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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. Do what I do. Watch the first teaser and if it's something you plan to see, avoid ALL other trailers/previews. It works!! I enjoyed Gravity, Purge, Captain America 2 sooooo much more. Most of the money shots and highlights were new to me. I went back and watched some of the later trailers and was glad I had avoided them. Case in point, I will watch the teaser for Interstellar and that's it. It's going to suck waiting six months but it will be worth it. Star Wars Episode VII will be tough tough tough. As I've said elsewhere I am struggling with avoiding Edge of Tomorrow trailers. I have to keep running to hit MUTE because I want to know very little but the trailers w/ Cruise's voice over is on all the time.
  2. What was in theaters in 1914? Thomas Edison's motion picture reel of a man riding a horse? The oldest film I've ever seen was Metropolis (1927) and I couldn't get through it.
  3. This My local theater appears to have premium prices for new releases and gradually decreases the cost of the ticket as the film ages.
  4. Talk about guilty... You Shall Not Pass.
  5. GREAT ARTICLE! It's one of my main issues with the prequels and with Episode VII speculation. I have said repeatedly here that I hope we see little lightsaber action. For me, my worry isn't about the application of the Force but going overboard with fighting scenes (although this article raises many awesome points). You risk diluting the mysteries surrounding the living force. To me, the 1:21 mark of this video captures Star Wars perfectly: The prequels focused too much on the Jedi and fast lightsaber fights and martial arts. It fits in with these modern times where everything is explosive, kinetic, and violent. Star Wars is so much bigger than the lightsaber. Kasdan and JJ, please use the Force sparingly! It should be dessert, not a full course meal. The Jedi are not what Star Wars is about.
  6. http://screencrush.com/star-wars-episode-7-force/
  7. It inspired me to add some Lynch movies to my Netflix! I've heard about him but I don't think I've seen his films. I 'rented' Blue Velvet and Mulholland to start.
  8. I have no problem with Orci as I had no issues with Nu-Trek. I hope he knocks it out of the park. I wouldn't mind seeing Star Trek 3 leave near-Earth space this time around and do some exploring.
  9. CA2 has averaged 41% drops across all weekends. While the middays are decent, Godzilla will sting. Still, $260+ is nothing to sneeze at. Also, if Transformers bombs critically and from WOM (I mean, if it REALLY sucks), it might not get to $260m and CA2 will win the summer.
  10. If Marvel is going cosmic with phase 3 this could be Planet Hulk. I think Latino Review removed their scoop from early 2013 (after it was debunked) but here is a good summary: http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2013/02/04/rumor-planet-hulk-will-be-key-to-marvels-phase-three-plans/ It sounds plausible given the TA2 concept art of an Iron Man Hulkbuster suit. Why would he need that unless...see above.
  11. [*]This episode cemented Betty as my most hated character [*]Ginsberg?! What did you do! [*]Poor Henry, he has his hands full. [*]I really wanted the Megan/Don marriage to work. I give this episode a B.
  12. I had one of those rare experiences that all SW fanatics love. I introduced someone to Star Wars. In this case, it was my girlfriend. We watched A New Hope and this was the first time she had seen any Star Wars movie. I am paraphrasing but her verdict was that it was good, not great. shrug* What are ya going to do? LOL. My favorite parts: * seeing her reaction when Luke fired up the lightsaber for the first time * her reaction when Ben Kenobi revealed that he was Obi-Wan * seeing her reaction when Obi-Wan disappeared (she thought he just became invisible, which is sort of true) * her asking if Vader would ever take the mask off (she figured correctly from his heavy breathing that he needed it for survival because) * "How did he make him think that?" in reference to Obi-Wan's jedi mind tricks * "He's a hero!" when Luke swung across the chasm in the Death Star with Leia in tow * "He's been in love with her from the beginning" referencing Luke and Leia (I can't wait until she finds out they're brother and sister) * Obi-Wan speaking to Luke while in ghost form wasn't anything spiritual or metaphysical, she thought he simply made himself invisible (she actually thought Obi-Wan was in the X-Wing with Luke during the Death Star run, only invisible. ) * She couldn't quite understand what Vader was doing when he force choked Admiral Motti. Her favorite character was C3PO because of the 'way he talks'. We'll finish the OT and if she's still not super excited, we'll end it at that. No PT. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if she likes the PT better. *sigh* After the OT, we'll move onto LOTR (which she also hasn't seen)
  13. Good run for Gravity! I remember wondering in December whether Gravity would still be around in late February (Oscars). About 7 months total!
  14. Indeed. If Star Wars sticks with December, it will intersect with one of the Avatar sequels. Sequel Trilogy 2015 2017 2019 or 2015 2018 2021 Avatar 2016 2017 2018 or 2017 2018 2019
  15. Kids were at the Neighbors screening? Loss of innocence right there. I saw a little girl with her dad at a Wolf of Wall Street showing. Needless to say they walked out in the middle of the movie.
  16. It's not weird at all given Marvel's well known reputation for being tightfisted with their wallets. Here's a great story on how RDJ forced Marvel to pay the other guys before he re-signed. http://www.deadline.com/2013/05/robert-downey-jr-avengers-marvel-negotiations-fight/ "After hard-fought bargaining, Chris Evans for Captain America 2 and Chris Hemsworth for Thor 2 wound up with deals still weighted on the back end but at least with attainable break-even numbers and small upfront guarantees and box office bonuses."
  17. $500K to get one's foot in the door and become a mainstream name? I'll take it. As the article says, actors always renegotiate deals if the franchise takes off (which TASM did). I'm sure Garfield is making much more than the $1m for TASM 2 as the original contract stipulated and will make more than $2m for TASM 3.
  18. Any idea why several films saw such soft landings? (CA2, Woman, HIFR, GIND, etc) I wonder if colleges and universities are out now?
  19. #1 story this weekend is Neighbors OW tally. #2 story is CA2's amazing hold. 27%
  20. Ron Perlman since many people who saw TA thought the Thanos cameo was Hellboy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqGb4waRtcI
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