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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. It's interesting that 2007 has been mentioned several times but I just don't see the big deal. Ratatouille, 300, and I Am Legend were my faves from this year. Transformers 3, SM3, and Bourne 3 were also entertaining. Still...http://boxofficemojo.../chart/?yr=2007
  2. Could you use larger font next time, it's hard to see.
  3. Does it count if it is the same movie? I saw TPM 4x the first day it came out.
  4. Don't get too upset if Man of Steel doesn't have any Justice League tie-ins.
  5. I think back to 2001: A Space Oddyssey and I'm like "yea....riiiight"...not even in 2200 will we have achieved half of what's in the space scenes.
  6. There's still a chance someone could invent flying skateboards although probably not enough time for its mass adoption.
  7. In its defense, some of the cinematography in TA was experimental/gimmicky such as using an IPhone camera for some of the action scenes.
  8. Speak for yourself, I never said that.
  9. Lincoln could hit $160m. Yay!
  10. Voting for Oscar nominations end on Friday:http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/moviesnow/la-et-mn-academy-extends-nomination-deadline-by-24-hours-20121231,0,402633.storyNominations announced on the 10th.
  11. Thanks for the tip Sims. I take back everything I've said about you behind your back.
  12. Check out the difference in True Grit's actual and inflation adjusted gross. Ha ha.http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=weekend&adjust_mo=&id=truegrit2010.htm
  13. Brave and Ice Age are still in theaters wow.While we're on the subject of longtimers, I've been waiting to see Argo on DVD but it's still playing in several theaters in my vicinity ....hmmm...decision decision.
  14. I hope Skyfall, Hobbit, and Jack Reacher are higher after actuals for those films are released.
  15. Case in point, he was more upset that he didn't win Oscar for Best Writing for Inglorious Basterds than Oscar for Best Directing.
  16. Lincoln is amazing....it will blow by $150m. Another win for Spielberg.http://boxofficemojo...&id=lincoln.htm
  17. $1b is looking good for Hobbit but not guaranteed. What major markets do we have left? China?
  18. I recently watched Tarantino's Howard Stern interview and he said that when films would go overbudget he'd use his back-end money to finish the film. I'm assuming he has really good back-end deals. The guy is worth $90 mil according to Celebrity Networth.com and that's with none of his films being blockbusters in theaters.
  19. Lincoln is not getting his due. :unsure:http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=weekend&id=lincoln.htm
  20. Besides Disney live action and animated properties you have Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones...sheesh....they're the Exxon of the movie industry. I haven't even touched their Distribution deals.
  21. The way these threads are going, there must be something in the water.
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