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Everything posted by James

  1. Is it weird that I'm more excited for Blade Runner despite the fact that I haven't seen a trailer for it or the original movie?
  2. For a second my brain died and I thought you were talking about FB and I was ready to drag you Speaking of FB, that Flixter score is stable at 86% (has been for the past 2 days), which is better than all Potter movies, save for DH2.
  3. Why the fuck am I not excited for this?!! It looks just up my alley. Something's wrong with me
  4. Yeah, I was thinking about this. With a 2.5x from the current markets you get 360m. That is a very low multi considering most OS markets have way better legs than HP does in the US. So that leaves China, Japan, Finland, plus a few smaller markets to make 140. But really, I don't see how it only gets a 2.5x multi from the current markets with the WOM it has. A 3x multi would take it to 430m. Let's say a 2.8x multi, which would still take it over 400m. Now, the China presales are already well ahead of DS. lt's not much of a stretch to think it does 100m there. Let's say it follows Goblet of Fire DOM as it did until now and ends up around 215m. So it would need about 85m from Japan, Finland and the other territories to make 800m WW. If the current territories hit a 3x multi, it would only need 50m or so from Japan and co. Either way, 700m will happen. It think it ends up around PoA WW.
  5. If wonder if by OD FB will also beat DS in midnight presales too, not just OD. I guess so.
  6. Also, maybe we can now put that FB will be as frontloaded as HP behind us. DH2 dropped 53% on Sat, DH1 dropped 38%. With 27m the drop is about 9%, which is in line with Goblet of Fire. That had a 2.8x multi. Even with less than that FB gets to 200m+ from a 75m opening.
  7. Weirdly enough, I am actually interested in this one despite being disappointed by TFA. Haven't seen SS yet so I can't comment on that one.
  8. ST:B was good, but not as good as the previous two. Civil War was one of the best Marvel movies, but that's not saying much. I liked the dark themes in BvS, but the movie had some problems. Gods of Egypt... let's not go there. Warcraft was... let's not go there either. ID:R... hell no. There were movies I enjoyed though: Pets, TJB, Apocalypse.
  9. Since we are here, you know what's funny? The best movie I've seen in the past 2-3 years was 2013 DTV movie with only 2 characters and the most brilliant dialogue I've ever had the pleasure to witness (curiously enough, I just now realize one of them was Dan Fogler). Seriously, I can't recommend this movie enough. Has anyone else seen it?
  10. Lol, I know you say it in jest, but remembering the way I was a few years back I feel old. And I'm only 22 ffs.
  11. I actually somehow agree with you. Not completely, but the experiences were I got out being mindblown were very few. It happened with FB yesterday, with The Hobbit and Interstellar. And that's about it. I find more and more that movies that stick with me are either small ones I watch at home. It's partially called being a pretentious fuck, but i don't mind lol.
  12. I think (Actually I'm pretty much positive) that they will ask JK to adapt it. Add a lot to it, break it in a series. C'mon, we both know those movies are going to come. Just imagine the nostalgia. They are locked to be heavy hitters. Meanwhile, WB makes money with a well received franchise that boosts the merchandise even more. With another theme park coming by 2021 I'm imagining the WW brand will catch up to SW even more. It's truly amazing how these two dwarf anything else out there.
  13. Anyone who thinks JK won't get her 5 movies is crazy. Besides the fact that WB would never really lose money because of the merchandise, they would never risk upsetting Rowling. Cursed Child is on the horizon and possibly other movies as well (Marauders for example).
  14. Agree. But I remain to my point that a lot of the new readers are kids. I personally know two brothers, 15 and 10 who just started reading them because a new edition was recently published here. Also, I just thought of something else. Maybe books are borrowed less from libraries because most homes already have them? It's a stretch, but just think about the fact that in these 18-19 years since they were published, over 500 million copies have been sold. 110m for the first book alone. To that add the fact that e-books are getting stronger and stronger the HP books have been in the Amazon ebook bestseller list all year. I think SS is in Top 5 even now. I don't think people truly appreciate how much does numbers mean. Think of The Hobbit and LOTR and Da Vinci Code or Fifty Shades. All literary phenomenons and the first HP book alone outsold each of them.
  15. My point was that there's a really good reason why legs in the US should be better than's your average Potter flick.
  16. So, to resume from the international thread: South Korea looks to easily top all Potters in USD. Russia looks to have possibly the second biggest grosser in the franchise behind DH2 in USD. Mexico is in the same position as Russia. In doesn't show signs of being frontloaded in any of those markets (so not playing like a Potter film), which is incredibly surprising especially in Russia's case. Additional evidence, but WOM on Twitter is even better than yesterday and yesterday was already great. And also there's the great UK opening. Unfortunately there, unlike the other territories, the ER is so bad it will fall from all Potters in USD.
  17. With that OW, would topping DH1's 26m be possiible? That would give it the 2nd biggest gross in the franchise behind only DH2.
  18. With this ER there's no way it matches DH2's 34m, but the biggest Potter after that in USD is OotP, with a bit less than 25m. There's any chance to get that much? It would be excellent.
  19. But then what's the explanation? If the ones buying it are not kids, then it means the franchise is expanding among older people? Why? I mean, it makes little sense, unless HP entered that sacred ground where it is considered a classic. I have no doubt it will achieve that someday, but it seems to soon to me.
  20. I agree. It would look good in headlines. I actually recently read an interview by him saying (and that's really really true) that some people move past WB because they don't have the massive Disney hits, despite the fact that they make an insane amount of money on smaller films. I even see people on this forum, who know the workings of BO, that put Universal way above WB thanks to that last year record. But a movie studio is strong when they can thrive every year, not just when they have all their franchises lined up. WB is constantly doing it and it isn't just because they release more movies. Those movies make them money. If not they would stop making them. I mean look at the numbers. WB made more than 1.5b yearly DOM for the past 9 years. The only year Universal made over 1.5b was last year. They easily will miss the mark this year.
  21. I didn't know that. And yes, it mattered. I just hope that the lack of rush in the OW means better than usual legs.
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