. I think an eventual remake of Planet of the Apes will be part of this series...but that movie had a sequel, so they do have material to inspire more entries beyond that point (actually the original film was followed by four sequels, but only one of them is still based on that future). They could very well plan this as two trilogies: the Caesar-centric one, narrating the origins of the Ape revolution, and then another one based on events of the future, using the remake as the first entry. I think we'll get four movies at the very least.
  4. That's what I was going to say. Each of the franchises mentioned before are different from each other. Warner was able to make eight straight-sequels over a very short time period and managed to keep up the interest of the GA. Avatar has already lost the battle on the time lapse and number of entries. LOTR is a big franchise, but it's basically two trilogies with their own cast and plot, that just happen to share many aspects. And again, the time lapse between TROTK and AUJ 'invalidates' it. Star Wars has a much tighter storyline than LOTR, but they did change the cast, and the trilogies have come many years after the previous ones. Which is an achievement in itself, but of a different kind. The MCU is very special, but for being a giant net of individual films interconnected, which is a very different situation. Fast and Furious comes fairly close, but it's hasn't kept the same cast all the time, and it's taking them more time to produce the films (both HP and F&F started in 2001). The X-Men franchise is mix of all these cases.
  5. Exactly. I would care about this if I was still 11 years old. I would be freaking excited, actually. Playmobil were so, so, much better than Lego. There's currently an animated series inspired on Playmobil, airing in most European countries, by the way.
  6. Yeah it seems like the REC series won't have a good ending BO-wise.
  7. That's good for Spain. My theater was packed on Friday.
  8. Very excited about this. I loved the film and I always wanted to see the story continuing.
  9. For now the plan of the Snow Queen needs a little more explanation, because otherwise, it seems too random. Why Emma? Is it just because she's blonde? What is that prophecy? Did she write it herself, as a form of spell?
  10. Man, Elizabeth Mitchell is so perfect for this role. Before the ending, my crazy theory was that
  11. So, a sequel, a spin off, and a TV show? That sounds too good to be true. Especially for a brand that has never been THAT strong.
  12. I hope they make something way closer to the classic videogames...the problem is, the storyline of the games is completely ruined. On a TV show, you can't end a season on a cliffhanger like CODE:Veronica's and then open the next year telling everything on a 30-second flashback and then open on a completely different scenario.
  13. The comic certainly fits the idea of episodic adventures, but I doubt they can get Patrick Stewart or James McAvoy on board full time for this. Or any of the other actors, actually. And an X-Men show focused only on the students, without the school principal or any relevant teacher sounds...weak.
  14. Henry is way less prominent now though. And that's good, because there's nothing more annoying than a character that is permanently in the spotlight even though he's not playing a relevant role in the story. I really think the show is back at its best since season 1. Basically because it feels fresh again, and not an endless continuation of the events of the pilot. The costume designer of this show must enjoy his or her work so much. Elizabeth Mitchell's dress was fantastic. It's one of the only shows at the moment with such a creative costume design.
  15. For me, Murder House is good, Asylum is great, and Coven is the most fun to watch. I'm watching Freak Show tonight and I have high hopes. The Hollywood Reporter's review was not good, but people seem pleased so far.
  16. You are pretty much right about everything, but I still loved the episode. More than the premiere. The cast of Elza and Anna is SO on point. Their performance is perfect, and right now I can't imagine anyone else doing a live action version of those characters. I wasn't too excited by the whole Frozen theme because I preferred the Wicked Witch storyline, but this is shaping up to be a very good stage in the series.
  17. Yeah, just like last season was divided into 11 episodes with Peter Pan and 11 with the Wicked Witch. I like this system. It prevents the story from being too derivative, like season 2.
  18. I haven't watched the episode yet, but Mad Hatter's hat was used to open a portal between worlds. By the way, excellent ratings for the premiere. The most watched episode in two years. I'm guessing some old fans tuned back, and other people came only because of the Frozen storyline. EDIT: OK, I watched the episode and yeah, that hat has never seen before. We'll find out more in future episodes.
  19. I like where the story is heading. I thought the death would occur by surprise on the premiere, but it wouldn't be Parenthood if they didn't take their time to explore everyone's reactions to the whole process. And they are finally giving a more meaningful storyline to Sarah. The problem with that character is that her children were almost grown ups when the show started, so now that they are independent, Sarah doesn't really have a lot of 'parenting' to do. This storyline of blending the families together it's something new for the show and I bet it's going to produce some very interesting situations.
  20. I thought it was a very good pilot. Good performances from young, unknown talent, an intriguing story, and a fast pace that keeps the story moving without overwhelming with new information. I can see it being the new 'it' show. And yeah, let's talk about ratings. The whole TGIT campaign has paid off massively. Grey's Anatomy has defeated ABC's death slot of Thursdays at 8pm, and it has entered its ELEVENTH season with a 3.1...with more viewers than any episode in the entire season ten! Scandal has reached its series high on its fourth season, and 'Murder' has already matched Scandal's highest mark in the pilot...and got more viewers than Scandal in its entire run!
  21. Once BOM updates the numbers again, it should hit $700M WW. It's already over $100M in China. With the old numbers is at $668,668,518 WW, and they still have to count this weekend's $30M from China.
  22. How could it not be possible? It's already at $70M+ and that's without the numbers of the whole second weekend, which it's a big holiday.
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