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Everything posted by TLK

  1. Wow. Really Bad number for TE2. If it doesn't recover on Friday it may drop by over 60%.
  2. I don't think TE2 is doing more than $13 million this weekend after the brutal drop that it had yesterday.
  3. I bet it is an estimate and half of it is in the backend deal. If it makes a billion dollars worldwide then Depp will probably get close to 100 million. I'm not really surprised when you consider that Disney desperately wanted a sequel and Depp had taken a paycut for The Lone Ranger.
  4. Or maybe he is just an authentic person. Most young actors don't really have much of a choice in movies when they are starting out so they do crap roles in crap movies. I think it takes a lot of honesty and a big pair of balls to do what Shia is doing.
  5. Why are his comments so controversial? If one of the Twilight actors were to trash the franchise a couple of years from now no one is going to take offense so why are Spielberg and Michael Bay such Holy Cows that they cannot be questioned? Transformers movies are crap. They make a ton of money but they are crap. If you put Indy4 up against Spielberg's work from the 80s and 90s then Indy4 will come out looking pretty mediocre. Harrison Ford wasn't even interested in doing the movie and he did it only because the studio agreed to pay him whatever he wanted. Shia may be a douche but what he is saying has merit.
  6. It did well in Russia. If it can compensate subpar Domestic performance with a better Overseas performance then TE3 can still happen. They will have to deal with the budget though as I don't think studio will let it exceed $100 million.
  7. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-china-dark-knight-spider-man-prometheus-20120813,0,6246668.story 'Dark Knight,' 'Spider-Man,' 'Prometheus' to open close in China Hollywood tentpoles "The Dark Knight Rises," "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "Prometheus" will all open in a single week in China as the communist country takes its most aggressive step yet to limit the box office of American imports. Though it first became clear last month that the state-owned China Film Group intended to open the two superhero films on the same day, Warner Bros. had been lobbying to delay the release of its "Dark Knight Rises" until September. That effort failed, as both movies have now been officially dated for Aug. 27. Adding to the competition for the limited number of screens and moviegoers' attention, China Film has dated the Ridley Scott-directed science-fiction movie "Prometheus" for Sept. 3, just one week later. Executives at "Prometheus" studio 20th Century Fox, Warner and "Spider-Man" studio Sony Pictures are undoubtedly frustrated by China Film's decision, which could lower their box-office totals in the second biggest movie market in the world. None would speak publicly, however, for fear of offending officials there.
  8. TR will finish with a WW total of < 200 million on a supposed 130 million budget. This is John Carter/Battleship territory.
  9. Chinese government is doing this deliberately. Last I checked, Prometheus was scheduled to open one week after TDKR/TASM. Studios are pissed but they can't do anything about it.
  10. Step Up4 has made $80 million WW and will make 100+. It is a success.
  11. The Expendables 2 $17,250,000 from 9 International territories.The Avengers $6.7 million from 57 territories.http://www.rentrak.com/section/corporate/press_room/weekly_top_10_charts.html#1
  12. I see his point. He has made a ton of money and he can now earn the street cred he needs to have a long career in Hollywood. Movies like TF are great for actors to make money but they cannot really rely on them if they are not super stars themselves. BTW, he was right about Indy4. It was just a cash grab all around with no redeeming value compared to the first three parts. Indy1-3 are fun movies. Part 4 is just a boring rehash.
  13. TDKR will fall short of its 2008 predecessor by around $90-100 million (unadjusted) domestically. It is a relatively disappointing performance.
  14. I agree with Moonrise. See my post above but all the rest of the movies are Box Office disappointments of one sort or another even though all of them will make money.
  15. I disagree but I will add Moonrise Kingdom to my list. I thought its budget was around 35 million. It is actually 16 million so 40-45 million is a success.
  16. The Complete List of 2012 Summer Movies that didn't disappointThe AvengersThe Best Exotic Marigold HotelMagic MikeTed
  17. Stuart Oldham ‏@s_oldham Early Box Office: "The Expendables 2" projected No. 1 w/ $32 million, "Bourne Legacy" $17M-19M, "Sparkle" $15M-17M, "Paranorman" $13M-14M
  18. This movie is targeting urban audience. Unless you watch Urban media, I don't think you can judge how good the marketing is. I think there is a good chance that this will do 20 million. I guess we'll find out in a couple of days.
  19. I think that is good enough reason to boost it over 20 million OW.
  20. ^^ I think they are underestimating The Expendables 2 and Sparkle.
  21. These drops are pretty standard. Summer is ending and soon we'll be seeing 65%+ drops. I think TDKR will end up around 440 million as I don't think it will be able to generate another 60 million from this point on.
  22. Every poll should have a "None of The Above" option. I don't find either of them attractive. Kristen Stewart doesn't have much of a personality and Lawrence looks to be about ten years older than she is.
  23. TR is now officially a bomb. Four movies are opening this weekend and I am expecting a big drop in Theater Counts. Even if it retains most of its theaters , The Expendables 2 will take away most of its audience and it won't even make $65 million.
  24. This is just a bad number for TR so no surprise that Sony has already disowned the movie.
  25. I think Olivia Wilde is awesome and she is actually great in some of her lesser-known movies like Bobby Z, Turistas etc.
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