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Everything posted by acab

  1. That's a really good opening for Prisoners. It will probably have some good legs and reach 70m+.
  2. I'd love to see that. If there is one guy that can get the best out of Schwarzenegger that's Cameron. And they already have a flawless streak together. But i'm still not convinced that it will really happen.
  3. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=intl&id=elysium.htm 144m OS.
  4. 1. Dawn of the Dead ('78) 2. Night of the Living Dead ('68) 3. 28 Days Later 4. Evil Dead 2 5. The Fog ('80) - if it counts 6. Braindead 7. Shaun of the Dead 8. Paranorman 9. Dawn of the Dead ('04) 10. The Evil Dead 11. The Crazies ('10) 12. Rec 13. Re-Animator 14. Zombieland
  5. It's numbers are very similar to Oblivion's os run (and to After Earth to a lesser extent). A safe prediction would be around 180m. Decent numbers.
  6. One of the best Woody Allen films ever. He should focus more in drama i'd say. Excellent performances all around especially from Blanchett and a truely great and topical subject. It really moved me. The divide of the story between the 2 sisters, the 2 time frames and the 2 cities was great and the changes between comedy and drama were excellent. I had some minor issues like the way Sally Hawkins' character changes her mind at the end which felt kinda easy and rushed but it's by far my favourite movie this year so far.
  7. Good numbers for Elysium. OS markets could save the day. It has a very good chance of reaching 160m.
  8. Awesome visuals, lots of action, a tight pace, a great Damon and an even better Copley. It mixed spectacle, action and sociopolitical ideas. But even though the story is good and has some really interesting ideas in it, the script was full of holes and flaws. It was a missed opportunity to be a trully great movie. But it's still a good one, just nothing trully special. Stangely enough i had about the same feelings with District 9. I had my issues with the script but they were much less than Elysium and its story was more interesting and original. Still considering the quality of this summer's blockbusters, Elysium feels better and more mature. But Blomkamp needs a better writer for his ideas from here on.
  9. Saw it when it was released, so it's been a while. But i remember really liking it. Nicholson was incredible in it and it had a cool atmosphere. A bit slow maybe but i remember being pleasantly surprised. It was the first Sean Penn directed film i saw and i remember thinking that he showed some good premise.
  10. Jeffrey Combs. Always fun to watch, i recently saw him in a pretty great and dark low budget horror flick called Would You Rather and he was chewing so much scenery. He was a blast. Steve Buscemi. John Goodman of course. Richard Genkins. Nick Nolte.
  11. I know it's a western and all but it's pretty shocking how bad is flopping overseas.
  12. It's having a pretty awesome overseas run also.
  13. A pretty lame Die Hard ripoff. But Snipes and the bad guy are cool.
  14. Inferno. It's the fifth one. It actually doesn't have almost anything to do with the Hellraiser mythology. Pinhead is just pushed there for name recognition. But it's a really atmospheric and creepy film. It always reminded me of the nightmares in Max Payne the video game. I find it underrated. It went straight to dvd but the director made The Exorcism of Emily Rose and Sinister after that.
  15. Looks good and i believe it's going to be a great movie. It will make some good numbers also.
  16. Monsters University is doing really good. 300m would be much easier if DM2 wasn't coming so soon. But i see it having good legs either way.
  17. It's doing surprisingly solid numbers. I think it will get to at least 100m.
  18. Good OS opening. It will probably hit 400 to 450m depending on legs.
  19. 1. Once Upon a Time in America2. The Terminator3. Stranger Than Paradise4. Cotton Club5. Ghostbusters6. Blood Simple7. All of Me8. A Nightmare on Elm Street9. Body Double
  20. 1. Blade Runner2. The Thing3. Koyaanisqatsi4. ET5. The Year of Living Dangerously6. Conan the Barbarian7. The Verdict8. Tootsie9. Missing10. One From the Heart
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