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Water Bottle

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Everything posted by Water Bottle

  1. Before BvS, I was neutral. I liked Marvel and I liked DC. After BvS, I'm firmly on Team Marvel. And I'm on Team Arrowverse. And I'm on Team X-Men. But I am not on Team DC live-Action movies. (As for the assertion that the audience doesn't know a character, that's why marketing exists. To introduce an audience to a character. A good movie will win over the audiences to the character.)
  2. No, I meant Tobey Maquire. I always get their names confused. Probably cause neither has done much in a while.
  3. What does Deadpool have to do with anything? I'd like to note that Superman's reputation in films had been declining for a while (when was the last Superman movie people actually thought was good? It was Superman II with Christopher Reeves. That was back in 1980. 36 years ago. Every movie since then has been bad or mixed including Man of Steel.) As for Batman, yeah he's solid. It's opened higher than any Batman or Superman movie. Also, if a movie is going to open to at least $150 million regardless of quality and it opens to $170 million then that's a win in any book.
  4. After thinking hard about it, I have decided to lower my grade from B/B- straight down to a C-. I kinda don't like this movie. Which is so strange. It's very easy for a superhero movie to please me! I'm a huge fan of the genre, I generally like MoS, but the more I think about it, the more I realized I didn't actually enjoy Batman vs. Superman.
  5. I miss Topher Grace as Spider-man. Much better than anyone else who has played him so far.
  6. I loved that some user got so mad when I pointed out Wonder Woman was irrelevant. As for Batman? I mean he did save Martha. So he has that going for him.
  7. The best movie of the series? Yeah, it is. Too bad the cliff-hanger will be there to leave us hanging for all of eternity....unless they make the fourth film for Netflix or something. B+
  8. Considering how I paid $20, they would have to pay me -$20. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  9. Many Catholic schools in the US are closed on Easter Monday. Protestant schools too and even some public schools. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  10. Would have been awesome if they could have gotten Michael Keaton to play Batman again.
  11. There are times when adding scenes can improve a movie. This is not one of those times. I don't want more Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Pondering to go through in re-watches.
  12. Actually a B is pretty good for this film. After that RT score, a B is a great sign.
  13. I was going to take tomorrow to rewatch Batman vs. Superman but after that first watch....might as well go tomorrow to see Divergent.
  14. I gotta say that even though I liked the movie way better than you, I really enjoyed reading this and I hope you finish up this giant review!
  15. Says the guy who predicted $300 million OW for SW7. Yeah, if it hits $200 million then it's a major blockbuster for sure.
  16. 'Cause that's my definition? I don't do it by DOM total or WW total because any movie that has an OW that high should be able to meet that domestic total. Don't care about WW BO that much, but that's just me. To me, a major blockbuster is an event. It's the one where the studios spend a lot of money on production and then spend a lot of money on marketing. I should be able to tell just by the OW that a movie is an event.
  17. I thought about adding Civil War. I'm just not convinced it's going to open to more than $100 million at this point.
  18. Major Blockbuster according to Water Bottle: [*] High budget of at least $100 million [*] At least $145 million OW (goes up every year with inflation) [*] Marketing must be everywhere [*] Must be a major "event" movie. Most blockbusters are not major blockbusters. That's okay. 2015 was pretty big with Jurassic World, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Furious 7. I'm not sure any other movie in 2016 will meet the qualifiers for major blockbuster. Maybe the Independence Day sequel? Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them? That Star Wars spin-off film? Not sure yet.
  19. Zootopia didn't even have a $100 million OW. Deadpool wasn't a major tentpole release that was guaranteed to hit at least $100 million OW before release. It broke out but it wasn't an event movie like this one. It's a blockbuster, sure, but it's lower budget and low BO expectations going in kinda means it's not a major blockbuster. Just a regular, normal one.
  20. TFA was like 3 months ago and this is the first major blockbuster of the year.
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