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Everything posted by BoxOfficeFangrl

  1. I don't understand why Runner Runner exists? It looks so generic, Timberlake's not going to elevate the material and the trailer says he's playing a college student, which, lol no. Unless they meant he was someone who went back to college in his thirties. No release was really going to help this thing. Will Gravity outgross Prisoner of Azkaban?
  2. How was Loki not suspended after he loses it on a suspect who then gets a gun and commits suicide while in custody? The ending felt like it cut off when it did for the sake of being "shocking". Meh.
  3. Such a weird show. Some good winners, some atrocious ones, so much playoff music for winners but time wasted with random and pointless performances and dance sequences representing the Best Drama nominees (just as the Oscars got rid of things like that). The one for Breaking Bad in the jumpsuits with the periodic element cube choreography was especially I guess it's one of those moments that will go down in Awards Show Hall of WTF like Snow White and Rob Lowe and the Crash dance montage at the Oscars. Why didn't the regular In Memoriam montage use, I don't know, television clips of actors, instead of black and white headshots?
  4. Grace of Monaco got moved? Oh, poor Kidmaniacs. I don't think movies about Grace or Diana are bad ideas, just that they need to have very strong scripts and good casting and sometimes stars need to admit they're just not right for a part. Maybe Nicomi can console each other about their dashed 2013 Oscar dreams.
  5. I liked Oprah in The Butler but it was more for her lines (qué sera sera) than the performance being so brilliant. But Oprah has a lot of friends in Hollywood and The Butler has been a box office hit, so that might be enough. But you're right, every year is different. How many leading men probably want their films to move to 2014 so they won't get lost in the Best Actor bloodbath?
  6. McConaughey on TV every week? Looks very good and the song in the trailer (Whispering by Alex Clare) is amazing!
  7. The star of Instructions Not Included was a guest on Jimmy Fallon's show Friday night. Granted it's not the biggest audience but it was probably the most exposure he and the movie have had to a "mainstream" audience ever, so it might have helped. IDK.
  8. The Reader is exactly the kind of movie Kate Winslet parodied on Extras. It sounds like so many movies are delivering, BP is shaping up to be another bloodbath category. Though usually what happens is that support coalesces around one project and the outcome is completely predictable by the time the Oscars roll around.
  9. The marketing for Instructions Not Included was probably heavy on Spanish-language channels which slip under the radar but reach a sizable US audience, more than the "major" American networks sometimes.
  10. Hannah Montana was in 3D and hyped prior to its opening weekend as a one-week only event. Plus, there was a big Hannah Montana concert scalping scandal the year before, you had people faking stories about their dads dying in Iraq to win Hannah Montana tickets. So fans flocked to the movie in a big way because many had probably been locked out of going to the actual show. Whereas with MJ, it wasn't in 3D, it skewed older obviously and to an audience more likely to wait to get it on DVD or catch it on TV. Though I think if This Is It had been ready in August or September, it might have had a better opening.
  11. Can we see a breakdown of the 13% male attendance for the 1D movie? Dad/guardian figures vs. boyfriends dragged along with girlfriends vs. fanboys?
  12. These reviews are unbelievable! I was worried this would be another Solaris but the critics are saying Gravity will play quite well with mainstream audiences.
  13. RT scores of recent pop concert docs: One Direction: This Is Us — 70% (currently) Katy Perry: Part of Me — 77% Glee: The 3D Concert Movie — 60% Justin Bieber: Never Say Never — 64% Michael Jackson's This Is It — 81% Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience — 25% Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour — 72%
  14. I remember when MMMBop was new and some guys I went to school with were like, "The girl in Hanson is so hot!" I still think it's weird the 1D movie is coming out Labor Day weekend. A week earlier would've made more sense but maybe they figured at the time The Mortal Instruments would be competition.
  15. I only heard of Closed Circuit when I saw a trailer for it at 2 Guns which wasn't all that long ago. I've seen ads but the BBC mention is apt. Plus, a movie starring Eric Bana and Rebecca Hall? Might as well have called it Fetch.
  16. Lee Daniels' The Butler August 24, 11:45 AM, ~70% full Ticket: $4.00 (Cinemark "Early Bird" special) Trailers (probably forgetting a few): Captain Phillips 12 Years A Slave August: Osage County The Best Man Holiday Mandela: Walk to Freedom The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete The sit-in scene and everything Oprah said/did got the biggest reactions. The best parts I thought dealt with the generational divide with the Civil Rights movement, which method was better at effecting change, etc. Lots of people crying in the theater by the end.
  17. Books are classified kid lit or YA or romance or whatever based on their content, not their audience. The first couple of HP books and movies were in the kid realm compared to the later installments. Great for Scholastic/Bloomsbury that older people liked them too but that doesn't make Sorcerer's Stone less of a kids book. Friday for Mortal Instruments, over or under $3 million?
  18. Potter wasn't YA when it started, it was a straight kids' book and a kids' movie. But then they grew up and things got more intense so it became more YA-ish.
  19. How, he died in DH. But the society that allowed him to gain such a following in the first place, the book didn't exactly make it clear how the wizarding world changed on that score. Harry's kid is still scared he'll end up in Slytherin and Ron is doing memory charms on Muggles like it's nothing. I'm sure Rowling explained it all in some interview or on Pottermore or whatever. Maybe it's fanon, but I had the impression the real movement behind Voldemort and the first war began around 10-15 years before he failed to kill Harry on Halloween 1981. First Voldemort acquired the different magical artifacts and making horcruxes. With Grindelwald I had the impression he reigned more in Continental Europe while Voldemort was a UK phenomenon for the most part.
  20. I think Will Smith has spoken about it and said there's a feeling from studio execs that casting him opposite a black actress in something like Hitch, there was a concern it would be viewed as a "black movie" and that would limit its box office appeal. Like if they want him to have a black girlfriend/wife in a historical thing or an action movie where the woman is in it for ten minutes, that's fine, but something that is more focused on the love story, studios want to hedge their bets or broaden the audience, so they figure if he's with Eva Mendes it will get the biggest audience with the least amount of objections. In Hancock, I'm sure the story would have worked the same way if the actors had been the same race, but the rare time Will Smith is cast with a white actress as his love interest and the story ends the way it does, is...interesting. You can tell in Hollywood there's a comfort level in portraying things a certain way.
  21. I remember thinking this was just okay at the time and not being surprised it didn't break out in a major way. Also I saw this a couple of days after the tsunami and there was a house teetering over a body of water and people in the audience seemed to be unnerved by it. I did think Emily Browning was really good and that she'd be a huge star, which hasn't happened. Liam Aiken, I saw him on Mad Men playing a high school kid earlier this year. Talk about losing out: he could've been The Sixth Sense kid and then Chris Columbus considered him for Harry Potter but "his mom is Irish" wasn't enough to for him to make the cut with that franchise, either.
  22. I kind of want to see it now? Sometimes when movies do that badly on the tomatometer it's because a star vehicle with toxic buzz or it's one of those horrible Epic Movie-type parodies, and the critics have their knives out. But Paranoia just looks like some random thriller, a paycheck job for Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman while Liam Hemsworth tries to carry a movie. Critics generally go into movies like Paranoia expecting mediocrity and grading it on that scale, so for it still to get a 2% means it has to be a complete hot mess. I really want to know where it went wrong, how, etc.
  23. Such a cynical, sinister movie. I love it! Originally Montgomery Clift was supposed to play Joe Gillis but he dropped out at the last minute before filming...would've been interesting to see Norma Desmond with Joe as more of a pretty boy...not that William Holden wasn't handsome but he's very much one of those classic leading men with a "mature" sort of look about him.
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