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Everything posted by Mango

  1. If Inside Out does $90 million I'm going to be floored. In addition to that, JW isn't slowing down at all. If the top two both end up over $90 million I'd argue this weekend is just as incredible, if not more incredible than last weekend.
  2. I say we just wait until Rth comes in before adding anything to the title. Variety/DHD are only accurate once in a blue moon.
  3. Depends on how much extra IO makes. If it ends up close they might just do the unthinkable and take from Avengers to push IO over JW or something.
  4. No, not really. but it does baffle me that this never happened. Then again we will probably get a Cap 4 sooner or later so it's not too late.
  5. It fucking enrages me that Marvel has never scheduled a Cap film for 4th of July. It would practically market itself.
  6. At least we should have some strong holdovers with Inside Out and Jurassic World, and Ted 2 will be in its second weekend to help as well.
  7. Wow, Inside Out making a 50% increase on MU's numbers is completely unexpected. I was thinking it would do a little over $2 million. Even more impressive is that MU would be more likely to have frontloading l, being the prequel to MI. I'm not gonna count my eggs before they hatch, but this makes the weekend quite interesting and I'm thinking IO might make it to $80 million.
  8. Just a few million shy of $300 million in 7 days.
  9. Terminator 2 is Cameron's best film. The man hasn't really made a bad film, though.
  10. I know I missed this but I just wanted to say I hate the Minions too. Okay, well maybe not hate, but I'm definitely indifferent and their shtick wore off on me my halfway through the second film. Unfortunately the masses love those little yellow fucks. I saw the trailer both times I saw JW this weekend and people of all ages and backgrounds were laughing and eating that shit up like gourmet slop. They aren't going away anytime soon.
  11. On the perspective plus side it'll probably have excellent numbers for a spin off.
  12. One great thing about a huge new opening weekend is that it generally brings in a slew of new members.
  13. Eh, not to take away from universal's epic year so far but I'm sure Disney isn't feeling any type of salt with Episode 7 capping the year off for them. If anything they are probably super happy nostalgia can help so much.
  14. I'm sure someone has mentioned this as well but this is also the biggest weekend of all time now, topping the Christmas weekend when Avatar, Sherlock Holmes, and Alvin 2 led. Though it only tops it by like $3 million so there is room for change, but at this rate I think it's safe to say even if the other films slack, JW will be enough to make up for it.
  15. Seeing it again tonight at 8pm. Wondering if I should get there at 7.
  16. 3D was actually a lower share than TA1 (52%) despite having a larger IMAX gross.
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