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Everything posted by James

  1. Not really: http://boxofficemojo.com/studio/chart/?yr=2014&view=company&studio=wb-newline.htm If you talk only DOM, I agree, but we should watch the WW numbers. In the end, cash is cash. Lego was obviously a huge succes, Godzilla also made good money and granted a sequel, 300 tripled it's budget WW, Edge of Tomorrow probably lost them money, but not much (with DVD sales and TV they shoul acually make money of it). Tammy was a succes. Annabelle is pure profit. If I Stay made 75M on a 11M budget. Blended made 130M on a 40M budget. Of course you have TIWILY, Winter's Tale and The Judge, but those where cheap movies (20M, 60M, 50M). Last year, they had a similar bunch in the first months of the year. Their only big buget bomb was Transcendence, and even that only had a 100M budget and made more than that. Not a great year compared to 2013, but they still have The Hobbit and the OS revenue from Interstellar and Horrible Bosses 2 (and with auxiliary revenue even disappointment might become money makers). Plus, they got 2 franchises running: Lego and Godzilla. Overall, a nice year for them and they'll finish 2nd after Fox DOM.
  2. I seriously doubt that. First of all, Time Warner is a huge multinational media corporation, third biggest in the world behind Comcast and Disney. WB is just a small part of their business (they also have among others New Line, HBO, CN, CW, Bomerang, CNN and most importantly, Hanna-Barbera). Their reported revenue last year was around $ 30B. Second - they have big franchises besides DC - Potter (or Beasts, that is a guaranteed hit no matter what) and now Conjuring and their successfull start of an animated cinematic line (Lego). Add to that Godzilla and the rumored Scooby-Doo new movies and bang. Even if their DC universe won't work besides Superman, Batman and assemble movies, those alone should provide them with at least one big comic book film per year.
  3. I don't think they are ignorant or naive. Most people vote with their gut. I mean, the campaign does little to help them. For example, we have presidential elections this year and from the three major candidates I'll choose the one I like most. One of them is part of a minority and we already have enough talk of regional indepenence (my ass). The second one - I hate him with a burning passion, to the point of wanting to smash his face every time I see him. The third one is a woman. I'll vote for her despite the fact that it is said (and quite true) that she got where she got by being pretty much a slut and sleeping with various influential people. She's not that great of a politician, but I don't dislike her as much as the others.
  4. As much as I love TH, it will be hard for it to make 300M DOM, let alone 320. But 800M OS is well within reach.
  5. Because SARFT wants local movies to dominate. And unless there's some co-production going on (like for TF4), that's what Hollywood movies get.
  6. I know this is the norm for horror movies OS, but I just can't help comparing it to Annabelle or Conjuring and laughing.
  7. I would't go that far, but I can see your point. They are still among the, if not the most powerful of the six studios and they seem to have resolved their franchises crisis with Fantastic Beasts, DC, The Conjuring and Lego universes (plus they have a big number of huge animated properties to make them money and merchandise rights to them: Scooby-Doo and most of the classics). If they actually bring back Matrix, financially at least, they are golden. In the end, they are a movie studio and like any other one, they want to make cash.
  8. With this I agree. Basically from 2016 and on they are Disney 2.0. Which is kinda sad considering that after Sony gave up, they were the last studio that spend big amounts of money on original films. But it makes sense for them from a business point of view I guess.
  9. Really, because their future looks bright to me once all their new big projects start (2016 onwards). What's so wrong with their new CEO?
  10. Do you think it could reach 13M admissions? ($ 90M ish)
  11. Avengers made 50.5M, IM 3 - 64M. If we're doin' some simple math, IM 3's average ticket price was about $7 (actually a bit less than that). TA would need to make at least 13M adm to reach 90M. That's a hell of a long way shot.
  12. Really? Because it was far better that any SW movie and I'm not a fan of any of these universes. Haven't watched any Star Treks except for the new ones.
  13. This statement is more cynical than the entire movie. Nothing wrong with admitting our society has some parts that should be removed. And who gave this a C?
  14. TOP 50 MOST ATTENDED MOVIES This is a list of the most attended movies in Romania's history. As you can see, the oldest ones are from 1993, because that was pretty much the year the cinema business began here, after the fall of communism. There are quite a few movies that appeared earlier, but were introduced in cinemas in 1993. From these 50 films, only 11 are 21st century movies. Of these 11, most are franchises: 2 Hobbit films, 2 Ice Age, 1 Twilight, 1 Bond, 1 Pirates of the Caribbean. There are 4 original ones: Avatar, The Wolf of Wall Street, Frozen and 2012. It's also worth notting that there are 2 local movies that made the list: The Second Fall of Constantinople (the most attended ever) and Live Paradise. And one last thing: even though these movies have high level of attendance, the biggest part of them had measly grosses because of the insignificant ticket prices back in the day. For example, The Second Fall of Constantinople only made aprox. $35.400 (that means a ticket was around 2 cents ). With today's average ticket price, it's admissions would translate into around $7.5-8M. Avatar is the highest grossing movie all time with $6.4M, followed by the two Hobbit films with around $2.5M each.
  15. HIGHEST GROSSING CBMs In the honor of 'Avengers: Age of Ultron''s trailer release, I made a list of the highest grossing superhero movies in Romania: NOTES: - Batman Forever is the most attended CBM ever, with 291.073 admission, but it's gross was only $18.000. That's an average ticket price of $0,06 for it! That was the period after the fall of communism and the reason why I have data for movies only beginning with 1993. - The Dark Knight Rises is the second most attended CBM ever. - Thor 2 is the highest grossing SH movie ever; it's also the 3rd highest in attendance and had the best OW for a CBM. 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' might have a chance to beat it.
