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Everything posted by TLK

  1. There is no reason for Academy voters to come back to a movie like TDKR 6 months after its release, especially now that it is carrying quite a bit of baggage. If TH1 is well-received then I fully expect WB to make a push for it given the history of LOTR franchise and Peter Jackson.
  2. BKB IS NOSTRADAMUS He made the two craziest predictions of the year (TA 200+ and TDKR 160) and both came true. He is also a douchebag who couldn't help himself and got himself banned.
  3. I agree with you. You can't really fudge the actuals as there are different financiers and producers for each project. If you take money from one movie and give to another, there will be lawsuits. There are stockholders and Tax issues as well. It just isn't worth it for publicly traded companies to go this route.
  4. I agree. The number will be in the 161-162 range but they don't want much attention at this point. They announced noon and they will likely delay it by a couple of hours.
  5. It is going to be close to 162 as everything else on Nikki's list has followed the estimates. She got numbers from a good source this weekend.
  6. So about 10% drop for TDKR. Pretty impressive and it means it will have a shot at 20+ Monday. I hope that the number stays above 40 and not drop like early Friday, Saturday numbers.
  7. Yeah, I'll be surprised if it beats TDK's sunday drop. That was something else entirely. I am going to stick with 11-12% drop until Rth tells me I am wrong.
  8. Ignore that AFP article. They can't possibly know how much money it is making on Sunday and Rth is saying that it is doing good business.
  9. Yep. 65% of all votes after day 1 were 10/10. It dropped to 61% today. It was the same deal with Inception.
  10. I think most major publications have their own inside sources.
  11. Nope. LA Times, NY Times, Variety and other publications have already published weekend estimates while emphasizing that they didn't get the official data from WB and other studios.
  12. They do less business because they are smaller theaters ,Fewer and smaller screens = less money. Are you just trolling now?
  13. I have no idea what you are talking about. In most towns and cities, big theater chains have cornered the entire market and people don't really have much choice outside the big theater chains. You have niche, small theaters here and there but most people prefer big multiplexes because of the convenience - online ticketing, closer to home etc.
  14. It isn't practical to avoid big multiplexes if you want to watch a big blockbuster.
  15. You can't linearly extrapolate from these numbers. Big theater chains are the first to report and they are the ones that are doing big business. The 400 remaining theaters may be 3-6 screen types and their business may be much lower. Leave projections to the people who do it every day for a living.
  16. I think holdovers have a better chance of recovery as they can make up a loss of smaller dollar amount. If an opener like TDKR suffers a 20% loss for a week, it has run a deficit of over 40 million dollars that cannot be recovered from the rest of its run.
  17. 46 million is a good number after 47 million Friday and all the shit that has been going on.
  18. I guarantee you that every network morning show and every broadcast evening news on Monday will lead with this story. The only question is whether they will be covering anything else.
  19. Excpect big drops for every movie. Most of them will drop by over 60%. This weekend is going to end up killing many holdovers.
  20. You can see effect of shooting just by looking at theater status. There are theaters with every IMAX show sold out and only one or two regular evening show sellouts, if that, You never see that with big blockbuster openings where one IMAX sellout is equivalent to three-four regular sellouts. My guess is that IMAX shows are attracting fans and most of them were probably sold out days in advance.
  21. It is still very early on the East Coast but from what I am seeing (small sample size) matinees appear to be weaker than either THG or TA. It will need good evening walkups to get anywhere close to 50 million.
  22. Problem is that if Saturday stays flat then it may not even make 150 million OW. There are no guarantees that Saturday will be better than Friday considering presales accounted for a big part of its 40 million.
  23. I think the number will increase. I was expecting weak numbers because of weak matinees but 40 million Friday after 30 million midnights is Twilight territory. New Moon probably had 20%+ more admissions on OD if this number is true.
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