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Water Bottle

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Everything posted by Water Bottle

  1. I have no Blue-Ray, nor am I interested in getting one.
  2. Aww.....this is a sit-com. That's...what 90% of sit-com episodes are: filler.
  3. Isn't that what humans hate? What they know so little about, the unknown?
  4. Whenever Ry or Impact or whoever is doing Part One posts the thread.
  5. I don't see why Impact can't recast TNG's original cast as a reboot.
  6. There's 35 weeks a season, I believe. There's 22 episodes for the season, that leaves about 14 weeks of repeats. It's not that they've run out of new episodes per se, but that they need to put repeats in there.
  7. It's probably a reflection of how much I care about these characters, but who's Carol?And anyways, how does being a bitch make you interesting, or make me care about you? Shane has always been unlikeable from the beginning, and he becomes even more unlikeable as the series goes along. Andrea's just being a whiny bitch as well.And the series doesn't have good enough writing to make me care about unlikeable characters, which makes it hard for me to connect with them. It's not really that the characters themselves aren't interesting, it's that one doesn't connect with the characters and therefore doesn't get interested in them.I do agree with the idea that pregnancy, birth, and raising a child are all interesting stories. It's just that I could care less about Lori, or her problems.
  8. Yeah, the big problem of this show is that it wants us to care about the characters, but their not characters I really like that much.
  9. 1) The Dark Knight Rises2) The Hunter Games3) The Avengers4) Sherlock Holmes 25) The Expendables 26) Bourne Legacy7) Skyfall8) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo9) Ghost Protocol10) Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 (What?)
  10. That's cause the prices are set before the season begins, during the May upfronts or the summer. At that time, the price was justified. I'd be surprised if Glee's ad sales don't drop for next season.
  11. She gets paid $300,000+ per episode. Trust me, she wants to be there.
  12. Glee used to hit the 4.0 range weekly. It used to be a mega-hit but now it's just a regular hit.
  13. Ok, I get the girl complaint, but really the kid? You expect him to recover that fast?
  14. Well Umbridge was supposed to make you angry.Anyways, Ron has always really annoyed me.
  15. She's the second best character on the show, right behind Bernadette.
  16. A+ is better. I think A New Hope is the best film, but my favorite is Empire Strikes Back.
  17. So I know Christopher Nolan has stated that his movies will not have Robin. But if Robin was indeed going to appear in a new Batman, with the same tone these movies have had, who would you cast?
  18. Other than some acting issues and Jar Jar Binks, it's actually a pretty good story.
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