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Everything posted by Quigley

  1. Fantastic hold. Third best 7th-day Friday after Star Wars 7 and Jurassic World.
  2. Euro may drop too. It's not like the euro hasn't got its own problems, which will be accentuated.
  3. Are these predictions for the weekend (i.e. by Sunday) or for their entire run?
  4. For those who asked: if you subtract the two numbers in the url you get 661. When read backwards with one decimal place, it's 16.6. Not that I guessed it on my own, it does take a team effort.
  5. The dire state of the market did not prevent Inside Out from selling 310,000 admissions last fall. If Inside Out did it, then surely Findign Nemo can too. I agree though that impact on WW BO is inconsequential, but such are most of the minutiae being discussed on this website anyway. There's an underlying assumption that must of us are here cuz we're BO nerds.
  6. I think that a $500M total is a foregone conclusion at this point. Hoping for $550M+ but $600M+ is not easy to predict atm.
  7. I think that's the difference. Nemo was huge back then in Greece. If it wasn't for Ice Age 2 and 3, it would still be the biggest (since 2003 – no earlier data avalable).
  8. So Dory opened worse than KFP3... Is there any hope this will gross 1M admissions because of holidays or something?
  9. Same in Greece. Pixar movies were never big, with Finding Nemo, Ratatouille and Inside Out being noticeable exceptions. Then again, animated films as a whole were not much of a thing (other exceptions being the Ice Age and Madagascar franchises – and more recently Minions). That being said, if Finding Dory isn't a hit in Greece (>300,000 admissions) I would find that very disappointing, especially given all the positive critical and audience reception.
  10. It's just China being China... what's the point when the figures are never updated with the actuals?
  11. And less not forget China, although I wish Japan makes up for that. It should do at least $150M I think.
  12. Weekend 16-19/06/2016 Ranking Title Weekend admissions % Change from last weekend Monday admissions Total admissions Week 1 Florence Foster Jenkins 25,519 N/A 4,612 30,131 1 2 The Conjuring 2 15,731 -49.4% 2,952 76,057 2 3 Warcraft 12,609 -65.7% 2,209 72,280 2 4 Now You See Me 2 10,146 -45.7% 2,107 43,389 2 5 Central Intelligence 4,534 N/A 1,109 5,643 1 6 El Clan [Argentinian] 3,488 N/A 593 4,081 1 7 Truman 3,400 -29.5% 699 10,769 2 8 Angry Birds 2,378 -13.9% 625 84,489 6 9 Babysitting 2 [French] 1,929 N/A 357 2,286 1 10 El Olivo [Spanish] 1,820 -48.3% 446 14,695 3 Sources: http://freecinema.gr/greek-box-office-florence-foster-jenkins-at-the-top/ In what was a pleasant and unexpected surprise, this weekend's first-place finisher was 'Florence Foster Jenkins'. Much like the star of its story, this film rose very quickly is likely to become a sustained success. It started from 2,812 admissions on Thursday and nearly quadrupled on Saturday with 10,073 admissions. 100K admissions should be a piece of cake for this film. 'El Clan' did not open as well as some other recent arthouse hits like 'Truman' and 'El Olivo' but it still earned a 500-admission screen average. The other two new releases were quite disappointing though, 'Central Intelligence' and 'Babysitting 2' opened below 5K admissions and with a less-than-150-admission screen average. Apart from the top opener, what was also interesting (albeit less surprising) was that 'Conjuring 2' jumped ahead of 'Warcraft'. The latter did not manage to attract many more than the fanboys which rushed to watch it on opening weekend, hence the sizeable drop, in line with what happened to the film in other countries around the world. It was also probably not well-received, making the drop even bigger. On the other hand, horror films tend to have decent legs (not more than 50% drops) and 'Conjuring 2' continued that trend. However, it came nowhere near matching its predecessor's 8.4% second-weekend drop to 29,995 admisisons and, at the same time, dropping 50% on holiday weekend cannot be considered a success, realistically speaking. 'Now You See Me 2' also dropped more than its predecessor (26.0% drop to 16,712 admissions), so it looks like both sequels are unlikely to come close to their predecessor's totals. 'Now You See Me 2' nevertheless had the best hold of last weekend's Top 3, which may or may not be a sign of what happens later on. 'Truman' and 'El Olivo' both marched on, with the prior performing decidedly better though. 'Angry Birds' expectedly dropped very little, being the only animated option in the market. The distributor Feelgood made an admittedly smart decision to release 'Finding Dory' in early September when everyone is back from their holidays and there will be less competition from other animated offerings – 'Ice Age 5' being the main obstacle, which comes out in July. This of course meant that 'Angry Birds' would capitalise from this scarcity, although this is not at all evident from its middling 84K-admission total – an indication that lack of competition is only one factor contributing to success.
  13. If Sunday had dropped 10% (in line with TS3), Sunday would be $41M. FD's Monday of $20M would then be a 51% drop, also in line with TS3. Its holds are also better than IO (at least for week 1). Terrific!
  14. Even if it does somehow reach $400M OS, which it won't, $600M WW is dead.
  15. 20% drop in SK. Not excpetional but I think it can get to $20M at least.
  16. New films released this weekend: Central Intelligence El Clan [Argentinian] Florence Foster Jenkins Babysitting 2 [French] Monday is a public holiday. I doubt 'CI' has any chance of finishing first so it will be a two-way race between 'Warcraft' and 'The Conjuring 2'.
  17. FD broke animated OD record even when we subtract preview gross. However, the preview-to-OD ratio is quite high. TS3 and IO both grossed on Saturday what they grossed on Friday minus previews. Maybe we can use that as a metric for front-loadedness. For FD: $55 – $9 = $46M
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