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Everything posted by James

  1. Gosh, I agree.It was just beautiful. I am surprised at how incredibly fitting the score was. It is right up there with the Williams stuff.
  2. Out of likes, but I think you will. Generally for me when I go in with huge expectations I tend to leave at least partially disappointed. Not this time though. Also, it won't happen, but this deserves an scar for the VFX. It is just mindblowing. This movie alone has more magic (spells etc) in it visually than the entire Potter franchise.
  3. No. Newt says he is in America in order to release the Thunderbird in Arizona, because it was illegally smuggled from the country.
  4. Also, did anyone see that Grindelwald reveal at the end coming? It was amazing. I was in awe. I didn't suspect anything until Graves was to be relieved of his wand and he started dueling with an entire department of Aurors and was actually winning. I was just stunned watching that, since I remember not even Voldemort in the books could do that. This series will be amazing! OMFG. And now another 2 years of waiting!
  5. They are dark, but looking at CBMs nowadays and other things directed at kids, I don't really think they are too much.
  6. SO this is the best movie of the past 5 years. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ETC ETC ETC
  7. Seriously, there's no way this day becomes better. FB destroyed my wildest expectations and J.K. Rowling liked my tweet about FB. This is fanboy dream life right here.
  8. I know, but that doesn't make it any less of a family movie. It is very accessible and I really think the WOM will be great.
  9. Don't you guys think this will play more like a family movie than any of the Potters? My audience was so diverse and they laughed throughout the movie. Parent and kids both.
  10. Ok, so just got back from FB... OMG... ok, ok. In order. This deserves more than rumbling. So: do you know that moment when you are in cinema and the movie starts and from the first to the last second you are absorbed. I always check my phone at least once even if to see how much of the movie is left. Not because it is boring, but because I want to see how much goodness I got left. Well, this was the first time for me when I was so absorbed that I forgot about anything else. FB was THE BEST theater experience ever for me (I didn't get to see any of the Potters in cinemas). It was spellbinding. I am not saying that because I fought for this movie so had. I am not forcing my feelings. It was just absolutely perfect for me. From the music to ever single one of the actors, to the story. Needless to say it is the best movie I've seen this year. As a ranking: - GoF - DH2 - FB - PoA - OotP - DH1 - CoS - PoA - SS My showing was about 80% full and this is the most I've ever seen an audience react (I am not lying, so if you want to accuse, feel free), and that is because the humor worked. OMG. I never expected this to be so funny. Jacob was AMAZING. And I mean AMAZING. The girl next to me was crying with laughter. (Side note: I got RO, BatB and Resident Evil as trailers; BatB got an insane reaction) Aaaaaand.... this is me after FB: Now that that is out of the way, let's get to the box office. Not gonna lie, I am disappointed. I expected/wanted more. That being said, I am not gonna have a meltdown. I've just seen an amazing movie and I am so damn happy that it worked so well for me. I will hope for good legs since I am sure the WOM will be strong (at least here in Romania I am sure of that based on my crowds reaction). So for those of you who expected a meltdown, sorry. You know, funny thing, when I got out I thought of Star Wars fans and I felt sorry for them. Don't jump at me, it's not what you think at all. I am glad you guys get so many movies now, because omg, you've waited so long for them. I waited for 5 years to get back to the wizarding world and I couldn't have waited one moment longer. In these 5 years I've seen the movies probably 50 times each. And I am so insanely happy right now it's unreal. The SW fans had to wait almost 20 years between OT and the PT and then another 11 year between the PT and SW7. It seems so insanely hard for me seeing how desperate I was for new material. So really, I am happy for you guys! And this is pretty much all I guess.
  11. That's more like it! Hopefully FB has great WOM in China too and reaches 100m.
  12. Lol yeah. Here DC absolutely dominates, followed by Fox's Marvel.
  13. The only other number he have from Europe is Sweden, which is pretty good. From that OD it should be able to do 2.2-2.3m, which would be a 75% retention retention rate from your average Potter movie, like DH2. We'll find out more tomorrow.
  14. That is absolutely great. It is actually better than DS's second day, despite DS's OD being almost double the one of FB! Also, comparing to DH2 after 2 days: FB: 3.4m (515k adm) DH2: 2.9m (441k admissions) Was there a holiday today in SK or is it just fantastic WOM?
  15. It's behaving like SLOP so far. The Paris/France tickets also show it is less frontloaded than the Potter movies. I think 1-1.1m adm by Sunday can happen, no?
  16. That's about a day difference. Olive, would it be possible for you to give us another update tomorrow, to have an exact comparison? On another note, I find it a bit weird that OD presales are so strng compared to midnights vs. Doctor Strange. It appears Marvel is more fan-driven than HP in China. The same seems to be happening in the rest of the world too, which can only be good for FB's legs.
  17. It is amazing that it is actually selling more tickets than DH2. Ofc the drop in USD will still be big since DH2 made 36m. But maybe it can somehow match your average Potter movie, like DH1, with around 25m or so if WOM is good.
  18. HP and the Cursed Child reuniting the trio
  19. According to BOM, DH2 opened to 3.6m and DS to 3.3m. Yet the difference in presales seems to be huge from your report. I think the finale-franchise-heavily driven presales DH2 is not really the best comparison. I doubt FB will be as fan-driven as the HP series. 2/3 of DS sounds pretty good. If the OW gross respects that ratio it would mean a 2.2m OW and a 62-63% retention rate from DH2 which is actually pretty good. Hoping for fantastic WOM and a 2.5m+ OW.
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