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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. This. Even if it breaks all kinds of records in China/Russa/South Korea, which hey, it very well might, it's probably gonna require 900 million overseas just to do it, which would be in the same league as SW/JW/Avengers. I just don't see it. Honestly, I'm not even fully sold on this doing 50 million total here. Maybe five years ago.
  2. Presale, or is it out? This is the kind of movie where I find presale data highly questionable.
  3. Wait, can someone give me the data on how this is doing overseas/in presales? I can't find it in either big topic, and I don't feel like getting lost. This club seems to be picking up some (inexplicable, in my book, but that's why I want the lowdown) steam and I need to know why!
  4. I really hope they just do a full seventh and eight season at this point. Too much to wrap up, and I'm sick of the half seasons bullshit. Just do 20 more episodes, if contractually possible.
  5. Yes, the word no exists, that's why I have to tell my younger family members I can't take them to the movies all the time. But if I DO take them to the movies, then I want them to have fun. That's kind of the point. My nieces and nephews aren't going to the movie so they can come home and analyze the cinematography on the Internet, they want to go to have fun with their friends and eat popcorn and be silly. So telling them no to a major part of the experience when you brought them there specifically to have this fun experience is kind of counterproductive.
  6. Sure, we've done that before. But sometimes you don't have time to do that when you're trying to deal with a group of children. Or maybe, the kids want to get a nice butter popcorn from the movie theater, because it's fun. Again, stop judging others. I have a belief that normal families should be able to have fun with their little kids at a movie without breaking the bank, and for almost every normal family, eating is a part of that experience. Sorry that not everyone watches movies in this way where they break out a spreadsheet to weigh economic benefit.
  7. Most people in real life aren't movie nerds like us. They're families that want to have a fun experience with kids. When I went to see Eye in the Sky, I sat by myself and didn't buy a thing. When I went with my brothers and two little nieces to see Zootopia, we bought popcorn and drinks and some candy because we were a family that was having a good time and enjoying ourselves. Not everyone watches movies like you, Tree. Working and middle class families like mine should be able to enjoy experiences in life without breaking the bank. That isn't too much to ask.
  8. There's only a few things in this entire world that aren't "optional." Shelter, healthcare, basic food, and water. Otherwise, everything is optional- including movie tickets. The real thing I don't understand is why you're being such a snobbish, judgmental ass to people who do things a little differently than you. It's really starting to get a bit much.
  9. That's one of the better trailers of the summer, honestly, and if they had just started out that way, then it would have been instant hype train. Better late than never. It still has a definite sense of adventure and fun, too- it's certainly not grimdark or anything, even if it isn't as silly as the teaser.
  10. 1) Will Angry Birds make more than $40m this weekend? Yes 2) Will Neighbours 2 make more than $40m this weekend? 2000 No 3) Will any film make above $50m this weekend? No 4) Will at least two new entries open above Civil War? No 5) Will The Nice Guys make more than $15m this weekend? Yes 6) Will Civil War become the number 1 film of 2016 by the end of Saturday? No 7) Will The Jungle Book overtake BvS's domestic total by the end of the weekend? 3000 Yes 8) Will Zootopia remain in the top 8? Yes 9) Will Huntsman increase more than 72% on Saturday? Yes 10) Will Mother's Day drop down to 10th place or lower? Yes 11) Will Money Monster drop more than 53%? 2000 No 12) Will The Darkness drop more than Ratchett and Clank? 3000 No 13) Will Barbershop have a better Friday increase than Keanu? Yes 14) Will the three main new entries combine to more than $100m? No 15) Will Greek Wedding 2 drop less than 37% on Sunday? 2000 Yes 16) Will Jungle Book's weekend gross be within $24m of Civil War's? 3000 Yes 17) Will Sing Street remain in the top 12? No 18) Will The Boss have a PTA above $650? Yes 19) Will Deadpool stay above Kung Fu Panda 3 this weekend? Yes 20) Will all three films involve scenes that show the unwitting imbibing of urine? No Bonuses 15/20 - 2000 16/20 - 4000 17/20 - 6000 18/20 - 9000 19/20 - 12000 20/20 - 15000 Part 2 ~ The closest predictor for each question scores 5000 UOS 1. What will be the gross of the number 1 film of the weekend? 46.4 2. What will the top three new entries combined Saturday gross be? 42.4 3. How far away from $1B Worldwide will Zootopia be by the end of the weekend? 18.6 Part 3 ~ predict which film finishes in the places given. (2000 per film) 1. Angry Birds 3. Cap 6. Money Monster 9. Hunstman 11. Barbershop 15. Eye in Sky
  11. Arthur Dayne is written in the books as essentially a cross between the Michael Jordan and Pele of sword fighting, so it makes sense. He doesn't dual wield, though.
