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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. The only reason why I don't think though it was cerci, is because I think it might have been majorie (sp?) She seemed excited about the 'cake' and when they had slices of the cake, she didn't eat any of it (which is very weird for a just married couple to not share their cake together, even if this is medieval times), and then kept giving him some. Joffrey even made a face like the cake tasted bad or something. I think majorie or even the grandmother poisened the cake.
  2. You know, when I saw her facial reaction I felt the same way. She was crying but to me it looked like she manipulated the whole thing just to get rid of Tyrion. I don't know. I could be wrong, but she just didn't seem as emotional to me there.
  3. It's funny, because everyone in my family thinks it was the pie and not the wine. They have been talking about it non-stop (I swear, it's like their FBI agents on the case).
  4. Awesome!!! I was so desperate trying to find that song, thanks so much gentlemen!
  5. Is that the song in the credits of this new episode? Because I was just wondering who sang that, because I loved it so much.
  6. Avengers should definitely lock all 3. Only one that could stop it would be SW7, and that's only if TA2 perhaps falls a bit due to it being a sequel to an already highly successful first movie.
  7. Now granted I wasn't fond of the last few seasons of friends, but the finale was good. Come on, we all knew Ross and Rachel were gonna end up together.
  8. Aw, well I guess that was kind of a cute way to end it. They got the not so obvious ending, but yet at the same time making all the TedXRobin fangirls happy.
  9. I've only seen like, a couple of episodes of this show and even still I'm so curious at who the mom is.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf3Ji-9tiJo Omg, calling all Inuyasha fans!!! This video is hilarious! It pretty much sums up Inuyasha perfectly!
  11. I finally watched this on my blue-ray dvd! I wished I had seen this in theaters, it most definitely deserves all the box office, money, awards, and so forth that it got and even more some. This was such a nail-biter the whole way through. And wow! The graphics were just breath-taking! Not only that, but I love how the director shot this movie at times with chaos and shaky cam (THIS is where shaky cam is affective), like when she was tumbling through space. It made me feel like I was Stone herself, just flying off in space with no one to help me. I felt scared for her. It wasn't a perfect movie for me though, I have minor quarrels. One, I think the biggest mistake they made was character development. I think they went way too fast to get into the action (the spaceship is hit in like, 5 minutes into the movie lol), and because of it, we never get any sort of character development in the beginning with both main characters Stone and Kowolski(sp?), and even the third guy who was with them that just kind of floated around not doing anything. If they had spent just a bit more time showing conversations with them, maybe having a dinner scene inside the craft before going out (kind of like how Alien and Aliens did it), I think I would have been so much more emotional when we ended up finding the third guy with half his face blown away from debris. Instead, I mean I felt bad for him, but I was kind of eh to it. It didn't affect me like it was suppose to. Second problem with the movie was the ending. I don't know what it is about Sandra Bullock movies, but why is it in every movie she's in, she NEVER DIES? I know this is morbid, but it's true! I can't think of any movie she's been in where she's died, and my sister being a HUGE Bullock fan, said the same thing! The ending with her going through Earth's gravity and almost melting/exploding to death.....I don't know how realistic it would be for he to actually have landed that thing in once piece. It just seemed so cliche to me. Once again, Bullock lives on (seriously, she's becoming like a Chuck Norris or something). I know it seems like I'm ranting, but really I loved loved loved the movie. I'd give it an A-, overall rating 8.5/10. It was very good and I would definitely rewatch again!
  12. I think satisfied is probably the best word to use. That is, if it does land in the 55M+ OW area. I think if it lands anywhere sub 45M OW, then it might be seen as a failure. With around 80-90M budget, DOM right now looks to be around 140M (if it opens to 55Mish), plus OS will push it up, so overall I can't see why a sequel can't happen. And it's not fair to compare this to THG run. THG run was probably the most impressive openings I've seen ever. How often does a non-sequel film make 155M OW, and also in 2D?
  13. My thoughts? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Please do not put me through what SM3 did to me! I can't even describe in words that atrocious,freak-ass, alien weirdo, piece-of-shit thing they called venom in SM3. I thought blood was going to come out of my eyes from how severely pissed off I was, and having to actually see that thing on screen. Just leave Venom alone please. LEAVE HIM ALONE, AND ALSO CARNAGE. Venom and Carnage are my 2 fav characters from the TV show (more than spidey himself......yep.....I'm a villain kind of gal )
  14. Just finished last episode of season 1. Overall thoughts on it: So far it's okay. I hate that there's so many people they throw at you, but at least they have the decency to kill em off for me to lessen the number to remember. If my sister weren't in the room telling me what's going on, I think I'd be really lost.
  15. Let's see, I was born in 1991. So, I have Terminator 2: Judgement Day ($204M)
  16. I thought this movie was okay. It did feel creepy at times (credit to bale), but really the script was bland and the story in general didn't sit well with me. I'd say overall a B- movie, 6.5/10
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