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Everything posted by babz06

  1. He probably lives above his means, like so many other stars. It's called 'rich broke'. I dont think Cage will ever be really out of debt.
  2. Yeah which is why i dont put much merit into the awards themselves. Its only fun to predict because you know its fairly predictable.
  3. I doubt Fincher knew who Tyler Perry was before he met him. So it goes both ways. The funny thing about this is that Perry has been an Academy member since 2009, Fincher was nominated twice for director (Benjamin Button, Social Network) since 2009. So all this means is that Perry must not take his membership or craft seriously.(lol)
  4. I dont think so. The tv spots have been more unintentionally funny than scary. (imo) I guess people have to get their kicks somewhere.
  5. Im not surprised by the Annabelle number but really? People are that desperate for a scare? This looks so shitty.
  6. I could see that coming from a mile away. it looks like a big action epic film not a horror.
  7. He's a good actor too. Lots of people relate to him because he seems like a down-to-earth guy and hes attractive. Similar to Will Smith, he attracts a broad audience that crosses all demographics.
  8. Not really. Reviews were great for Dolphin Tale and it still under-performed. No Good Deed is making a profit at the end of the day.
  9. Meh opening weekend for Maze Runner. I dont expect much more than Ender's Game numbers.
  10. The hit the right demos which is mainly women over 25.
  11. Will Packer produces better films than Tyler Perry (imo) and he hires different directors too, so there is variety.
  12. I'd say taraji had just as much of an affect, she has a large fan base from Think like a man and Baby Boy.
  13. Well Disney can't really buy out a whole bunch of studios, that would create a monopoly. Also eventually, the superhero movie explosion will slow down. The studios are already going to speed up the fatigue with the amount being released in the next five years.
  14. it depends on the legs after labor day weekend. Right now I'm thinking 185 because there are some kids/family movies in September that coudld affect it: Dolphin Tale 2 , the maze runner and the Boxtrolls.
  15. It's not like she's getting good work. She's come a long way down since the first Fantastic Four.
  16. Not really since those are the ladies getting most of the lead roles in HW. Actresses don't usually get good roles until they hit their late 20s/early 30s. But this thread is getting off track,so ill stop right now.
  17. Bullock, Jlaw, Hathaway, Chastain, Jolie, Johansson, Aniston, kstew, portman, Winslet, adams, stone plus a couple several others. I guarantee scripts are going through all of them before they get to Woodley. If you said young actresses in demand then I would rate her in top 10 but not overall.
  18. Did you forget about The Blinside or The Heat? Sandra Bullock is definitely powerful. Just look at the forbes top 10 and that should.give you an idea of the most in demand actresses in Hollywood. I'm not saying Woodley is never gonna get there but she isn't there yet.
  19. She's not. Neither of them are the most in demand, that would be Sandra Bullock. Woodley is probably not even in the top 10 most in demand. DIVERGENT is a lightweight franchise and she has yet to prove that she can open other genre besides YA,both of her films have built in fan base, she had little to do with the success. In demand actress have name recognition, Oscar nominations and opened a variety of films to huge box office success, Woodley is not there yet.
  20. Those Get On Up numbers are just pitiful. What a disconnect with the audience. This seemed like a sure bet for atleast 50m.
  21. Im sure there is gonna be more release date changes. No way does Trainwreck and Grimsby stay where they are, both are probably gonna be r-rated/adult comedies going after the same demographic. One is moving to August for sure (probably Grimsby). I think a comedy can be released at the beginning of the July, there is room for it. Pixels and Trainwreck dont have to open on the same weekend, one of them should move to it. Also i think WB should move the new Pan film to another date, Minions will be the go-to family film of July,plus Ant-Man. its totally gonna get killed if it stays where it is now. I say move Pan to July 31 or August 14 There isnt a major tentpole in August at the moment. One of Assassin's Creed and/or Point Break will have to move from that August 7 date, makes no sense to open two major action films on the same weekend. i would schedule it like this: July 1-3 Terminator: Geniysis Magic Mike 2 Trainwreck July 10 Minions July 17 Ant-man July 24 Pixels Poltergeist July 31 Untitled Peter Pan Point Break Paper Towns Aug 7 Assassin's Creed Grimsby -Move Goosebumps to either Aug 14 (to give it pace from Peter Pan movie) or Oct 23. to get that Halloween money.
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