  12. Looks pretty dope, loved Macbeth so I'm actually cautiously optimistic about this one. I also thought the music was a great choice- added to the stylized nature of the trailer and broke from the traditional sword and sandal "epic score" crap. I like things that are different. No idea why everyone wants everything to follow the same formula and hit the same beats. Why would you want this to use the same music and style choices as flops like Persia and countless other movies of that style? Also, I know Kanye is a massive douchebag personally, but LMAO at people suddenly pretending like he hasn't made some of the best hip hop albums ever all of a sudden. "How does he have a career?" Hmmm, maybe because albums like Late Registration and Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy were maybe the best albums of any genre of their respective years. But hey, just a guess.
  13. Lots of really strong sequences the last two episodes. The first episode was kind of a necessary appendix episode but the last two have been a better start than last year. It still feels like they aren't staying quite long enough with characters/moments to build momentum, but the craft is as good as ever.
  14. Just on an empirical level, that would double the Saturday jump minus previews from true Friday for any Marvel thus far. The highest a movie has jumped from a true Friday (without previews, that is) to Saturday is either Iron Man 3 or Avengers IIRC, which jumped about 30 percent. So you are expecting this, despite increased frontloadness for sequels as they progress, to mathematically double the highest true Friday to Saturday jump in Marvel history, from 30 percent to 60 percent. Essentially, you are expecting this to perform like an animated film or kids movie, not a slightly backloaded Marvel film like IM3. You asked a question, and this is the mathematical, non-troll answer: It would be an insane, near mathematical possibility that broke from any historic Marvel film or superhero blockbuster to have the kind of Saturday jump you anticipate. I just don't see the evidence for that.
  15. 1) Will Civil War open to more than $150m? Yes 2) Will Civil War open to more than $175m? Yes 3) Will Civil War open to more than $200m? 3000 No 4) Will Civil War open to more than $220m? No 5) Will Civil War's OW account for more than 82% of the total weekend Box office take? 2000 Yes 6) Would Civil War's Thursday Preview total be within $5m of being enough to win the weekend on its own? Yes 7) Will Civil War drop less than 25% on Saturday? 2000 No 8) Will Civil War's Sunday make more than $50m? Yes 8) Will Jungle Book drop more than 43% this weekend? No 9) Will Huntsman finish above Keanu this weekend? 3000 No 10) Will Mother's Day drop less than 57% this weekend? Yes 11) Will Zootopia make more than $4m this weekend? Yes 12) Will Zootopia pass Batman vs Superman's total gross by the end of the weekend? 2000 Yes 13) Will Ratchet and Clank stay above the Boss this weekend? Yes 14) Will at least 4 films increase over 200% on Friday? Yes 15) Will Barbershop cross $50m by the end of Saturday? Yes 16) Will Star Wars the force awakens increase this weekend? 2000 Yes 17) Will hardcore Henry make less than $12,500 this weekend (getting pulled from theatres counts as a yes for this question)? Yes 18) Will BvS have a PTA above $1,200? No 19) Will Hologram for the king finish in the top 12 this weekend? 2000 No 20) Will 1920 London have a PTA above $6,500? No 21) Will Kung Fu Panda end the weekend in the top 25? Yes 22) Will 3rd -8th place's weekend gross combine to be higher than Jungle Book's Weekend Gross? 2000 No 23) Will Green Room Finish in the top 10? Yes 24) Will any film in the top 20 drop more than 70%? 3000 Yes 25) Will Civil War be universally accepted as the film to end all wars and disagreements for films ever? LMAO Bonuses 16/25 - 2000 17/25 - 3000 18/25 - 4000 19/25 - 5000 20/25 - 7000 21/25 - 10000 22/25 - 12000 23/25 - 15000 24/25 - 17000 25/25 - 20000 Part 2 ~ The closest predictor for each question scores 5000 UOS 1. What will Civil War gross opening Friday (including previews)? 83.2 2. What will be the difference in total domestic gross between Civil War and Jungle Book by the end of the weekend? 90 mill 3. How far away from making its (BOM stated) budget will Huntsman be after this weekend? 75 4. What will Zootopia's weekend Drop be this weekend? 24 5. How many films (out of all the films that BOM gives a gross for) will drop more than 57.5% this weekend? 5 Part 3 ~ predict which film finishes in the places given. (2000 per film) 3. Mother's Day 6. Barbershop 8. Zootopia 10. BVS 13. Hologram 17. Papa
