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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. Sarah Conner in T1 and T2 are two different characters IMO but the same could be said for Ripley.Sarah Conner by a whisker over Ripley.
  2. Leaving out Star Wars since I consider it to be Sci-Fantasy. :-PMy top 10 in no particular order:AvatarAliensAlienWall-ETerminator 2Close EncountersStar Trek 2009Jurassic ParkInceptionContact
  3. True. Star Trek dropped pretty significantly Tuesday (but had a softer Sunday and Monday drop) but Thor and IM2 stayed steady *shrug*I think we'll see a slight drop.... $7.6 million ish.
  4. My concern is that it is too late for WOM to help it attain SM1 like multipliers. Now the big boys of summer are coming into play, eating up theaters and demand. The Dictator/Battleship combo (equiv to a single $60mil opener) and definitely MIB3, Snow White, on and on. I don't predict big drops for TA, it's a very good movie, but I don't see soft landings either.
  5. Does anyone have a good explanation for why Iron Man's 3rd weekend decline was so low? Less than expected competition from Prince of Caspian perhaps? It really had the benefit of 3 weekends and THEN Memorial Day. What a great final/OW multiplier it had.
  6. TA is tracking closer to Iron Man 2 than any other movie.
  7. I'm also less confident in $600 million. Whenever I run the numbers to when the dailies are $100-$150k, I can never get to $600 million, let alone $650m. My final prediction is $590 million. I hope I'm off by something like $45 million though.
  8. The mkt is about to get crowded so $400m isnt guaranteed. Im hopeful though.
  9. What do you guys think of the comments below? Does the Domestic market have enough capacity (demand, number of theater screens) for all the upcoming blockbusters and ensure Avengers finishes north of $600mil?Check out the release schedule. It's insane!http://boxofficemojo.com/schedule/
  10. $40-50m is too low for MIB3 in my opinion. I see about $60mil for the 3day.
  11. Much higher. It will have $570m by mid-June and that's conservative. By then the weekends will be in the $5-8m range. Start thinking $600m.
  12. It's confirmed!$103m in 2nd weekend. Amazing!
  13. It'll get to 1.2bn on Dom alone, if no additional overseas ticket is sold. 1.5 is a lock. 1.7....just maybe. Wow!
  14. Best post I have seen this week. Thanks for your honesty. I was an adult then and loved the film. It wasnt until I began absorbing all the hate from the internet fandom that my opinion began to change. The majority opinion can change you. The most recent example was Indy 4. I loved it but that changed after complaints about the nuke fridge and aliens. Speaking of Spielberg movies, I remember watching Lost World in theaters and enjoying it until an audience member heckled when the little girl did gymnastics in the barn and kicked the velociraptor. I became more critical of movies after that...less naive. Maybe I have a weak mind. *shrug*
  15. I wonder what kids at the time felt about TPM (Jar Jar, etc). Who knows, maybe TPM spawned a new generation of fanboys.
  16. The average ticket price in N.A. is $7.92 so a 100 million attendance flick would gross at least $800 million...far more if it was in 3D. Not sure if I'll see that in my lifetime. In my original question, I was referring to current/future movies. Yes, GWTW, Star Wars, etc no doubt already hit that mark.
  17. I think a more apt question may be to ask when he/she was born.
  18. I suppose the next milestone is First Film to Sell 100 million tickets. That would be absolutely incredible to behold.
  19. ESB ROTJ ROTS ANH AOTC TPM ROTJ, ROTS, and ANH are very close. As maligned as the prequels are, I think Lucas absolutely nailed it with Revenge of the Sith. I am biased because I am a SW fanboy but ROTS is one of the best movies of the 2000-2010 decade.
  20. Seems like Ant-Man is furthest along, which is expected considering he is one of the original Avengers. With that said....Ant-Man??? They would HAVE to go cheeky (i.e. Thor) to sell the character to the general audience which is the approach based on past comments by director Edgar Wright.
  21. Jar Jar and Gollum is comparing apples and oranges when it comes to their performances. Also, he's justified, I think, in saying he helped pioneer mo-cap. His performance may not have been Oscar worthy but he could have still moved the industry forward. IMO
  22. I hope Daniel Craig hangs in there and beats Roger Moore's record for number of Bond films.Roger Moore - 7Sean Connery - 5Pierce Brosnan - 4Daniel Craig - 4 (incl. 2014 film)
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