  16. One of the best movies ever made and definitely Top 5 all time for me. Thrilling, engaging, mesmerising and fearless. That's pretty much what Fight Club is. And you can't help but notice how some of the ideas the film revolves around are just as fitting for today's society as they were back then. Maybe even more so. It also displays one of the, if not the most memorable character ever created by Hollywood. Pitt's Tyler Durden is complex and charming and irresistible in that way that you cheer for him as hard as you can even if he's supposedly the bad guy at some point. And then the movie ends and it leaves you wonder: What if...? A+
  17. Best Marvel movie. Too bad the second one was such a disaster. A
  18. GTFO. They are among the best directors Hollywood ever had.
  19. WEEKEND BOX OFFICE Very good weekend, thanks to INSANE holds and 'Annabelle''s strong debut. - Unbelievably, Dracula Untold rules the box office for a third week in a row, sliding a very good 20% to 21.700 admissions. It's 154.620 adm total and 805K gross so far are way ahead of 'Maleficent' through the same point (and that despite 'Maleficent''s huge 3D advantage). In fact, by the next weekend, Dracula should surpass the Disney movie in admissions. That being said, there's a really strong chance it ends up in Top 5 for the year. Great performance! - In second place, Annabelle is the biggest horror opener ever. It sold 21.010 adm. and brought in 111K. Even if that seems nothing to brag home about, it still is mighty impressive for the horror genre, that is DEAD here. It amost doubled 'The Conjuring''s OW and made almost the same as 'As Above, So Below' in it's entire run (note: the ranking does NOT include movies like 'Dracula Untold' or 'Underworld', that are more action than horror). - Despite supposedly bad WOM, A Walk Among The Tombstones eased a light 23%. It's OW was in the same ballpark as 'Gone Girl''s and it's second weekend drop is much better. That's a huge surprise and bodes well for it's final gross, that should surpass 400K. Another win for Neeson. - The second opener, Before I Go To Sleep, floped with 11.000 adm. Not much to say about it. In fact, it did more than I thought it would. - Speaking of Gone Girl, David Fincher's drama turned into a WOM event. It eased just 6% this weekend and already hit a 3x multiplier. It should easily finish above 500K. Big win for it! - In sixth, Kill The Messenger was the second bomb opener. - The Equalizer dropped a light 18%. It's gross stands at a very good 475K, way above the Denzel range. - The House of Magic confirms once again it's animated hit status. In it's 10th weekend, it increased a huge 41%.It now made 532K and the final projection for it keeps going up. 600K is now an easy target (it also surpassed the 6x multiplier border). In fact, let's take a look outside Top 10: * 'Escape From Planet Earth' (+26% in it's 11th week) * 'How To Train Your Dragon 2' (+10% in it's 18th week; this is the fourth weekend in a row when it increases!) * 'Planes: Fire and Rescue' (+85% in it's 14th week) Family audiences are starved! 'The Boxtrolls' openes in two weeks and it will be huge (it'll likely make more on OW than 'Paranorman' in it's entire run), especially considering it has a competition free market till 'Penguins of Madagascar' opens, a month later ('Big Hero 6' - January 23 2015). - The only bad drop from pretty much the entire chart came from The November Man, that fell 50%. - The Maze Runner closes the top, after a measly 10% drop. The total stands at a very good 571K. It already made more than 'The Hunger Games' and 'Divergent' in their entire run. Top 10 this week: Next week's openers: - Fury - Serena - Two Night Stand - Automata (SF) - English Vinglish (comedy) - Cuscrii (local comedy) A very crowded schedule. And the week after that we'll have another 6 new releases. Fury has Brad Pitt, but it's limited by it's adults-only appeal (here, young audience are the driving force). A debut in the 15.000-20.000 adm area is likely. Serena also has a big star, Jennifer Lawrence, but the trailers looked dull and the marketing also wasn't brilliant. It should get a pass if it goes over 10.000 adm. All the other movies should end up under the 10.000 adm border. Also, here's a look at TOP 20 for 2014 (the bolded titles are still in theatres):
  20. Really? I went to this with three people, one guy, two girls, all my age (20-21) and I've never seen them so absorbed by a movie. Like, 1 hour after it was over they were still: 'Wow!', 'I can't believe it!'... And I had my audience clapping. No other movie ever had that. Funny thing: there's that scene where they fight after Amy returns and the reporters are downstairs. Nick asks why does she want their relationship to continue since all they do is hurt each other. She replies with: 'That's marriage' or something like that, at which I said louder than intended: 'Wow! Really?' My entire theatre (mostly older crowd) started laughing. As for the characters, there are very very few as memorable in cinema history. They are almost to the level of Fincher's Tyler Durden. I could understand both their motivations and sympathize with each of them. And at the end I think Nick is somewhat happy they are back together. Even though her intention was to destroy his life, after she returns home she asks him at some point: How many people would kill for you? And beyond the sociopathic appearance of that question, I can see her point. Very few people in general would go that deep for someone they have a bond with.
  21. Fight Club A+ Gone Girl A+ Zodiac A The Curious Case of BB A
  22. Fight Club (1999) - How come we don't have a thread for this?! I could swear I saw one, but now it's nowhere to be found.
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