  16. Just made it in, senoritis style. TOP 15 ETC PREDICTION TEMPLATE Below is a helpful template to use for making predictions. All Players who use this template for their predictions will receive 10,000 bonus points for making my life easier when I have to score everything at the end of the game. A: Domestic top 15: 1) Finding Dory- 480 2) Captain America- 464 3) Secret Life of Pets- 260 4) ID42- 238 5) Suicide Squad- 222 6) X-Men- 208 7) Jason Bourne- 188 8) TMNT2-176 9) Ghostbusters- 168 10) Star Trek-160 11) Central Intelligence- 142 12) Angry Birds- 123 13) Ice Age- 115 14) Conjuring 2- 105 15) Neighbors 2-101 B: Top 7 Domestic OW: 1) Captain- 190 2) Dory- 134 3) ID2-91 4) X-Men: 85 5) Suicide Squad: 79 6) Secret Life- 72 7) Jason Bourne- 67 C: Worldwide top 10: 1) Cap- 1.35 b 2) Dory- 950 m 3) ID42- 910 4) X-Men- 865 5) Ice Age- 812 6) Pets- 660 7) TMNT-630 8) Bourne- 580 9) Squad- 575 10) Angry Birds-520 D: Worldwide Weekends: 1) Cap-280 2) Dory-280 3) ID42- 240 4) X-Men- 190 5) Squad-140 E: China Box Office: 1) Cap- 195 2) ID42- 160 3) Dory-140 4) X-Men- 120 5) Angry Birds-90 6) Squad- 80 7) Bourne-70 F: Total Grosses: Top 15 Dom) 3.15b Top 7 W/E) 718m Top 10 WW) 7,852b Top 5 China) 705m G: Around The World in 80 Box Offices: South Korea #1) Cap South Africa #1) Cap Brazil #1) Cap Mexico #1) Cap Australia #1 ) Dory Italy #1 ) Dory Pre-season Questions: A generous risk-free question to start you off: Predict which film will finish closest to each of the following milestones domestically by the end of the game: A: 100M Neighbors B: 200M X-Men C: 300M Pets D: 400M Cap E: 500M Dory Each correctly predicted film scores you 15,000 points, get all four correct and receive 25,000 bonus points for 100k total. (This is the only preseason question where there is no penalty for being wrong so enjoy it). 1) Tell me which of these will be the highest grossing film of the summer domestically: 1) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 2) Independence Day Resurgence 3) Angry Birds Movie 4) Ghostbusters Answer correctly: 12,000 points Answer incorrectly: -5,000 points State that you abstain: 2,000 points Correctly predict the films gross to within 20M and receive a 13,000 point bonus, Predict to within 10M and receive 23,000 points bonus. 2) Tell me which of these will be the lowest grossing film of the summer domestically: 1) Free State of Jones 2) Purge: Election Year 3) Popstar: Never Stop Not Stopping 4) Nine Lives Answer correctly: 12,000 points Answer incorrectly: -5,000 points State that you abstain: 2,000 points Correctly predict the films gross to within 10M and receive a 13,000 point bonus, Predict to within 5M and receive 23,000 points bonus 3) Will at least 3 films make more than 300M domestically by the end of the game? No Answer correctly: 15,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points State that you abstain: 3,000 points 4) Will animated films combine to make more than 800M domestically by the end of the game? Yes Answer correctly: 15,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points State that you abstain: 3,000 points 5) Will at least 3 films make more than 100M OW domestic? No Answer correctly: 20,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 15,000 points State that you abstain: 4,000 points 6) Will any film have either a second domestic 3 day weekend or a second worldwide weekend that would have qualified for its respective top X table if multiple entries had been allowed? Yes Answer correctly: 20,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 15,000 