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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. Hans Zimmer is getting increasingly experimental in his scores. More often it works. The script had at least 4 writers according to imdb.com yet the plot was my biggest issue. Too many cooks in the kitchen.
  2. Wow. This probably won't even be a Netflix rental.
  3. We have Lord of the Rings and Conan movies which arguably started it all in the literary world. Game of Thrones is lighting up the airwaves and there are rumors of a 2 hour movie. Personally, I'd like to see the Stormlight Archive made into a movie, or a series. Book 2 is out next and it'll be several years before the series is complete (Sanderson isn't a slow poke like Jordan or Martin) but by that time GOT will be over and fans will be clamoring for the next epic story.
  4. Lost credibility at TS3. I felt Unbreakable was underrated. Same with Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  5. Tele, the feet discussion in the other thread left me Talk about derailment! hahahah! On a related note: Looks like my initial estimate of $225m for Capn is wayyy low. It has already supplanted Iron Man as my favorite non-TA Marvel franchise.
  6. I would definitely strike out any scene with the Autobot twins Skids and Mudflap but they were intimately involved in the Devestator fight on the Pyramid. Ugh, what to do, what to do. This is hard work!
  7. $135m for conversion work added in. Plus marketing which brings total cost at least to $200m....so $400m.
  8. It's great watching the Han Solo audition reads Harrison Ford. What took them so long to realize they had a great Han Solo? Here's Kurt Russell trying to be Han Solo in 1977.
  9. This is about in line with his comments to Reddit. June we get the finished script, polish it for the rest of the year while doing post-production. Mid 2015 start filming. Probably a year long shoot. By mid-late 2016 all 3 films are done. 2017 - avatar 2, avatar 3 - 2018, avatar 4 - 2019. Of course Cameron is known for taking his time so we'll see.
  10. http://extension765.com/sdr/16-heavens-gate-the-butchers-cut What movies should get re-edited? What would you take off? I'll go first: Crystal Skulls - Flying monkeys scene AOTC - "I hate sand" love scenes 3 Hobbit movies cut down to one 3 hr movie
  11. This will be the best videogame adaptation ever. Watch.
  12. It jumped around geographically but it had to in order to get us caught up on what everyone is doing. Those wildlings are a nasty bunch.
  13. Good book but it doesn't scream blockbuster. I would think Blood Diamonds level grosses if not for Leo's increase starpower. $90m total
  14. Good point. I was thinking of Neverland but even that was 10 years ago.
  15. Pretty bad movie. C Some of the funniest moments (for bad reasons) * Gwen Stacy getting pissed because Spiderman/Peter Parker had to run off to save hundreds of lives. He comes back from the first encounter with Elektro and all she can think about it is the interrupted conversation. It wasn't like she didn't realize what had happened, in the background was all the destruction. Hokey writing: * Peter Parker's first encounter with the Jamie Foxx's character. He is an engineer bumbling about the city saying "excuse me, I have blueprints in my hand". After Spider-Man saves his life from a car; he says out of the blue "Thank you Spider-man. I'm a nobody". huh? Where did that come from? There had to be a better way to portray an insecure nerd caricature. *Gwen Stacy: "I'm coming with you". Like, how is she supposed to help Spiderman combat Elektro?? She would just get in the way! (sounds nonsensical despite the fact she DOES help him). Did NOT see the end credits coming! Mystique and other mutants. Wow!
  16. Johnny Depp has also proven himself IMO outside the big tentpoles.
  17. Yes, I was referring to just box-office. The marketing budget was far higher than $40 million. I don't have a specific number but the budgets we DO get for similar saturation campaigns are ALWAYS north of $60 million. Let's say $60 million (I think that's a low-end). On top of $135 m budget, you get about $200m in overall costs. Double that to get a break-even point and you need at least $400m. Even if it makes its budget through ancillary revenues, it's not enough to warrant giving Aronofsky another $100m to adapt a biblical story in the way he did. I would be extremely surprised if that happens. For that, I am thankful.
  18. Trascendance may require some sort of financial statement/write-off/earnings adjustement from WB like what Disney had to do with John Carter.
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