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Everything posted by James

  1. This thread GotG is liked by many people. Is is the best movie of the year? Absolutely not. The best of the summer? Not even that. But it was good overall. It had it's bad moments and I'm one of the people who absolutely hate the overuse of humor in SH movies, but I still found it to be ok. So I can understand Baumer and I can understand the others. Can't wait to see what 'TMTN' looks like
  2. With how much is looking 'Brick Mansions' to finish? Can it pass 30M?
  3. Titanic is easily the biggest BO monster ever. To make that kind of money in 1997, especially OS is just insane. Regarding DOM, Titanic adjusted (1,1B) is No. 5 all time after Gone with the Wind (1,6B), Star Wars (1,4B), The Sound of Music (1,16B) and E.T. (1,15B).
  4. 59M in all OS territories vs 43 in the US. It just shows how popular it is in the US, comparing to the rest of the world.
  5. Of course not. Making 300-500 OS in 2001-2005 is nothing to laugh at. It's very big. But meanwhile other franchises passed it OS and that's because the brand was poorly marketed ouside of the US. No one says it's not big, but people expecting it to easily match Potter, Avengers or even TF OS will be disappointed. I expect it to land somewhere between 750 and 800M OS which would be really big!
  6. Oh, it's bigger! A lot bigger. It's easy to see.
  7. No, of course not. But I was saying you can't compare it with Potter or Titanic. It's just not on the same level.
  8. I was talking OS. HP8 made 960M OS. I clarly stated that. And TPM hit 1B after bringing over 100M from the 3D re-release.
  9. OK, I can't speak for the US since I don't live there. But comparing SW to HP or Titanic OS is just silly. Maybe the OT adjust over it but the prequels clearly showed that there is no comparison between the two OS. OS it just lost momentum. POA, released in 2004 and the lowest grossing Potter OS made what TPM made after it's 3D re-release in 2012. All Potter movies except POA made over 600M OS without 3D and big grosses from China. The last one made 960M. You can't possibly expect SW7 to come close to that.
  10. But that's just borderline idiotic. Why wouldn't they want to make SW more popular OS where it's clearly not that big? Is Spike a thing in the US? It doesn't exist here.
  11. I freakin love Star Trek much more than SW but there is no comparison. SW is more popular. But I see people here comparing SW to Titanic, Avatar or HP... Are you serious? Everyone of those things had smth very special about them: Titanic and Avatar felt like phenomenons. I don't know how it's like in the US, but here they have Titanic on TV on the same channel at least 5 times a year and every time facebook goes insane. It freakin established record after record last year with audiences. Avatar is not that popular, but I still see it 2-3 times a year. Same with HP and LOTR. As for SW I never, not even once, saw it on TV. The only thing SW related was the SW: Clone Wars animated series on CN. Also, HP on the other side had it's unbelievably loyal fanbase and that mentained it's grosses on huge levels, despite lacking 3D. SW already proved with the OT and the prequels that it lacks that steadiness. Will SW7 be huge? Definitely! But comparing with Avatar or Titanic or saying people don't still care about those things? That's ridiculous.
  12. It is. There are few movies that beat it entertainment value wise and the GA pretty much agrees. In the end it made over 400M in the US without 3D. And the last two TF movies made over 1B WW. There are 2-3 franchises that are on the same level and that's it. RT critics? Be serious. They gave POTC:OST 33%, TMNT 20%, TF4 18%, Transcendence 19%. Freakin Planes and Step Up will finish above them . It's a freakin joke. They are so biased and Depp and Bay are just two examples. And on IMDB all TF movies got over 6 but that's just pointless to add. It's still the internet where some people seem to make the goal of their life from hating a movie. You call that objective? The thing is that box office is a good way to see the quality especially when we're talking a franchise because despite getting slammed by the critics and getting lower ratings than GotG for example which every 'critic' seems to love, TF or POTC or others will keep attracting the audience and make billions. Just give me a sign when people will actually give a fuck about what self proclaimed critics say.
  13. Quality is subjective. Quality may be equivalent with box office in which case TF4 will be the best movie this year, thing with which I agree. Or, if you want it to be, it may be equivalent with what the critics say, but I generally don't like snobs. I love a lot of movies that they hate. But if a looot of people like a movie that means that it has done at least smth right.
  14. Ah, please no. He would ruin everything. Just bring Duhamel's character back. Just re-watched TF4. I liked it even better this time. It holds on its own. Shia's disappearance didn't bother me as much and Marky Mark was actually decent. I liked the father-daughter-bf awkward situations even tho the movie itself was much darker than previous ones. Bay is a God in creating action spectacle. Not too fond on Dinobots tho. Once again the score was awesome, I really really like that Imagine Dragons track and how it is incorporated in the OST itself. Really hope Bay returns for the fifth one.
  15. Really? You have people predicting close to or over 700M for SW and you think JW is the most over predicted?
  16. Well, this thread is not representative for the GA so there's really no point in asking.
  17. Well, I did say SW7 will make around 150M more than Hobbit DOM. I expect good legs for it. And yeah, today's movies are much more front loaded than the movies 10 years ago. SW will make no exception.
  18. Just 5M more non-previews/midnights than ROTK. What am I supposed to understand from this? And yeah there was. The Hobbit. Whether it was good or not it's a different problem.
  19. I thought ROTK opened with 72.6M... 110 - 17 = 93M. Or you mean Revenge of the Sith? In which case, that opened in May. You can't compare it. There's a reason why May's highest OW is over 200M and December's is under 85M.
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