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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Yeah, right now unless we are really overlooking a movie I can't see any one that will be able to top HTTYD2, especially given this summer's circumstances with only 2 animated films (one being a unwanted sequel to a DisneyToons spin-off of the least popular Pixar franchise)
  2. Weird, apparently the HTTYD2 #1 phenomenon is only on this site
  3. Oh no, not this travesty of a movie. No offense to people who liked it, but I couldn't stand this movie.
  4. 1.Boyhood 2.Godzilla 3.Guardians of the Galaxy 4.How to Train Your Dragon 2 5.The Fault in Our Stars 6.Gone Girl 7.Unbroken 8.Whiplash 9.Interstellar 10.Big Hero 6
  5. Okay fine, here is my number 1 movie (For real this time) 1 I will go through and tally through the people who posted their predictions in a bit. Every movie on the list that a person listed is a like, and the person who got the most right gets an extra 5.
  6. I have it being a much bigger hit than he does though.
  7. To be honest, all of the extreme Frozen buzz has actually started to make me like it less, simply because I have been overexposed to it, and if I hear one more person break out into Let it Go I might go insane.
  8. Finding Nemo not being in the top 10 saddens me, actually the fact that the only Pixar movie in the top 10 is Toy Story (one of their most overrated franchises, but still great, their other original films besides Cars, Brave, and Bugs Life are better). I get that you're not supposed to put much 21st century animation, but honestly some of the best animation has come during this period.
  9. After Desolation of Smaug and how awful it was, I'd prefer they just start from scratch. An Unexpected Journey, there was hope, there were a lot of WTF moments, it was to long, and the orcs and fight scenes were to much and completely ruined the tone, but a decent cutting was possible. After Desolation of Smaug condensed all of the actual plot of the book into about 20-30 minutes and filled the rest with non-stop action sequences, while also convoluting those few plot sequences with nonsense, there is very little hope for a good cutting of The Hobbit. I'd prefer they just leave Tolkien alone forever now, there are no other stories that would work well as movies, and given that Jackson failed so tragically with the easiest of Tolkien's books to make into a movie, I don't want to see what they'd do with the other stories. On topic I want to see a well done big budget Asian fantasy though, there hasn't been one yet, but then again only Hollywood gets a big budget and there are very few directors who know how to make a good movie centering around non-Western cultures.
  10. 1.Boyhood 2.Godzilla 3.Guardians of the Galaxy 4.Gone Girl 5.How to Train Your Dragon 2 6.The Fault in Our Stars 7.Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 8.Exodus 9.Birdman 10.Interstellar
  11. He also has X-Men: Days of Future Past in 2nd with 295m.... Then again, I am putting way more chips in The Fault in Our Stars than I probably should. I just have this feeling that it's going to break out huge and I keep seeing it everywhere, so I am taking the risk.
  12. If you have seen any list I do, you know I never post #1 right after #2 because I like disappointing people.
  13. Before I announce my number 1, I am going to give a congeniality award to a movie that isn't number one but gets a very distinct mention. Congeniality Kung Fu Panda Is there a seriously a movie that measures up to this one, it's pretty much the best movie of all time in every single standard, okay maybe not but I really do love this movie, it's a film that does my species proud. Few movies stand among this one.
  14. I bet 50 points TASM2 opens under Spider-Man (2 people)I bet 50 points Neighbors is the only wide release its weekend to open over 12.5m (2 people)I bet 75 points Neighbors 3 day is over This is the End's 5 day (2 people)I bet 250 points TASM2 is not the highest DOM movie from May (1 person)
  15. Alright, sorry for the long delay, here is number 2 2 Finding Nemo Is it a crime to put an animated movie so high on an all-time list? It doesn't really matter because there was absolutely no way this movie wasn't going to make my list under any circumstance, it is one of the few animated movies that are able to transcend the stereotype of being for kids and being a film where every single aspect is not only thoroughly enjoyable by an adult, but absolutely loved. The jokes are spot on, and never dig low, in fact most of them are probably adult oriented rather than child oriented, the vocal performances are genuine and honest which makes each character rise above the stereotypical pitfall they might have otherwise hit. The soundtrack is one of my absolute favorites, and it alone can spawn an emotional response from me. But it's the powerful story and scenes that really put this film on another level for me, there are three moments in this movie that make me cry every single time I watch it (and I when this movie came out I pulled a Shay and watched it 12 times within that year, I am not joking. I have seen it even more sense then, and it still makes me cry at those exact points every time), there are even more moments that do it randomly, just not every viewing. I actually had this at number one, but when I thought about it there was one movie that resonated with me just a bit more...
  16. 3 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind I literally almost decided to fuck it and make these next two movies have a two way tie for second, but then I figured that doesn't make any objective sense, so I forced myself to make a decision. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is probably the WTF choice of my top 10 list, but there's just something about this film that always draws me back to everything about it. The first time I saw it I really, really liked it and borderline loved it, but I found with each repeat viewing I ended up loving this movie and it touched my soul because of how much I relate to the film. Not only that, but this movie is filled with so many small details and layers that add something new to find and contemplate every watch, well contemplate after I stop crying because it's one of the few films that syncs in at every level with my emotions and personality. This movie got phenomenal reviews when it was released, but it still is greatly overlooked for just how fantastic it is.
  17. I actually don't think Avatar 2 is overly anticipated by the GA, just a shrug type thing right now.
  18. If you split it up, I'll take it too. If you wont and if Baumer doesn't have enough points to take it, I'll take the full one, but do the split before the full.
  19. 4 The Shawshank Redemption I had an actual break down for at least a good minute or two in a weird sort of crying after the credits started rolling for this movie, it absolutely moved me (and thankfully the first time I watched it was at home, alone), and that's what separates my top 4 movies from the rest of them, each of these next four moved me deeper than any of the other movies, so take the ranking of my top 4 with a true grain of salt because I had all four of these movies at number 1 somewhere in the process and I eventually just went with this order. Anyways, I find this movie self-explanatory to why its so great, the story is engaging, the tone and mood sucks you in, it has some of the strongest and most memorable shots in film history, and it ends up putting you in the shoes of Andy, making you feel everything that he would have. The Shawshank Redemption is all around spectacular, if it were a food dish it would be Pizza.
  20. Can we all just agree that Hollywood makes to many movies targeting males?
  21. What's this Crystal Skull movie you speak of? There was no Labeouf swinging on vines... Or Aliens.... Or nuclear refrigerators.... Or.... I can't do this anymore
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