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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. But it’s still happened, granted it happened before the expanded slate, but I wouldn’t count it out. However I’d give Shape of Water or Dunkirk the edge simply because of the BP nom.
  2. @Kalel009Shel Let’s see if I can summon the legend to give us his reaction to this being a Disney movie now.
  3. Tele is just fading into the Force like Yoda, so he’ll still be around to torment us in our hours of desperation.
  4. City of Stars? And beyond just the songs, Hurcwitz’s score also plays a prevalent role in the film
  5. You’ve been slacking in the angst and shit posting department and Han’s picked it up. You’ve got yourself competition.
  6. Plus, class isn’t the place to meet people. You can, and I made some fine aquantiences in class, but my closest friends I made from doing something outside of class. Whether it be the people in your dorm hall, joining some club (pick something, be in something that meets, give yourself something that forces you to socialize a little), and so forth. Now I’ve had friends in classes but usually we had something else outside of class that made us close.
  7. ^^ Listen to JAndrew @WrathOfHan @That One Guy @Ethan Hunt There’s few times in life where you get an opportunity to reinvent yourself and have a fresh start. College is really your first and biggest of those (I reckon moving to a new city for a new job could be one, going to graduate school at a new school is one). Dont get stressed about it or try to fake it. You’ll have plenty of time to figure things out and campus will be large enough where if you screw something up with one person it’s easy enough to find a new group to try and connect to. But definitely get involved in things, find something that seems interesting and try it out. Doesn’t have to be related to your major. I’m economics and mathematics but I still do stuff like sing in choir because it’s enjoyable and gives me an opportunity to hang around people who aren’t analyzing every detail. Just go with things though, don’t overthink it. I don’t want to go to far on an advice train because I feel like when I was first going into my freshman year I felt overwhelmed simply because everybody was giving me their two cents on how to do college and most of it conflicted with what somebody else said. It’s mostly a time to figure things out about yourself on your own and everyone finds something different, just be open to experiencing new things and don’t coop yourselves up in your rooms.
  8. Into the Woods is written by Sondheim of course it’s better than LLL and TGS, lol. I don’t love the movie adaption, but Sondheim’s music is brilliant.
  9. What a strange world it is that I’m finding myself agreeing with Ethan more and more. But TGS’s music is trash. It’s uninspired, hits the cliche and boring Poppish beats, lacks any sort of lyrical wit, is a style that really doesn’t fit the story being told, and it all blends together. Theyre songs written for audiences that eat up trite stuff from shows like Wicked and American Idol. La La Land’s stuff is vocally flawed but the actual music is great. I’ll definitely take that over the squeaky clean top 40 pop ballads.
  10. This is good advice, @WrathOfHan. Getting yourself out of seasonal ruts can be difficult. I often do during the end of semester or during a stretch of a break where my family is working and nobody I’m all that close to is in town. I actually got a part time job assisting with interior decorating this winter break just to help with that. This next semester I’m definitely going to try and force myself to find something different to do if I start feeling the seasonal rut come in. It effects your work ethic and it definitely makes me less sociable when it happens, which usually makes it a viscious cycle for a few weeks.
  11. I can’t wait until they stumble into their first party. My bets @Ethan Hunt experiences a wild theater party and simply posts, “I jizzed all over that screen.” @That One Guy joins a D2 frat and wonders what all the hype is about @WrathOfHan plays a mother! Style DnD campaign and calls if a party because somebody brought alcohol.
  12. Now I’m rewatching Blade Runner, I’ll see if it holds up as well as Get Out did.
  13. The entire movie is full of gold ”No, no, no, no” ”I’m TS motherfuckin A... Consider this situation motherfuckin handled.” ”They’re probably abducting Black people, brainwashing them and making them sex slices and shit” ”I want your eyes, I want those things you see through.” “Yeah, I’m pretty sure they aren’t a kinky sex family dawg.” The whole thing is also filled with so much detail in each scene. There’s a lot you pick up on with rewatch. I also find the score to be a lot better on rewatch, it’ll probably make my boffy ballot. Im really hoping Get Out is the BP winner. Will probably be Three Billboards, which is good too.
  14. Rewatching Get Out, it’s subtly stylish and the performances are great
  15. Wow, this is almost my first ever “Mixed WOM” Post. All that’s missing is a WTF reaction.
  16. Lol at anyone who thinks an 18 Hour mini-series is a movie. I might as well have said Game of Thrones was the best movie of 2016.
  17. I can attest that Lady Bird and Three Billboards did make it to smaller cities in Texas. I’m sure Shape of Water and other BP nods will get decent Expansions too. No reason to release your movie to streaming when it’s still in wide release or prior to Oscar noms. It’s not as profitable.
  18. Why not just wait a month when the movies are on actual steaming services?
  19. I thought the movie was fine, not great in any way. Really didn’t care for the style. B-
  20. SoW missed the SAG nom, and it's an acting heavy film that was definitely screened prior to the deadline, that alone takes it out of contention for a BP win.
  21. CMBYN isn't winning BP though either. You definitely need Actor support to win BP (as noted, there are very few movies that miss a SAG nom and win BP, in fact only Braveheart won BP without a SAG nom and you could argue there was still a strong enough ensemble in that movie to warrant a BP win. Plus that was the first year the SAG awarded a best ensemble award), and in general I think an actor may be more likely to vote for an ensemble piece than one that is not. I think La La Land would have at least needed a nomination there to get the BP win. It's not a major issue because the three movies in contention (Get Out, Lady Bird and Three Billboards) are all SAG nominees. If Three Billboards wins SAG, PGA and WGA (and BAFTAs) I think it's a clear winner. If it loses PGA or loses both SAG and WGA (or all three), I think there's a strong possibility it loses (especially if it's Get Out or Lady Bird that end up taking PGA, SAG or WGA). Also, if DGA snubs Lady Bird or Get Out, and they also don't get a directing nod, I think that puts them out of contention.
  22. But it also had a consensus sweep through the guilds. Every movie will have detractors, but you can't have that many if you swept up all the awards. La La Land won a lot, but it did not sweep as much as Birdman, as it didn't even get a SAG nom. Also something to note. This may also decrease the relevance of the guilds, maybe it increases the relevance of the critics circles.
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