points State that you abstain: 4,000 points 7) Will at least 3 of the top 5 domestic films of the summer NOT be comic book films? Yes Answer correctly: 20,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 15,000 points State that you abstain: 4,000 points 8) Will the top 3 films of the summer’s combined gross be higher than the combined gross of Batman vs Superman, Jungle Book and Zootopia? Yes Answer correctly: 20,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 15,000 points State that you abstain: 4,000 points 9) Will any film have a domestic Opening Weekend above $50M but not open to number one at the box office? No Answer correctly: 25,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points 10) Will at least 2 sequel/prequel/reboots drop more than 33.33% Domestically from the previous installment in its franchise (Civil War is vs Winter Soldier, Apocalypse is against DOFP and Bourne is vs Ultimatum for this question)? No Answer correctly: 25,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points 11) Will at least 2 DOMESTIC titles make over $150M in China? Yes Answer correctly: 25,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points 12) Will at least 3 animated films open to number one at the domestic box office? Yes Answer correctly: 25,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points 13) Will any film with a budget above $120M (according to BOM or another credible source) gross less than $60M domestically? Yes Answer correctly: 25,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points 14) Will any domestic film get more than 8 million admissions in South Korea? Yes Answer correctly: 25,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points 15) Will any film make more than $45M in Germany? Yes Answer correctly: 30,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 25,000 points State that you abstain: 6,000 points 16) Will at least 3 comedy films (as listed by BOM) make over $100M domestic? Yes Answer correctly: 30,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 25,000 points State that you abstain: 6,000 points 17) Will any film open to 1st place domestically in its opening weekend and then drop more than 64% in its second week? Yes Answer correctly: 30,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 25,000 points State that you abstain: 6,000 points 18) Will any film in the worldwide top 10 NOT be in the domestic top 15 films at the end of the game? o Answer correctly: 30,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 25,000 points State that you abstain: 6,000 points 19) Which combination of films will gross the most amount of money domestically during the game? 1) Finding Dory, Civil War, Popstar: Never stop Never Stopping, Mike and Dave need Wedding Dates 2) Apocalypse, Star Trek 3, Sausage Party, Alice Through the Looking Glass 3) Warcraft, Neighbours 2, Tarzan, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 4) Jason Bourne, Central Intelligence, Secret Life of Pets, Conjuring 2 Answer correctly: 30,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 25,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points 20) Which combination of films will gross the smallest amount of money during the game? 1) Pete’s Dragon, Keanu, The Shallow, Nine Lives, 2) Legend of Tarzan, Ratchett and Clank, Me Before You, Arms and the Dudes 3) Ice Age, Money Monster, Lights Out, The Space Between Us, 4) Ben Hur, Now You See Me 2, The Shallows, Mechanic: Resurrection, Answer correctly: 30,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 25,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points Jajang’s (JJ-8) little set of Questions. Answer if you Dare! Part A: A Fish called Dory 1) Will Finding Dory produce the biggest “animated” opening weekend of 2016 ? (Current Record – 2016 = Zootopia 75.1m) Yes 2) Will Finding Dory produce the biggest “animated” opening weekend ever ? (Current Record = Shrek the Third : 121.6m) Yes 3) Will Finding Dory make more than 300m domestically ? Yes 4) Will Finding Dory make more than 400m domestically ? Yes 5) Will Finding Dory top the Summer