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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Still, the year overall has been fantastic. Five films over $300 million, with two more on the way (maybe three but I doubt Spectre will top Skyfall). Add in AS also making over $300 million in this year and it's pretty crazy.
  2. Hmm. It was aight. I did enjoy the smaller scope of it all compared to the mass doom and destruction that has accompanied pretty much every Marvel film since Avengers. B-
  3. My thoughts as well. I didn't think Prometheus was a bad movie either. I actually admired some of the ambition from early in the movie and was thoroughly let down by it virtually not living up to any of it.
  4. They're really slacking if they pump out any less than the Land Before Time sequels.
  5. Looks fun. Doubtful of it having the same mass appeal that Skyfall did but I imagine it'll be a good one.
  6. If we get another 90-100 million ticket seller it's gonna be out of the blue. Established franchises can only shoot so high. Star Wars was a unique concept at the time. Titanic was that as well as a significant, universally tragic historic epic. I'm not saying we will (I don't see it happening with the industry today) but if it does we'll all be about as off on it as we were with American Sniper.
  7. It's a good thing James did this instead of that Spider-Man movie. After Batman & Robin superhero flicks are gonna be box office poison.
  8. I wonder how long we'll be in the age of mega budgets and attempt at unified universe storytelling. Obviously until the end of the decade, and likely at least another few years into the 2020's. At that point I wonder if TV serials and services like Netflix will have become the default venue for anything that probably would have been a small-mid budget movie in the 90s.
  9. Well, back when IMAX was a unique format it sort of made sense. Nowadays there are tons of large digital formats that essentially do the same as a digital IMAX. They still have their unique 70mm outings, but those are pretty sparse these days.
  10. I can't see Minions opening lower than Inside Out. It'll at least do $90 million. It may or may not have great legs though.
  11. It would be nice to see this be a big hit. It would further solidify 2015 as a monster year.
  12. IO, JW, TG, and XXL all sold out today in our theater. I'm back home and it's a small all town's theater but sell outs are sell outs. People are out in droves this evening.
  13. Ray wasn't the best but at least he kept the charts updated and could actually write a decent article. All in all he did a good job continuing Brandon's way of operating, I thought. Btw what the fuck happened to Brandon Gray? Is he working for some studio somewhere too?
  14. The 2018 summer schedule looks like total shit. A bunch of animated films (three from Fox alone), and sequels to Godzilla and the Terminator reboot. Of course, it should change a good bit as we get closer to it.
  15. Also this weekend is still pretty impressive. Two holdovers making $50+ million in the wake of a $33 million opener after two monster weekends. Even though Ted 2 probably had little overlap it's impressive the market managed to maintain that.
  16. But he looks cool and geekdom generally appreciates that more.
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