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Everything posted by CloneWars

  1. I think 12YAS will win this for sure because a black person has never won BD before and if this wins BD, I think it gets BP as well. With the theme of slavery and a black president in office right now. I have hard time seeing how this doesn't win BP and BD even if say Gravity is the more deserving film. Or, at least the film that will be considered more of a classic years down the road.
  2. I just watched all of Breaking Bad these past two or three weeks. Great series. I'm not much of a TV person though because watching is a commitment. Time is of the essence for me.
  3. Ah, okay then. I can see that maybe squeaking in a nom, but I don't know. At least, it has Oprah.
  4. Are you talking about August s the other film? Because man that movie looks like horseshit.
  5. Damn! That should be a part of the Super Bowl half-time show.
  6. I agree, especially since the selling point of Avatar was the whole 3D revolution.
  7. I didn't say make SHIELD darker or grittier. Just more realistic with what we have come to expect of SHIELD from the movies and the new Cap trailer. In the show, they are mostly portrayed as the good guys. And, while they are the good guys, it is obvious SHIELD has secrets and doesn't also do things in the best interests of others. I would like to see more of that explored. But, that won't happen with Skye around since that goes against her moral values even thought that is what SHIELD is really about.
  8. Yah. Umm, how the hell is she getting $5M. And, is that for a year contract? 5-year?
  9. After seeing the new Captain America trailer, that is how I imagine SHIELD to be, this corrupt organization with secrets that does things its way and takes away liberties. Whatever we're getting in this show is so unrealistic. It is nothing like how I imagine SHIELD from what we have seen in the films so far.
  10. Ugh! I want to like this show, but it is so stupid. I mean SHIELD is supposed to be this bad ass organization and if you fuck up, your gone. I know that this is based in a comic book world, but after this incident, I can't believe they are keeping Skye. I just wished there was a little more realism in this show. Honestly, this show is a let down. Firefly was amazing. I kind of have my doubts about Whedon's involvement beyond casting and, I guess, developing some of the story, but beyond that, I think he probably let abc do their thing while working on AOU.
  11. For Gravity's OS prospects the fact these other countries are getting it so late is a good thing. By now, WOM is so big that it should have a stellar OS run in unreleased territories.
  12. For this talk of the trilogy costing $1B. Let's not forget Avatar 1 was supposed to have a budget of $300 to $400M but came down to $237, most likely after tax breaks and whatnot. And, even at $1B, that isn't so bad. I am predicting the first new one to make at least $2B WW.
  13. It is better to underestimate than overestimate. Had Gravity's estimate been $29M, we would have been happy. But, seeing it go down a million is sad. Well, at least it stayed above $30M. My favorite underestimate has to be The Avengers.
  14. How on earth did he get the rights for theme parks? Don't most studios keep all rights these days, especially after George Lucas? For J.K. Rowling, it makes sense since she wrote the books and owned all the copyrights in the first place.
  15. It's not even 5PM here in California. No way can we have a Friday estimate this early, Horror films always demonstrate how well they play at nighttime.
  16. I'm going with $290 with Gravity like a lot of Potter films and Inception. It's like a trademark of WB films to reach $290M but not $300M.
  17. What's all this talk about Pacific Rim on page one. That film was doomed for failure. I knew a lot of people who found the trailer unappealing. It just wasn't a mass audience kind of film.
  18. Right now, I am predicting a $290M finish for Gravity.
  19. Gravity won't win BP because of 12YAS. And, that kind of makes me upset because this will be the fourth year in a row a historical film has won BP. I'm counting The Artist as a historical film since it takes place back in the silent era and is silent.
  20. I think Cameron has a clause that only he can make sequels, but I still believe Fox owns the copyright.
  21. I'm surprised Disney is making an Avatar attraction when it is a Fox property.
  22. The Potter books came out in 97 and the movies in 01. The people who grew up watching those are now in their late teens/early twenties. With that said, MCU is highly succesful, and I see its impact being as big as SW. It has the head start of decades of comics, but the movies have really taken Marvel to a whole other level. But, with VII coming out, SW will be forever, and I think both franchises will coexist quite well.
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