Game domestically ? (ie. #1 film for the game) Yes 6) Will Finding Dory make more than 1B worldwide ? No 7) Will Finding Dory become the #1 Animated Film Worldwide (Current #1 = Frozen 1.277B) No 8) How many weekends will an Animated Film be on top of the weekend chart ? (You have a Cushion of 1 Weekend – so if you are off by 1 you still get this correct) 4 9) Will any of the listed Animated Films have a weekend drop of “< 30%” in their 2nd weekends ? Yes 10) How many Animated Films will be in the top 15 for the summer game ? (you have a Cushion of 1 Film) 4 Part B: It’s a Comic Book World 1) A comic book film is expected to make the highest opening weekend during the summer game (Many of you will have it as your number 1 Weekend). Name that Film OR if you don’t think a Comic Film will be the number 1 weekend this summer, then put NONE. Captain 2) Will Captain America: Civil War make more than Iron Man 2 (128.1m) on Opening Weekend? Yes 3) Will Captain America: Civil War make more than Iron Man 3 (174.1m) (and inherently more than BVS) on Opening Weekend? Yes 4) Will Captain America: Civil War make more than Captain America: The Winter Soldier (259.8m)? Yes 5) Will Captain America: Civil War become the biggest MCU film which doesn’t have “The Avengers” in its title (ie. More than Iron Man 3 (409m)) Yes 6) Will X-Men: Apocalypse make more than X-Men: Days of Future Past (90.8m) on Opening weekend? No 7) Will X-Men: Apocalypse make more than Deadpool (132.4m) on Opening weekend (this would make it the largest of the X-Men series)? No 8) Will X-Men: Apocalypse make more than X-Men: The Last Stand (234.4m)? No 9) Will X-Men: Apocalypse become the biggest of the X-Men series/franchise (Deadpool – Final number isn’t done yet)? No 10) Will Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows make more than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (65.6m) on Opening weekend? No 11) Will Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows make more than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (191.2m)? No 12) Will Suicide Squad make more than Captain America: The First Avenger (65.1m)? Yes 13) Will Suicide Squad (Total) make more than Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Opening Weekend (170m – estimate)? Yes 14) Will All Comic Book films (Total) make more than 1 Billion domestically (Total of all 4 films together)? Yes 15) Will any Comic Book film drop more than 62% in it’s second weekend? (this will always reference 3 day totals only) Yes 16) In how many of the following markets will a Comic Book film be the number 1 film (Total Gross) during the Game? (You have a cushion of 1 country) (Australia; Brazil; China; France; Germany; Mexico; Russia; South Korea; United Kingdom) 8 17) Will Captain America: Civil War make more than 1 Billion Worldwide? Yes 18) Will Captain America: Civil War (Worldwide Total) OR X-Men: Apocalypse (Worldwide Total) make than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (Worldwide Total) AND Suicide Squad (Worldwide Total) Worldwide? Yes 19) Will at least 2 Comic Book films receive a Cinema Score of at least “A”? Yes 20) How Many Comic Book films will be in the ALL 3 of the main game charts? (there is no Cushion for this one!) 2
  17. Keanu seems totally destined to become a cult classic, though, and find a big time life on home video and cable TV. At least judging from reviews/reactions. That's something.
  18. Hit me up dude, I'm as excited about this as most movies this summer.
  19. I always thought this franchise was cool but I wasn't in love with it or anything, and that's pretty much exactly how I felt about this teaser. Looks fine. I'll see it if reviews are good.
  20. That's a very well-cut trailer. Fuqua is really hit and miss for me, but I'm all for Peter Sarsgaard hamming it up.
  21. The board is fitting for an America in the Donald Trump era- mostly laughable craziness, but dangerously close to tipping over to destruction and apocalypse.
  22. Maybe he wants the next one to be Mad Max levels of action glory, is all.
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