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Everything posted by CloneWars

  1. I found Casablanca more interesting. I do believe Citizen Kane is the more ground-breaking film though. I find it boring though. I know Citizen Kane was the first film to have credits at the end of the film. It also invented the wipe, if I remember correctly. Not sure on that. But, it did invent some techniques that many films today take for granted. Someone more educated in Citizen Kane should chime in. Casablanca is a good film, but I don't believe it is truly groundbreaking though in the way Citizen Kane is. I think a lot of people just like the plot, the pacing, and the acting. However, I am not sure I would put Casablanca on my list of top 10 best films ever made. BTW, I voted Casablanca because I enjoy it more as a film than CK.
  2. It will hold up on HBO, but it is a movie meant to be seen on the big screen in 3D. That is part of the marvel for the film. This is both a good thing and a bad thing.
  3. Same is true of Citizen Kane. My point was even if it seems likely come Oscar season that Gravity won't win BP, it will be one of the biggest mistakes in Oscar history up there with Star Wars and Citizen Kane. Gravity has the highest ever average rating of any film on RT since the Internet era that is a wide-release American film. I fully expect this film in 10 years time to be considered a classic and on many top lists of best films of all-time. I guarantee this will also make AFI"s top 100 once the next voting comes around as well.
  4. The thing is that if Gravity doesn't win it will be among the biggest upsets up there with Star Wars and Citizen Kane. 12YAS might be the frontrunner but it is another historical drama. I doubt it is anything as extraordinary as Gravity. For it not to win would be among the biggest Oscar travestys. It might not win SAG, but it does have the advantage of Clooney and Bullock being it. That helps a little. That can help it get votes for the actual Academy Awards actor branch members.
  5. I think he is saying the movie is simple but yet a classic at the same time.
  6. This actually stands a much better chance at winning BP than other sci-fi pictures in the past. The film is very minimal and also the sci-fi aspect is not big like ET or Star Wars or any of the other kind of films they have snubbed. This is kind of in the middle of what the Academy would give BP and what they won't. I am getting a Silence of the Lambs vibe from this and that was the first thriller/horror film to win BP. I think Gravity stands a good chance here as well. It also stars Clooney and Bullock which helps give it a little more clout. So, yes, a BP win is in the cards. Doesn't mean it will happen though, but it stands a better chance than some on here might think.
  7. $60M OW would be extraordinary. If WOM keeps up, it is very possible.
  8. I will say this, I honestly never expected this movie to be so good. I know this movie was hyped for months, and I thought that was a bit silly. At best, I was expecting a slightly above average movie. But, what I witnessed instead was one of the greatest achievements in cinema.
  9. Yes, Gravity is sci-fi. But, is more technical sci-fi than extravagant aliens and space battles sci-fi.
  10. It's kind of funny how mixed reviews for ESB. Also, audiences didn't seem to like it as much as ANH since it had such a steep drop like from Shrek 2 to Shrek 3 status or DMC to AWE kind of drop.
  11. It is pretty much a given that the main character will survive in the end. That is the Hollywood way and not a reason to bash the film. My question to those who did not like the film, did you see it in 3D because this is that one film where you actually do need to see it in 3D to fully appreciate it. Without a doubt, the best ever execution of 3D.
  12. Exactly what MovieMan said. This film is a masterpiece. It outshines every BP winner from the past few years, and I foresee this becoming a classic and making the AFI top 100. And, for the love of god, see this in 3D and IMAX if at all possible. This film is amazing. And, let me tell you, I was a bit of sceptic despite the reviews. Curon has proven himself to be a master filmmaker with this film. If this were the only film he were to ever make, this film alone would make him be considered among the greatest directors ever.
  13. I thought this was an amazing film. Better than Argo, better than The Artist. I foresee this becoming a classic of cinema and making the AFI top 100. This film is a masterpiece. A+ See this in the biggest screen you can and in 3D. Absolute best 3D ever put to film.
  14. I just got back from seeing Gravity. I can say it is a 100% lock to win, hands down
  15. I saw the trailer this weekend in front of Rush. I think it looks amazing. Silver Linings was my favorite film last year, so I am really looking forward to this.
  16. I don't think that is a bad predict. I would have guessed around that a week ago. But, with buzz soaring now and reviews coming in, I have upped my prediction to $28M. It might go higher if WOM really starts to hit before the weekend is over. But, really, I think this film has more Internet buzz than real life buzz. Talk to anyone in college or high school, and I doubt most give a rats ass about this film currently.
  17. Sadly, I do agree with you. Celebrities have lives and busy schedules. Even the most heart-felt fan letter will be forgotten a day later.
  18. So far, I am not impressed with the show. I did like the cameo though, but that is the only real saving grace. If this weren't a Marvel tie-in, I would not be still watching it.
  19. Hi, I receive quite a few messages. I'm not famous or anything, but I am known in the autism community. On a couple of occasions, I have received handwritten messages, and let me tell you I HATE, HATE, HATE handwritten messages. If you can't decipher some words it is damn annoying and it takes a lot longer to read a handwritten message. To be honest, I think it is disrespectful to write a message by hand, especially to someone who doesn't know you. EDIT: Just read over the thread. I don't think these people know what they are talking about because they have never been in a position of receiving letters before. If you are getting a lot of letters, how personal it is doesn't even matter that much. What matters most is can I read it quickly. Long letters are also a big no-no and there are many "heartfelt" long-ass letters I never ever responded to because I didn't have the time to read it. Sorry just being honest. And, like I said, I'm not a celebrity, so they have even less time than I do, so I guarantee that a long letter or a handwritten letter is likely to not get the time of day. Just speaking from personal experience though. 2nd Edit: Although for what it is worth, most celebrities pay people to answer their fan mail for them. If you Google it up, you can find these services online and hire them for you.
  20. Perhaps Disney has mandated that he must cut down on lens flare for EP VII.
  21. I can't wait to see this and expect a great movie. But, I don't think the buzz is as high as people on here are expecting. Sadly.
  22. I love all of Nolan's films except this one. Which is quite an accomplishment for any director. Every director is allowed one pass.
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