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Everything posted by acab

  1. Lots of great picks have already been mentioned. I'll add a few more. Beetlejuice - Tim Burton Assault on Presinct 13 - John Carpenter Road to Perdition - Sam Mendes Take the Money and Run - Woody Allen Rushmore - Wes Anderson Strnager Than Paradise - Jim Jarmusch The Big Chill - Lawrence Kasdan Flirting With Disaster - David O. Russell Red Rock West - John Dahl (what happen to this guy?) The Descent - Neil Marshall
  2. No i like it too.The Life Aquatic is the only Wes Anderson film i didn't like. They are all solid to great films for me. But i don't think i 've seen something trully brilliant from him. Maybe i don't click 100% with his films. But i'm always interested in a Wes Anderson movie.
  3. 1. A Seperation2. The Master3. The Social Network4. Amour5. Toy Story 36. Shame7. Black Swan8. Drive9. I Saw the Devil10. Shutter Island
  4. You mean the film A Separation from Iran?If yes then it's one of the best films of the decade for me.
  5. I haven't seen it. I liked Crimson Rivers also but this isn't the stuff i thought he would make after Hate. He started as the next big thing in European and French cinema not as the next Louis Leterrier.
  6. Andriew Davis. He made The Fugitive, a great action thriller. He never made anything more than just decent after that.Roger Spottiswoode made a really good and underrated film called Under Fire with Gene Hackman and Nick Nolte. After that he had some decent and passable films but most of the time his movies sucked.Vincenzo Natali went from Cube to pretty much crap.Antoine Fuqua. Training Day was good. Then nothing.I also think that Peter Berg has made only one good movie and that's his first. Very Bad Things.John Singleton of course.James Foley some how made one of my favourite films, Glengary Glen Ross.I only liked Dawn of the Dead from Zack Snyder.And the most disappointing one hit wonder director for me is a French director Mathieu Kassovitz who made Hate (1995), one of the best films from the 90's in my opinion. Then he completely lost it. I mean he did Babylon AD with Vin Diesel.
  7. It starts its OS run in a few days along with the US release.Predictions?I see it reaching about 100-110m OS.
  8. So about 140m OS total. Or am i pretty conservative?Still a good run.
  9. I love Woody Allen's films but this was easily his worst. I seriously didn't like it.
  10. I'm really happy with the Amour nominations. I didn't see that coming.I also love the acting nominations for The Master.Those are my favourite films of the year.But Di Caprio, Affleck and Tarantino snubs were unfortunate.
  11. One of my favourite Carpenter films. Totally underrated. Scary, funny at times, surreal, tense and full of surprises. And Sam Neil was great."Do you read Shutter Cane?"
  12. Frankenweenie was really good. Atmospheric, beautiful to look at and it had all the Burton themes mixed in it. I just wish it was longer so the characters could be more fleshed out. Still i think it's the best animated film of the year (along with Paranorman).
  13. 21 Jump Street and The Dictator (i'm probably alone in that one).Killer Joe was unexpectedly hilarious at times but it's far from a comedy!
  14. 1995. It had so many great films.Leaving Las VegasUndergroundHateHeatSeven12 MonkeysThe Usual SuspectsCasinoToy StoryShallow Grave
  15. Some of the most memorable ones from the films i 've seen so far.The KFC scene in Killer Joe is pretty memorable.The last scene of the couple in Amour and the nightmare one.A bunch from The Master especially the first processing scene.The opening and closing sequences in Skyfall and Silva's entrance.The action scene shot from inside the car in Safe.The final speech in The Dictator.Some of the scenes in The Avengers that are already mentioned.The airport scenes in The Expendables 2.The abortion scene in Prometheus even though i didn't like that movie.The final speech from Brad Pitt in Killing Them Softly.
  16. I'd like to add Killer Joe on the list. It's a love it or hate it movie but i really liked it.
  17. The DictatorProject XPremium RushAlso MIB3 and Safe House were pretty good and better than i thought they would.
  18. Actually i feel that most of Apatow's films (including the ones he produces) are rom-com films in disguise.Forgetting Sara MarshallBridesmaidsThe 40-Year-Old VirginKnocked UpThey are not dead just a bit transformed.
  19. The Hunger GamesTedThe Dark Knight RisesAll decent movies but nothing special and really flawed.As far as critics' reviews go Killing Them Softly and Seven Psychopaths. I really wanted to like them but i couldn't.
  20. I saw it recently and i was blown away. The first processing scene in The Master. Two brilliant actors on top of their game and an incredibly tense scene shot with masterful simplicity that reveals the protagonist's soul.
  21. This movie along with Amour are the best films i saw this year and 2 films i consider to be mastepieces. It's definitily a thought provoking film with lots of layers. A film about power and vanity. I saw it as an allegory about the post-WWII America, post war trauma and the American dream. Top performances all around with the two protagonists being trully brilliant. Excellent cinematography and production values. P.T.Anderson has really matured as an artist and he remains one of the most intersting filmmakers working today.
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