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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Whether or not it does do more or less than Interstellar, it looks like it should be continuing a nice trend of a non-franchise sci-if film's being hits in the fall. Gravity, Interstellar, now this.
  2. I hated the idea at first but I've warmed to it a bit. It does seem more cash-grabby than your usual sequel but these are the best characters Pixar has IMO and I'd love to see another great film with them.
  3. Pretty good film. Did a great job at maintaining the sense of tension which ultimately made it pretty frightening. B+
  4. I liked the part with young Reed's first teleportation device thing being powered by a ton of N64's. It was so cheesy and dumb but I thought it was a neat little quirk. Everything else was god fucking awful though. Just a complete and utter bore. I don't think I've ever seen a superhero movie with so little action.
  5. My dad and I saw Fantastic 4 today. I'm still not really sure what just happened.
  6. I refuse to watch a Bad Boys film without Bay, Smith, and Lawrence at the helm. Only with holy trinity can the high octane ridiculousness of the first two be replicated without bordering into "wannabe" territory.
  7. Yeah, totally. I mean Age of Ultron only made what, $450+ million? Clearly nobody watched it.
  8. The only dream I ever had relating to box office was last year. It was just a normal dream and in it I checked my laptop and saw that Transformers 4 had a $98 million opening day.
  9. Fair enough, the real goal is going to be distinguishing it from its influences.
  10. Well, Indiana Jones already sorta covered those bases and that's the reason this seems like it would appeal to the masses. Uncharted took a lot of influence from the Indy films.
  11. Ferguson was great. Managing to steal the show from Cruise is no easy task, though Emily Blunt did do it last year as well. I liked it a lot overall. Among the best of the series. B+
  12. A fun would-be showdown right now is Inside Out vs Minions. $284 and 287 million respective grosses at the end of weekend 4.
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