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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. Aside from $$ inflation adjusting, I wish there was a way to adjust for inflation in overseas attendance. OS markets have expanded greatly. No way Titanic would make less than $2b in that case, quite possibly $3.5b.
  2. Awesome hold for God's Not Dead. I predict a less than 10% drop.
  3. Perhaps we'll get news this year on whether JJA will direct Episode 8. They'll have to make that decision before the first comes out at the very least.
  4. Loving the SW: SOTE discussion. It really is a soundtrack for the ages. Alot of people thought, when Shadows of the Empire came out, that Joel McNeely could be the heir apparent of John Williams if he croaked. I agreed.
  5. I guess we had different experiences. I hope Raid 2 overperforms.
  6. You are the first person to say that. The audience hated it. WOM is baaaad. I doubt you'll find that counterbalance. I am hoping for a steep drop in the 2nd weekend.
  7. "Did you hear about the time an atheist tries to make a biblical movie?" I give this film an F. As Baumer mentioned, from a strictly creative standpoint, it is a cluster of a mess. It's honestly not worth the time and effort to write a long review besides the fact it's being covered here. From a biblical standpoint...OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS. There are so many dramatic licenses taken here (either using extra-biblical material or the writer's own 'creativity') that I can confidently say this is not an adaptation of Noah. It is a film that sparingly uses material from Genesis. Aronofsky goes out of his way to take God out of the film. Miracle workings occur via humans (and not God working through them either, nope, all man's doing), God is made out to be a merciless being who punishes beings for helping mankind, then there are the dramatic departures - it only takes a few years to build the ark, Ham and Japheth's wives are missing, there's a stowaway on the ark, I could go on and on on. Please do not see this movie.
  8. Possibly 3 franchise movies in 2015 for Ice Cube. Wow.
  9. Prometheus was underrated IMO. Looking forward to 2016...
  10. Finding Dory Amazing Spider-Man 2 or Ted 2
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