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Everything posted by lab276

  1. Another Way to Die has to be the worst, but Diamonds are Forever is pretty close behind.
  2. Taken 2 could reach $20m, it wouldn't even need that great a multiplier.
  3. I hope it's like that in Australia too.
  4. I haven't seen Speed 2, but that's apparently up there.
  5. It's still a fairly decent PTA, $4500. But yes, it should have done better.Good weekend in general though, the top 5 alone will make over $100m.
  6. January The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo / A The Adventures of Tintin / A The Descendants / A- February Chronicle / B+ Safe House / B March This Means War / B+ The Hunger Games / A The Hunger Games / A April Titanic / A Titanic / A The Pirates! Band of Misfits / B+ The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel / A- The Avengers / B+ May Dark Shadows / B The Woman in Black / B+ Men in Black 3 / B+ June Prometheus / A- Rock of Ages / B+ Brave / A Snow White and the Huntsman / B+ July The Amazing Spider-Man / A- Ted / A- The Dark Knight Rises / A August E.T. The Extra Terrestrial / A The Bourne Legacy / C September From Up on Poppy Hill / A Looper / A Films thus far: 27
  7. Nope, it will drop off far too quickly starting next Monday.
  8. So it's doing about a well, or even potentially better.
  9. That would be quite huge I think, over 100k admissions. Although I don't know how to compare it to anything.
  10. Even Australia is likely to sell more tickets this year compared to Spain and we have half the population. Mind you, our economy is doing so much better, so it's not inexplicable.
  11. With three months to go, how would it not break the record?Where did you get the information from?
  12. Why would Rentrak care about records?
  13. Last I checked, 1.075b > 1.066b, not too much bigger, but bigger none-the-less, so you have to go back to 2003 to find bigger.I guess I should've been more clear about what I meant.
  14. I'm not trying to be disparaging or anything, just making an observation.
  15. So? It's always going to get easier anyway. 2D movies are at a disadvantage compared to 3D movies because they are less expensive and less common. Therefore it's always impressive to sea 2D movie make it to a billion, the last time it happened was four years ago, and the last time it was this big was 2003.
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