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Everything posted by acab

  1. What is Barton Frank? Barton Fink (if we are talking about that movie) is the best Coen brothers' film IMO. A true masterpiece. Brilliant performances, great production values, awesome cinematography and a perfect script. A brilliant and bleak satire about Hollywood and the death of an artist's dreams. Also a great film about writer's block and so much more. I absolutely love this film.
  2. So what kind of a director will take the job now with no preperation what so ever? Maybe Brett Ratner is availiable.
  3. 1. The Master2. Amour3. Life of Pi4. Killer Joe5. Django Unchained6. Rust and Bones7. Skyfall8. The Avengers9. Silver Linings Playbook10. Frankenweenie
  4. One of the best films ever made. Brilliant, atmospheric and unforgetable. Everything is impressive but the final 30 minutes when Brando appears is something truly unforgetable. A film with so many layers and interpretations. Coppola during the 70's had the best streak ever starting with The Godfather up until Apocalypse Now! The horror, the horror... One of the best lines and deliveries ever.
  5. Yesterday i read somewhere that he starts shooting a disaster film called Pompeii in a month or so. He 'll probably shoot them almost back to back.
  6. Danny Boyle is the easiest guess and he's a good choice for sure although i wasn't as impressed with his last 2 films (Slumdog, 27 Hours) as most people. I think his style these days is a bit more trippy than what the subjects he does need. I'm not sure if this style will work for Bond. But i 'll surely welcome his addition. He made Trainspotting and 28 Days Later after all. Plus Trance looks great. Joe Wright and probably Wyatt are some really good choices also. Ang Lee is a longshot but it would easily be my first choice.
  7. Well that's unfortunate. Those are some pretty big shoes that need to be filled. Danny Boyle is the first name that popped into my mind.
  8. A movie stands on its own. It doesn't matter if it was Fincher's or Woody Allen's. I'm watching a certain character and a certain story. I can't view and judge a film because i know who the director is so i have to expect him to do some certain things. But when he doesn't and i 'm supposed to like it even though it doesn't make any sense at all and it's completely unbelievable. And Fincher actually only had Seven in his resume back then so it wasn't like he had a recognizable personal style yet. (OK he had Alien 3 also but lets not get into that) I 'm a huge Fincher fan don't get me wrong (easily one of the Top-5 filmmakers working today) but i really can't believe that ending. It left me a scar since it was one of my favourite movies at the time up to those last 10 minutes. P.S. Your signature rocks. Great quote and the best action film (if you consider it one) ever made.
  9. The Game I always turn it off about 15 minutes before it really ends. One of the best thrillers i 've seen and then the incredibly silly, Dinsey ending happens. High Tension Awesome horror film up until the ending that felt really cheap.
  10. It's a charming film. I love the tonal shifts. It mixes comedy, drama and romance in a brilliant way. I love the energy that David O' Russell brings to the movie and the performances are all great. I think that Cooper steals the show though. The third act is pretty comnventional and cliche though so that brings it down a bit. I don't think it's a masterpiece or anything close (it's not even David O' Russell's best film) but it's a well made, intelligent, lovable and kinda twisted rom-com.
  11. I never thought that this film would be such a big hit OS. Congratulations even though i didn't enjoy it.
  12. Just watched the final episode. It was a great finale and i really can't wait for the second season. One of the best tv series i 've seen. The plot is terrific and Spacey is brilliant.
  13. One of my favourite films of all time. A classic and another Kubrick mastepiece.
  14. No i didn't say hate. I don't think it was hated either. Whoever says it was hated is probably overreacting. I just don't think that it was that memorable or exciting enough so people would return no matter what. And i don't think it gained any more fans. But you 're right about the critic and audience score. I can't argue with that. Maybe i'm with the wrong people but no one i know really loved it. Most thought it was decent or disappointing.Of course I don't know anyone who hated it either.
  15. I didn't enjoy it as much as the rest of the films in the series. It never completely felt like a Die Hard film but that's not much of a problem. If it was a good film i wouldn't mind. But the plot was so far-fetched, the bad guy was way too weak, Kevin Smith's cameo was unbearable and even for a Die Hard movie the jet plane scene was way over the top. But Willis was good as always, the kid wasn't annoying and it had some really well shot action scenes.
  16. My favourite one after the original. One hell of a ride. Energetic, action packed, great chemistry, great villain and a really cool heist. The script was really good and intelligent until it reached the third act. Somehow they were out of ideas. But it's still a really good film.
  17. It was a worthy sequel. Not as good, not as memorable and not as smart as the original but highly entertaining.
  18. One of the best (or even the best) action films ever made. Hugely influential also.
  19. On the contrary i enjoyed The Last Stand the most. Actually i thought it was the only one that achieved its goal and reached close to its limitations. It was more well-crafted and more entertaining. I thought that Parker was one of the lesser Statham films. Bullet to the Head was pretty decent but it screamed straight-to-DVD at times and i pretty much hated Die Hard 5. I'm a big fan of the series but it was a big let down for me. But we all got are own opinions so it's cool. B-movie action films are pretty much dead right now unfortunately. A franchise like The Expendables will do fine but nothing "original" or a star-action-vehicle has much of a chance right now. Die Hard's performance is probably because people weren't really excited after the fourth one and the new one didn't look as appealing. Reviews hurt it also.
  20. Ted's WW performance is easily one of the biggest surprises of 2012.
  21. La Haine Seven 21 Grams - Not the ending but that whole feeling the movie was giving me left me exhausted. In a good way. Mulholland Drive
  22. This was really fun. It looked and felt like a western from the beginning to the end. The beginning was slow but i never found it boring since it set the tone of the quiet town and the old sheriff. And every actor seemed to have a blast. Then it slowly gets more action packed and more violent as it goes. The last 30 minutes (especially after that cool school bus scene) are really fun and pretty crowd pleasing. The action is well shot and violent. The fact that the movie knows that it's B-movie and knows its limitations is what makes it so enjoyable. It never really takes itself seriously and that was a good idea because the story is pretty far-fetched with a bunch of cliches. But Jee-Woon embraces those cliches and has fun with them along with the classic western themes. The underdog story and the old vs young theme is there too. And i'm probably one of the few that i found Arnold looking and playing old a good thing for this film. Made it more believable. It's a shame that it bombed since it's a fun action film. It would be a solid hit it during the 80's or early nineties that's for sure.
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